Published: 04 December 2007

{pp}Who could forget the legendary Dean Martin, leaning suavely on the bar with a drink in one hand and a gently smouldering cigarette in the other? Typically laidback with a wicked streak of humour, the classic Dino’s TV show often featured mystery guests, from the legendary Frank Sinatra to Martin’s milkman and this supper club show will be featuring the same formula.

Backed by the colourful Colin Penn and the Pennants, Martin will be played by established entertainer Lenny Bowes. Booking is essential as seating is limited.

Event Details:

Tickets are R60 per person and can be obtained from Maria on 031 717 8000
Event: Dean Martin Invites YOU!
Date: Saturday, 15th December 2007
Time: 20h00
Venue: Club de Vie, Le Domaine
Entry: R60.00 pp
Contact: Maria Tel: 031 716 8000 


Published: 04 December 2007

{pp}LE DOMAINE: The very popular Le Domaine Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, 8th December 2007, at the Club De Vie. Join in the festive fun with a lavish 3 course meal featuring mouth watering dishes such as marinated topside roast beef, lemon scented pork casserole and creamy vanilla mouse. Be entertained by Rosey & The Pilots. Get out your dancing shoes and twist the night away to tunes from the 50’s and 60’s, as well as ageless favourites from the Rock & Roll era. Tickets are R105.00 per person, with R40.00 going to charity.

Event Details:

Booking is essential as space is limited and can be made with Maria on 031 716 8000.
Event: Annual Dinner Dance
Date: Saturday, 8th December 2007
Time: 19h30 for 20h00
Venue: Club de Vie, Le Domaine
Entry: R105.00 – Booking is essential
Contact: Maria Tel: 031 716 8000 


Published: 04 December 2007

{pp}CELEBRATE THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS WITH CAROLS! Join the Anglican Parish of Holy Trinity Hillcrest as they sing Christmas carols under a starlit sky in the Le Domaine Amphitheatre. Bring along your own candle or sparkler and the family, to recapture the true spirit of Christmas while enjoying the lights of Le Domaine.

Event: Christmas Carols with the Anglican Parish of Holy Trinity Hillcrest

Event Details:

Date: Friday, 14th December 2007
Time: 18h30 Venue: Amphitheatre, Le Domaine
Contact: Di Ward
Tel: 031 716 8017 

Out The Box: Festival of Puppetry & Visual Performance

Published: 07 August 2007
{pp}Out The Box is a groundbreaking performance platform that supports local and international artists and which is one of South Africa’s foremost visual theatre festivals. It is organised by Unima South Africa (The International Union of Marionette Art). The festival runs from the 10th - 15th Sepember at the Baxter Theatre and the Little Theatre Comlplex in Cape Town.

New minimum wage raises temperature in hospitality industry

Published: 25 July 2007
{pp}New wage legislation governing minimum wages in the hospitality industry came into force on July 1st and it has not received a warm welcome in all quarters. Both the Restaurant Association of South Africa (RASA) and the South African Chefs Association (SACA) were not best pleased. This was less to do with the figures involved, although some claim they will either cut jobs or raise costs (or both), but more due to the fact that there was no communication or warning about the proposed changes from government. So, grumblers say, the industry could not plan for the changes as they were given only six weeks notice of the new legislation, which was announced in mid May.

Wedding Tips South Africa Launches New Wedding Blog

Published: 25 July 2007
{pp}Wedding Tips South Africa has done it again, and this time it has done it in style. If you are planning to have a wedding soon then the new Wedding Blog is just the resource you need. Planning a wedding can be a daunting task and very time consuming. You have to organise the guest list, sort out the cake, get a wedding dress, get this - get that and you will be all over the show running from one part of town to the other.

SA Jeweller forced to cancel design competition by FIFA

Published: 19 July 2007
{pp}Uwe Koetter Jewellers have had to withdraw their recently announced design competition after receiving a letter from FIFA. FIFA made it clear in their letter that anything short of complete abandonment of the competition would be seen as an infringement of FIFA’s intellectual property. opens it's digital doors to local music fans

Published: 16 July 2007
Image{pp}Sound Issue Media (SIM), the company that brought music lovers SAMUSICdotcoza and the - Arts & Entertainment Portal, is proud to announce their new innovative digital music download shop. Driven by a passion for South African Music the team at SIM sees the new digital music shop as an integral part of their unceasing effort to promote awareness for South African music.

First Wine Produced In Gauteng By The Pinotage Restaurant And Wine Cellar

Published: 13 July 2007
Image{pp}In February 2006, a group of intrepid wine lovers destalked and stomped their way through a ton of grapes flown in from Meerendal Estate at the inaugural wine pressing festival held at The Pinotage Restaurant and Wine Cellar in Gauteng. The 2006 Cecile Pinotage have just been bottled, making The Pinotage Restaurant and Wine Cellar the first non-winery to produce wine in Gauteng.

Take charge of your child's safety

Published: 10 July 2007
{pp}Children are supposed to have fun and have a care-free existence. Living in a crime infested country like South Africa however could leave you constantly living in fear for your life and those of your children. The recent spate of reports on missing and abducted children has yet again begged the question, could any of this have been prevented?
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