Clutch Honours Adworth as South Africa’s Top Advertising Agency for 2021

Published: 01 November 2021

Going digital, advertising and marketing — these three can be a great hassle if you don’t have the know-how, or simply have too many things on your plate.That’s why we’re here. Adworth is a world-class advertising and marketing agency that has everything you need under one roof.

We’re a Cape Town-based company and are absolutely passionate about helping promising startups and businesses scale!With that being said, we’re truly honoured to announce that Clutch has officially given us the title of South Africa’s leading advertising agency as well as top B2B company this 2021!

To give you a bit more context, Clutch is an independent B2B research and rating platform that is widely respected by service providers and corporate buyers alike. Each and every year, the site holds an awards cycle to applaud the dedication and prominence of the best agencies worldwide.In their latest recognition, Adworth was hailed as a leader.

Such an amazing title means the world to us. Considering that we’re a young company, being seen and validated for what we do inspires us.

“Our focus has always been about crafting bespoke solutions for our clients and this award speaks to our customer-centric approach. We’re proud to be named one of South Africa’s top firms in 2021!” — CEO, Adworth

All of this is especially made sweeter because our clients played a huge role. Clutch’s award represents the tireless work hours we’ve put in to assure our clients of the best possible results.Thank you to all of our clients! We appreciate everything about our amazing relationships. We look forward to seeing more of your incredible reviews on Clutch in the near future. Cheers for this memorable win! This achievement is for all of you!

Let’s talk! Want to elevate your advertising and marketing efforts? Give us a call or send us a message! We’re excited to hear from you.

Design the Official Loeries T-Shirt and be a VIP at Creative Week

Published: 27 June 2019

You’ve got ideas. You’ve got talent. And as a young creative, you just need the world to see your amazing creativity, artwork and execution, right? 

Now here’s your opportunity: Submit your most impressive creation for the official Loeries T-Shirt, in partnership with Barron, and you and a partner could be VIPs at Loeries Creative Week in August. 

To enter the competition 

1. Give us your design of what you think the ideal Loeries T-shirt should be. No limits… 

2. Go to and download the T-shirt template. Post your creative design to Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag: #LoeriesBarronDesign. Share your designs with the world and get your people liking and loving your posts. The 20 most liked designs will be shortlisted and the Loeries committee will select the winning design. The winning design will be used for the Official Loeries T-shirt at Creative Week.

The winner receives two VIP tickets to Loeries Creative Week, 19 to 25 August, 2019, in Durban (Travel and accommodation excluded). 

Barron has been creating unique corporate and promotional products for over 25 years and is also the proud sponsor of the Media Innovation Category at the Loeries this year. It is a category focused specifically on new methods and approaches to advertising, on any media platform.  

Loeries CEO Andrew Human explains that “the Loeries Africa Middle East celebrates creativity and brilliance in the advertising and marketing space. It rewards brand communications that make us feel something, question the status quo and rethink our way of doing things. We’re delighted that Barron is sponsoring this competition, and we fully expect some unique and interesting design entries.”  Loeries Creative Week takes place in Durban from 22 to 25 August. Go to for more information and to book your tickets

A New Attitude: UnStereotyping Advertising: Men should feel powerfully emboldened to be counted as feminists

Published: 27 June 2019

As the Women’s Decade 2010-2020 of the African Union draws to a close, women the world over are standing firm in their push for gender equality – and they want men to walk and work with them, to change perceptions of how women are viewed, and implement changes right where they are. This is at the very core of the United Nations HeForShe campaign – a place where men can feel powerfully emboldened to be part of the movement and the solution.  

The strides governments are making are laudable, says Anne Githuku-Shongwe, Representative at the United Nations Women South Africa Multi-Country Office. However, the real work of gender equality has to continually happen in our communities, in our thinking, in our advertising and our perceptions of women. “That’s what the United Nations HeForShe campaign is all about,” she says. “Taking personal responsibility and change that will cascade into thought and community change.”  “With the advertising industry, we’ve created the Unstereotype Alliance, and we’re really challenging private companies who spend billions on advertising to make sure that every single advert that goes out does not stereotype or reinforce images of women as weak or as sexual objects, but actually promotes the image of the future that we really want, which is one where gender equality thrives,” explains Githuku-Shongwe. 

