Increase in business break-ins in Rustenburg
Submitted by: JacquiFidelity ADT noted a marked increase in business break-ins in the Rustenburg area. This week alone there were three reported incidents.
Clair Joubert, Branch Manager for Fidelity ADT says, “We are noticing new modus operandi where criminals cut the power and wait for alarm the alarm battery to die, they then break into business warehouses without being detected”.
“We recommend that business owners test their alarm and security systems on a regular basis, but this has become more important now than ever before due to increased load shedding implementation. The battery backup system is a crucial element that needs to be tested, to give you the ease of mind that it will still offer monitoring and protection when the power goes out,” says Joubert.
“If you have a stable and correctly programmed security system coupled with a battery that is in a good condition, it will continue to protect your home or business during any power outage.”
The only time any alarm system might not function correctly is if there is a technical issue or the battery power is low. “Most modern alarm systems have a backup battery pack that activates automatically when there is a power failure. We recommend considering an additional battery backup pack, as load shedding puts additional strain on the battery,” she says.
She adds that there are a number of practical steps that can be taken to ensure security is not compromised during any power cuts:
- Always remain vigilant, and report suspicious activity in your area to the SAPS
- Ensure that all automated gates and doors are secured
- Test the battery backup system and consider an additional battery pack for standby. Tests of alarm systems should ideally be conducted every six months
- Power cuts can impact on fire systems and fire control systems, so these also need to be checked regularly
“The best approach is to test your alarm system – for your home and your business – today, and check your perimeter security and make sure there are no vulnerable areas,” says Joubert.
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PREPARED ON BEHALF OF FIDELITY ADT SECURITY BY CATHY FINDLEY PUBLIC RELATIONS. MEDIA QUERIES CONTACT JACQUI Moloi ON (071 764 8233 OR EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.