Biotechnology user group and seminar

Published: 05 December 2007

{pp} will be holding a breakfast seminar on 23 January 2008 to present its finding on its in-house SA Bio-technology report. will be holding a breakfast seminar on 23 January 2008 to present its finding on its in-house SA Bio-technology report. The report and seminar will outline why we anticipate a huge surge in South African bio-technology funding and development over 2008 / 2009 and will include a series of short presentations outlining industry developments.


Published: 04 December 2007

{pp}Watch with childlike wonder as the night sky above Le Domaine lights up with colour and sparkle! Join the Le Domaine community at the annual switching on of the lights, a truly festive occasion where you can meander through the Christmas stalls in the Amphitheatre, buy unique gifts, listen to live music while enjoying a glass of festive cheer in the Clubhouse and marvel at the multitude of Christmas lights as they light up. A must for families.

Event Details:

Event: Switching on of the Christmas Lights at Le Domaine
Date: Wednesday, 12th December 2007
Time: 17h30 for the market 19h30 for the lights
Venue: Amphitheatre, Le Domaine
Contact: Di Ward
Tel: 031 716 8017 


Published: 04 December 2007

{pp}Who could forget the legendary Dean Martin, leaning suavely on the bar with a drink in one hand and a gently smouldering cigarette in the other? Typically laidback with a wicked streak of humour, the classic Dino’s TV show often featured mystery guests, from the legendary Frank Sinatra to Martin’s milkman and this supper club show will be featuring the same formula.

Backed by the colourful Colin Penn and the Pennants, Martin will be played by established entertainer Lenny Bowes. Booking is essential as seating is limited.

Event Details:

Tickets are R60 per person and can be obtained from Maria on 031 717 8000
Event: Dean Martin Invites YOU!
Date: Saturday, 15th December 2007
Time: 20h00
Venue: Club de Vie, Le Domaine
Entry: R60.00 pp
Contact: Maria Tel: 031 716 8000 


Published: 04 December 2007

{pp}LE DOMAINE: The very popular Le Domaine Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, 8th December 2007, at the Club De Vie. Join in the festive fun with a lavish 3 course meal featuring mouth watering dishes such as marinated topside roast beef, lemon scented pork casserole and creamy vanilla mouse. Be entertained by Rosey & The Pilots. Get out your dancing shoes and twist the night away to tunes from the 50’s and 60’s, as well as ageless favourites from the Rock & Roll era. Tickets are R105.00 per person, with R40.00 going to charity.

Event Details:

Booking is essential as space is limited and can be made with Maria on 031 716 8000.
Event: Annual Dinner Dance
Date: Saturday, 8th December 2007
Time: 19h30 for 20h00
Venue: Club de Vie, Le Domaine
Entry: R105.00 – Booking is essential
Contact: Maria Tel: 031 716 8000 


Published: 04 December 2007

{pp}CELEBRATE THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS WITH CAROLS! Join the Anglican Parish of Holy Trinity Hillcrest as they sing Christmas carols under a starlit sky in the Le Domaine Amphitheatre. Bring along your own candle or sparkler and the family, to recapture the true spirit of Christmas while enjoying the lights of Le Domaine.

Event: Christmas Carols with the Anglican Parish of Holy Trinity Hillcrest

Event Details:

Date: Friday, 14th December 2007
Time: 18h30 Venue: Amphitheatre, Le Domaine
Contact: Di Ward
Tel: 031 716 8017 

Unique South African big 7 soccer ball to promote S.A. Soccer and World Cup

Published: 04 December 2007
{pp}Unique South African Soccer Ball can be used by Fifa partners to promote their Companies in South Africa with their own Logos. Also an ideal tourist souvenier to be sold at Game Lodges and Curio Shops throughout Africa.

Spicing up your sex life and saving lives too

Published: 01 December 2007

{pp}ImageUsing lubrication, enough of it, and the right kind may help not only to save your life but also spice things up in the bedroom. These days lubricant has come “out of the closet” and more of us realise it’s potential as the ultimate sexual accessory. Adding some to our sensual play can enhance almost every situation.

Sexy, Savvy and Seductively South African

Published: 01 December 2007

{pp}Sexy, Savvy and Seductively South African

Whet Personal Products cc, launched their new 50ml flip-top tube, Whet Personal lubricant range at a sparkling event at the Glen Boutique Hotel in Cape Town last Thursday. Oysters, sushi, sparkling wine and the sultry voice of Jazz singer Lucrecia Rodrigues set the mood for the evening. A pink tinged sunset swathed Table Mountain, a glorious backdrop that complemented the seductive brand. Guests, including celebrities and media were seen leaving late in the with massive smiles on their faces as they collected their goody bags, including samples of Whet Personal Lubricant, which they revealed they were “eager to try out”. Keynote speaker, strategic marketer, Terry Levin commented that although "we are surrounded by a kind of continual sexual white noise from our media 24/7, open public discourse about sexual matters, such as this evening, are unheard of. Yet it is products such as this, which have their very roots in very unsexy surgical products, that should now be openly promoted for their ability to fulfil claims such as increasing sensation during condom use, reducing the friction which can encourage the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and empowering women who no longer have to be dictated to about their own sexual lives.

By choosing to use, stock or promote a sensually South African product such as Whet Personal lubricants you are stimulating not just yourself or your partner, but the very economy on which we depend and thereby helping to channel some of the multibillion global sexual accessory market into our region. Products such as these no longer have to be associated with red light district or sleazy high street interfaces, but can now be the over-the- counter accessory of choice for an empowered and sensually advantaged consumer in a very underrepresented category. Whet Personal lubricants are available directly from Whet Personal Products cc and selected retail outlets and pharmacies.

Submarine Networks Head Into New Waters

Published: 30 November 2007
{pp}The concept of the information superhighway was based on a global undersea optical fibre cable backbone

Unleash your Manology!

Published: 30 November 2007
{pp}ImageRecent winner of the 2007 South African E-Commerce Award for Best Health and Beauty Store - is a dedicated online retailer of male grooming products for the South African market. Offering a wide range of innovative products for shaving, skincare and all over grooming.