The Unstereotype Alliance is a thought and action platform which uses advertising as a force for good to drive positive change. It seeks to eradicate harmful gender-based stereotypes in all media and advertising content. Convened by UN Women, the Unstereotype Alliance contributes to empowering women in all their diversity (including race, class, age, ability, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, language and education) and addressing harmful masculinities to help create a gender equal world. 

The Loeries, the globally recognised awards for the advertising and communications industry across Africa and the Middle East, are Ally Members the Unstereotype Alliance. One aim is to engage with communications students through a dedicated Unstereotype Alliance and HeForShe Facebook Challenge “We really want students to engage themselves on the issue of stereotyping. If we can begin to impact on students who themselves are moving into this creative industry that shapes how we believe men and women should be in society, if we can start changing that, and every billboard that comes up, every ad that is on the table, imagine what that would do? A strong woman with a strong man, positive families. These are the images we want portrayed. And just one powerful ad can make such a difference.” “This is the kind of conversation that we want to have at Loeries Creative Week in August this year, with men who are not ashamed to promote feminism, and who can stand and be counted as a feminist.

We’ve got to impact everywhere there are influencers. Creatives are influencers, so if we can influence the influencers to influence the world, then we’re really influencing.” Anne Githuku-Shongwe explains that “in much of Africa and the Middle East, gender-based violence is normalised. It actually should be considered a state of emergency, the way you would deal with a cyclone or other disaster, because really there is a serious issue here. Rape in particular, and sexual violence, is prevalent in many countries, and it’s an area that really has to be dealt with because women will make progress in their education and in their economic advancements, but then they get into a situation of rape or some form of violence from a loved one, and all of that reverses,” she laments.  

Gender equality has to go far beyond just the number of women who sit in high positions, it has to translate to having actual impact on women’s lives. Economically, governments spend billions on procurements every year. “Barely one percent of that goes to towards women-owned businesses. Barely! And that’s a global average,” says Githuku-Shongwe.  “Just imagine if 50 percent of government procurement went to women-owned businesses? That would transform the world, because we know that women-owned businesses employ more people and impact on more people just because automatically they are households.

So the economic upliftment of women is not something to do just because it’s cute, it actually makes transformational economic sense. It’s good business actually. And it starts with changing the way women are viewed and treated.” Anne Githuku-Shongwe will be speaking at the Unstereotype Alliance Masterclass as part of Loeries Creative Week, 22-25 August. More info can be found at 

Major Partners:      DStv Media Sales, Gearhouse               

Category Partners:     AB InBev, Barron, Brand South Africa, Facebook, Gagasi FM, Google, JCDecaux, Nando’s, Tsogo Sun, Vodacom, Woolworths               

Additional Partners and Official Suppliers:   AAA School of Advertising, Antalis South Africa, Aon South Africa, Backsberg, BEE Online, First   Source, Fresh RSVP Guest Logistics, Funk Productions, Gallo Images, Grid Worldwide, Hetzner,   Mama Creative, Newsclip, Paygate, Rocketseed, Shared Value Initiative, Shift Social Development,  Vega School, VQI Communications Nigeria               

Endorsed by:      Association of Communication and Design, Brand Council South Africa, Commercial Producers    Association, Creative Circle, EXCA, IAB, South African Institute of Architects, IID               

Official Media Partners, Book of Swag, Brand Communicator Nigeria, Business Insider by Pulse, Campaign Middle East, Film & Event Media, Modern Marketing,The Redzone.               Twitter: @loeries        Instagram: Loerieawards        Facebook: The Loeries         

Distributed on behalf of the  Loeries  by:      Riana Greenblo Communications Date: June 27 2019         For more information, interview requests or high-res images, please contact:        Riana Greenblo on 011 3256006; 0825675159 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. McGloughlin on 0113256006 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (mornings only)   

The Loeries Shared Value Initiative: No-one stands alone

Published: 27 May 2019

If you love creative work that highlights a powerful, socially uplifting message, look at the Loeries Shared Value category, sponsored in 2019 by Vodacom. It’s a showcase of brilliant campaigns that are socially useful and commercially successful. Shared value takes corporate social responsibility much further.

“Rather than being charitable,” explains Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter, and Harvard Kennedy School of Government Senior Fellow, Mark Kramer, “corporate shared value is a management strategy in which companies find business opportunities in social problems.” Vodacom’s Managing Executive: Brand & Comms Abey Mokgwatsane says the Loeries Shared Value category is in line with Vodacom’s values and a natural sponsorship fit.

“Our commitment is to bring a meaningful, sustainable economic transformation of South Africa and beyond,” he explains. “We laud all companies that are creating jobs, stimulating the economy and being innovative about the way they make money, while still tackling the social issues of our times.” Safaricom's “DigiFarm”, the Kenyan mobile solution for smallholder farmers – which took gold in the Loeries Shared Value category last year – is a good example of adding value to the community while helping to build the brand experience.

The app enables farmers to expand and improve their business activities by providing education, access to loans, easier purchases and eliminating the middleman when they sell their crops. It simply helps farmers to do better business while empowering their lives and their community. Perhaps a question to be posed is, if business can be socially uplifting, does that mean it should be?

Pepe Marais, CEO of Joe Public United, and #1 ranked Chief Creative Officer in the Loeries Official Rankings, offers this hypothesis: “Aspiring to be bigger than yourself isn’t just a nice ideal, it’s the driving force of successful businesses.” Marais says: “Any entrepreneur will tell you that there is something far greater that drives her or his business. Without that drive, most would not have made it past the first year – it is simply too tough. The challenge is that this drive is so deeply unconscious that the conscious answer often may be money.” But, in reality, Marais insists we need something greater to motivate us.

“That drive is at the heart of the greater purpose of the business.” Ultimately, doing business with a purpose helps you do better business. Considering that Joe Public United is rated the number one agency in the Loeries Official Rankings, Marais certainly knows a thing or two about operating a company on the philosophy of shared value. “We believe that the growth of our people is linked to the growth of our creative product, which impacts the growth of our clients, and which ultimately contributes to the growth of the country,” he says.

Mokgwatsane agrees: “Vodacom is in the business of connecting people for a better future. Technology gives us tremendous power, but ultimately, it’s what we do with it that counts. We remain committed to responding to the needs of millions of people that can benefit from the capacity of technology to democratise access to the life changing services of a connected future.

By sponsoring the Loeries Shared Value category, we support companies and creatives who are using the power of shared value to inspire.” P2/.... The Loeries extended deadline for entries is June 7, 2019. Details at Major Partners:     DStv Media Sales, Gearhouse        Category Partners:    AB InBev, Barron, Brand South Africa, Facebook, Gagasi FM, Google, JCDecaux, Nando’s, Tsogo Sun, Vodacom, Woolworths 

Additional Partners and Official Suppliers:    AAA School of Advertising, Antalis South Africa, Aon South Africa, Backsberg, BEE Online, First     Source, Fresh RSVP Guest Logistics, Funk Productions, Gallo Images, Grid Worldwide, Hetzner,     Mama Creative, Newsclip, Paygate, Rocketseed, Shared Value Initiative, Shift Social Development,  Vega School, VQI Communications Nigeria

Endorsed by:    Association of Communication and Design, Brand Council South Africa, Commercial Producers     Association, Creative Circle, EXCA, IAB, South African Institute of Architects, IID        Official Media Partners, Book of Swag, Brand Communicator Nigeria, Business Insider by Pulse, Campaign Middle East, Film & Event Media, Modern Marketing,The Redzone.        Twitter: @loeries    Instagram: Loerieawards    Facebook: The Loeries

Distributed on behalf of the  Loeries  by:    Riana Greenblo Communications Date: May 27, 2019   For more information,interview requests or high-res images, please contact:    Riana Greenblo on 011 3256006; 0825675159 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Gina McLoughlin on 0113256006 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (mornings only) IMAGES INCLUDED:    Abey Mokgwatsane Digi Farm 2018 Gold Shared Value Joe Public agency of the year 2018 Joe Public Craft Gold CAPTIONS Caption 1: Abey Mokgwatsane, Vodacom’s Managing Executive: Brand & Comms Caption 2: Digi Farm took Gold for the 2018 Shared Value category Caption 3: Joe Public won agency of the year at the Loeries 2018. Caption 4: Joe Public won Campaign Craft Golf in 2018 for their A Little Hungry - Mine, Temple, Bank for Chicken Licken

Loeries 2019: Nando's fires up the design category

Published: 16 May 2019

Nando’s joins the Loeries to celebrate design Design from Africa and the Middle East finally gets the recognition it deserves with the expanded Nando’s Design category at the Loeries in 2019. This year’s category has been extended to recognise design from a much broader range of creative professionals. “We’ve expanded the design category beyond only brand communication to include areas of design such as retail furniture and product design, fabric, wallpaper, lighting, architecture and interior design, and even the design of signage programmes,” says Loeries CEO Andrew Human. He adds that the Loeries has long been recognised as the highest accolade in advertising and brand communication.

“A strong design award has been lacking for our region and this is a great opportunity for all designers to showcase their work and achieve recognition.” Design is woven into the Nando’s DNA, making Nando’s a natural partner for the Design category. “Design and creativity have been an intrinsic part of the Nando’s way of doing business.

Nando’s is the first local brand to collaborate with local designers at the scale it does,” says Deirdre King, Nando’s Brand Experience GM. She adds: “Putting our support behind the design community is important to doing business well. Our PERi-PERi power has charted new paths and careers for many local artists and their art. Putting that same fire behind the extended Design category for the 2019 Loeries gives us a chance to spice things up for the wonderful designers who will imprint their names onto this exciting category. According to Gaby de Abreu, Loeries board member and creative head of Switch Design, the awards are invaluable because they offer a chance for designers to showcase their work to a far greater audience.

“The Nando’s Design category at the Loeries is an opportunity to showcase excellence across disciplines in countries throughout Africa and the Middle East. For independent designers, it’s a unique chance to achieve recognition across the industry, reaching creatives internationally,” says de Abreu. “For a furniture designer working in an independent workshop or a graphic designer outside of the agency network, this year’s Loeries offers a chance to show the world what you’ve achieved,” he adds. The Nando’s Design category at the Loeries is open to designers across all the main disciplines. The entry deadline is 15 May and more information can be found on

About Nando's: While proudly South African, Nando’s is an international flame-grilling, PERi-PERi chicken restaurant group. We offer a twist of Afro-Portuguese with an upmarket and comfortable dining experience. Two friends, Robert Brozin and Fernando Duarte, opened the first Nando’s in 1987 in Johannesburg, South Africa. All Nando's PERi-PERi chicken is marinated for 24 hours, locally sourced and never frozen, ensuring our customers only get the finest flavours.

Our unique PERi-PERi recipe includes herbs, spices, garlic, lemon juice and bird’s eye chilli. Nando's authentic PERi -PERi has captivated its customers all over the world, making it the largest South African restaurant group to expand internationally. DEADLINE FOR 2019 LOERIES ENTRIES EXTENDED TO MAY 31 About Loeries Africa Middle East: The Loeries, a non-profit company, is Africa and the Middle East’s premiere initiative that recognises, rewards, inspires and fosters creative excellence in the brand communication industry.

As the highest accolade for creativity and innovation across our region, the Loeries promotes and supports creativity by helping marketers, agencies and consumers appreciate the value of ideas and fresh thinking.

Culminating in the biggest creative gathering in Africa and the Middle East, Loeries Creative Week Durban brings together the best innovative minds from our industry for a festival of networking, inspiring minds and recognising great work. Our region's creative economy is world-class and has great potential to grow and to offer employment both to our talented youth. The growth occurring throughout Africa and the Middle East is very exciting, and a major focus of the Loeries is to increase the standard of brand communication in the region.

Major Partners of the Loeries: DStv Media Sales, Gearhouse Category Partners: AB InBev, Barron, Brand South Africa, Facebook, Gagasi FM, Google, JCDecaux, Nando’s, Tsogo Sun, Woolworths Additional Partners and Official Suppliers: AAA School of Advertising, Antalis South Africa, Aon South Africa, Backsberg, BEE Online, First Source, Fresh RSVP Guest Logistics, Funk Productions, Gallo Images, Grid Worldwide, Hetzner, Mama Creative, Newsclip, Paygate, Rocketseed, Shared Value Initiative, Shift Social Development, Vega School, VQI Communications Nigeria Endorsed by: Association of Communication and Design, Brand Council South Africa, Commercial Producers Association, Creative Circle, EXCA, IAB, South African Institute of Architects, IID Official Media Partners Between 10and5,, Book of Swag, Brand Communicator Nigeria, Business Insider by Pulse, Campaign Middle East, Film & Event Media, Modern Marketing The Redzone. Twitter: @loeries Instagram: Loerieawards Facebook: The Loeries

Distributed on behalf of the Loeries by: Riana Greenblo Communications: 011 3256006

For more information, interview requests or high-res images please contact: Gina McLoughlin: 0113256006 (mornings only)or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Riana Greenblo: +27 82 5675159 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Creative Africa Celebrates Creativity #AfricaMonth and Africa Day 25 May

Published: 16 May 2019

Africa has creative talent to burn. We spoke to African creative leaders about how pan-African showcases like the Loeries, help promote African talent to the world – and why awards like these, inspire brands to be bolder, and do more creative and effective work.

There is a very human voice to African brand communication, as well as a sense of fun. Lesibane Mohale, Group Creative Director of Ogilvy Africa Group, in Ghana, admires the way “humour is weaved into communication messages”. In Africa, “telecommunications brands thrive on humour and simplicity to connect with consumers,” he says.

Many African creatives are driven by a belief that we can tell better stories by taking inspiration from each other, particularly from the unique and diverse creative resources across the continent. Angolan graphic designer Hilma Sassa feels that Africans don't yet fully value their creative industry and its importance in society, making it harder to get noticed, “As a creative, you may have more luck getting noticed beyond your country, and outside the continent, if you share your work on the international stage.”

That sentiment informs the work of the Loeries, the most prestigious creative awards across Africa and the Middle East. “Our mandate is to showcase the best creative work from the continent, of course. But, it’s equally about helping brands find the right creative team to help them realise their business goals,” says Andrew Human, CEO of the Loeries. “Countries such as Brazil and India are great examples of markets that have entered work into international award shows and won by leveraging locally relevant ideas backed by solid local consumer insights,” says Mohale.

“As a continent, we should champion work that feels unapologetically African so that we can showcase to the world what the continent is truly about.”

As Sassa puts it: “I am stimulated by the diversity of work created in Africa, which is deeply inspired by our culture and tradition. That signature makes it unique and different from the things we see out there.” A similar impulse drives Human, who urges more creatives from around the African continent to enter the Loeries. “The Loeries is the only award in Africa that is recognised by the global WARC Report, which makes the Loeries a unique platform for African excellence on the global stage.” Human says the international standing of the Loeries is the result of a commitment to high standards and an independent and objective judging process. “Every year, we host some of the world's top creative leaders to act as jury presidents, coupled with panels of leading experts from throughout the region. Their objectivity and expert insight is part of what makes the Loeries the benchmark.”

“Entrants know that their work is being held to the highest global standards, and it’s a unique opportunity for African creatives to show the world just how good they are.” About  Loeries Africa Middle East:    The Loeries, a non-profit company, is Africa and the Middle East’s premiere initiative that recognises, rewards, inspires and fosters creative excellence in the brand communication industry.

As the highest accolade for creativity and innovation across our region, the Loeries promotes and supports creativity by helping marketers, agencies and consumers appreciate the value of ideas and fresh  thinking.  Culminating in the biggest creative gathering in Africa and the Middle East, Loeries Creative Week Durban brings together the best innovative minds from our industry for a festival of networking, inspiring minds and recognising great work. Our region's creative economy is world-class and has great potential to grow and to offer employment to our talented youth. The growth occurring throughout Africa and the Middle East is very exciting, and a major focus of the Loeries is to increase the standard of brand communication in the region.

Major Partners: DStv Media Sales, Gearhouse
Category Partners: AB InBev, Barron, Brand South Africa, Facebook, Gagasi FM, Google, JCDecaux, Nando’s, Tsogo Sun, Vodacom, Woolworths

Additional Partners and Official Suppliers:    AAA School of Advertising, Antalis South Africa, Aon South Africa, Backsberg, BEE Online, First     Source, Fresh RSVP Guest Logistics, Funk Productions, Gallo Images, Grid Worldwide, Hetzner,     Mama Creative, Newsclip, Paygate, Rocketseed, Shared Value Initiative, Shift Social Development,  Vega School, VQI Communications Nigeria

Endorsed by:    Association of Communication and Design, Brand Council South Africa, Commercial Producers     Association, Creative Circle, EXCA, IAB, South African Institute of Architects, IID

Official Media Partners    Between 10and5,, Book of Swag, Brand Communicator Nigeria, Business Insider by Pulse, Campaign Middle East, Film & Event Media, Modern Marketing, The Redzone.

-- ENDS --

Twitter: @loeries    Instagram: Loerieawards    Facebook: The Loeries

Distributed on behalf of the  Loeries  by:    Riana Greenblo Communications Date: May 16, 2019

For more information, interview requests or high-res images, please contact: Riana Greenblo on 011 3256006; 0825675159 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The SpaceStation’s Digital Trends workshop emphasises key industry considerations

Published: 01 November 2018

The SpaceStation, South Africa’s leading digital media sales company and’s sales arm, hosted a series of presentations that culminated in a Digital Trends workshop in Durban in September. The aim of this industry roadshow was to unpack important considerations for digital media spend and strategy going into 2019. One of the key trends identified was by News24’s Editor-in-Chief, Adriaan Basson, who spoke to how vital it is to understand the implications of brand safety and brand safe online environments in the complicated age of fake news.

Said Adriaan, “News consumers have a yearning to return to trusted news, and when you couple this need with the massive corporate responsibility of ensuring brands are not funding destructive fake news platforms, it becomes very clear where and how digital media spend needs to be used.”

Adriaan was supported by Gavin Ruiters, Regional Sales Director: CPT at The SpaceStation, who looked at the power of premium video in a brand safe environment and explained the importance of’s new partnership with global video supplier Oovvuu; Renato Balona, publisher, who explored the shifting trends around mobile and Myles Brown, Head of’s Brand Studio, who unpacked what works and what doesn’t with native content.

The final speaker to the podium was Natasha Fourie, Head of Strategy at The SpaceStation who explained the importance and power of audience segmentation. Said Natasha, “More and more budgets are required to show greater efficiency in this economic climate.  Audience segmentation does just this by drilling right down into the data to identify true interest. It drives efficiency and impact.”

Added Craig Nicholson, Regional Sales Director (North) atThe SpaceStation, “It is clear that next year, marketers and advertisers will be faced with the dual challenge of showing greater results on shrinking budgets while successfully navigating their brands onto brand safe platforms. This means that cheaper programmatic options will not be the answer. The industry needs to aim for scale, on a credible network that can target and re-target highly segmented audiences to ensure each Rand spent is maximised.”

For more information go to @SpaceStationZA on Twitter. 

Riverbed's Evolution Inspires Agency Rebrand

Published: 11 September 2018

Riverbed is a bold and contemporary through-the-line creative agency. It is a black, female owned company that has throughout its ten plus years, navigated and adapted to industry changes to remain relevant and competitive. And now in this month of new beginnings, Riverbed announces its rebrand, revealing a modern look that’s more closely aligned to its renewed vision. 

Earlier this year, the agency’s founder and CEO Monalisa Sibongile Zwambila refocused the agency to place ‘brand experience’ at the heart of its creative thinking. “In the age of CX, Riverbed is fervent about developing creativity that people want to spend time with and so we’re always thinking about how we can build emotional attachments between the brands we represent and their consumers. Even through our brand assets such as our website refresh, we’re aspiring to build a brand and an agency that our customers will want to spend time with too,” shared Zwambila. 

Riverbed’s new identity is bold, contemporary, striking and simple. The imagery used with the icon is ever-changing, boasting a versatility that never tires. The creative team behind the redesign added that the predominant black and white colour palette is timeless, but through the application of colour, can be expressed differently to suit specific needs, again keeping it current. 

Zwambila commented, “Our team is aligned to our new ambition to become a leading independent agency and we felt that while over time Riverbed had evolved, our brand hadn’t. We wanted a strong, attractive brand statement that supported this ambition.” 

Awarded designer, Catherine Blomkamp developed the new CI, while Muguette Crozier created the website internally, fortifying the agency’s growing digital competency.                                            

iShack Innovation Consultancy refines and rebrands for new client offering

Published: 22 March 2018

South African innovation consultancy enhances services for long-lasting business impact Johannesburg, South Africa 22 March 2018:  iShack Innovation Consultancy, leading technology and marketing consultancy, has redefined its website and product portfolio to provide enhanced solutions and services to its clients. With a proven track record and exemplary client list, the company now provides hands-on consulting expertise across both online marketing and innovation engineering.

“We are committed to providing a digital customer advisory service that’s designed to fit in with our client’s business objectives,” says Richard Bensted, Managing Director, iShack Innovation Consultancy. “We provide a full-service consultancy with highly skilled professionals and we focus on maximising client return on investment.” The online marketing division of iShack Innovation Consultancy focuses on strategic advice, advanced search engine optimisation, Google advertising and social media advertising. The innovation engineering division focuses on mobile application development and enhancement, artificial intelligence, blockchain tech

nology, exponential technology consulting and enterprise software engineering. Each division delivers measurable results to clients, crafting tailored solutions that focus on the challenges and pain points experienced by business.

“We are committed to supporting the growth and expansion of your business,” concludes Bensted. “Through our use of exponential technologies, innovation and digital consulting, and our extensive expertise in SEO and digital advertising, we can help you to reach more customers, expand your brand and take your business to new levels and into new markets.” iShack Innovation Consultancy has an impressive client list that includes Abland, TUHF Limited, Dodo Shoes, CTU Training Solutions, Bidserv Industrial Products, JLL, One on One Productions and Cliff Central, and High Street Auctions.

The company was started by two South Africa entrepreneurs, Richard Bensted and Wayne Berger, and the freshly designed website and portfolio reflect their awareness of the new digital landscape and the demands it places on the business. To find out more about iShack Innovation Consultancy visit or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About iShack Innovation Consultancy
iShack Innovation Consultancy has been providing clients with exceptional service, solutions and innovative ideas for more than ten years. Established in 2005, the agency has a long list of well-known clients and success stories that showcase how both Richard Bensted, Managing Director, and Wayne Berger, Chairman – the founding entrepreneurs – have focused on client service, deliverables and measurable return on investment. To find out more about iShack Innovation Consultancy visit, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 082 823 8618.   provides a range of solutions and services that are ideally suited to subscriber-based companies in Africa. Our comprehensive portfolio of services and our extensive technology-driven expertise help companies streamline their business

For more press information or images please contact:Tamsin OxfordCoffee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

Condriac Quadruples in Size

Published: 05 September 2017

Condriac Digital Communications, a leading black-owned Digital and PR agency, has experienced tremendous growth in the first half of 2017 by acquiring new clients, doubling their workforce and have no intention of slowing down.

Tshepo Mphela joins the PR team as an Account Director, with 12 years of experience under his belt. This AAA graduate brings with him a wealth of experience in creative strategy and content creation to the agency. Having worked extensively at major PR agencies on clients such as Telkom, Shell, HP and MiWay, Tshepo’s extensive knowledge of the Public Relations industry makes him a dynamic and formidable publicist.

Public Relations Account Manager Candice Marescia, a College Campus IIE graduate, has a passion for events, media relations and brand management. Having worked on accounts such as Kellogg’s, General Electric, Eskom and Flight Centre, Candice brings a broad understanding of B2B and consumer brands to Condriac.

Karabelo Matlotlo also joins the PR team as an Account Executive. Karabelo studied Public Relations and Communications at the University of Johannesburg. Her career began at PR Expert, where she discovered her love for PR. She looks forward to advancing herself in the field of PR and welcomes the new opportunities ahead of her.

Thabo Ramosime joins the design team as a Graphic Designer. He earned his degree at the Vaal University of Technology and has worked on brands such as Castle Lite, Renault, Edgars, Jet Mobile and CNA. As a new team member who is passionate about design and illustration, Thabo aspires to take Condriac’s design and visual aesthetics to the next level.

Lauren Crooks joins the Condriac team as a Copywriter. Lauren is a psychology graduate and qualified life coach with a passion for words, people and all things digital. She has worked on a diverse array of retail brands and thrives on creating dynamic, engaging brand identities and developing strategic, creative solutions for clients.

Finally, Dwayne Nienaber joins Condriac as a Digital Account Executive. Dwayne earned a Diploma in Blogging and Content Marketing from Shaw Academy and is Google Adwords certified. He worked in the telecommunications industry for 4 years, but made the switch to Digital because of it’s fast-paced, exciting and ever-changing nature.Dwayne’s strengths lie in his strong work ethic and problem-solving and analytical nature.

“We have an ambition to become a leading agency in South Africa, and in order to do this, we hire people based on their great attitude, a particular skill set and sometimes a plain old gut feeling. We believe that our latest hires demonstrate all of this and will be instrumental in reaching our ultimate goal”, says CEO of Condriac, Keshia Patchiappen.

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