17 September 2017

Mr Gay World Southern Africa Delegate News

Submitted by: Hendrik Baird

The organisers of Mr Gay World Southern Africa regret to announce that one of the delegates will no longer be taking part. 

Devon Llywellyn, #MRGWSA1, will no longer be able to participate in the upcoming competition. Due to work commitments, he is unable to join the delegates for the week-long event that culminates in a fundraiser on Friday 22 September and the Grand Finale on 23 September at the Atterbury Theatre in Pretoria. T

here are many beauty contests for the LGBTQ+ community, and the majority of them are easy enough to participate in. If you have above average looks and can wear clothes while walking on a stage, you can enter and stand a chance to win. Not so with Mr Gay World Southern Africa.

This local chapter of the Mr Gay World franchise is in a league of its own, and not everyone who enters will be able to make it. Apart from competing in various challenges, each delegate must run a campaign that benefits the community in some way. These could be existing or new campaigns, and each delegate is expected to prove that he has made a real difference.

The delegate chosen to represent his peers on a global stage will not only have the inner beauty of confidence, self-assurance, charisma and natural leadership abilities but how he maintains and portrays his outward beauty will also be considered. The delegate should treat his body as his temple and be active and outgoing. He must have impeccable grooming standards and needs to have a thorough understanding of what attire is appropriate for each engagement he is required to attend. During the week away before the main event, the delegates will stay in various Fortis Hotels where the pre-judges will get to know them better.

During interviews, the final jury will focus on the delegates who, among other things, must show an interest in the world and people around them; display patience, and have a compassionate and considerate nature. Delegates are expected to embrace change and articulate their thoughts and conduct an intelligent conversation. Charm and sparkle are just some of the qualities the judges will be looking out for, as well as the ability to be an ambassador that the nation and local community will be proud of.

The winner of Mr Gay World Southern Africa will be a diplomat of goodwill that will need to inspire his peers and the people around him. He must be willing to take risks and become something larger than he imagined; and ultimately, be willing to have fun, push the boundaries of his comfort zones, and meet many wonderful people around the country and be part of a very select and special group of men. 

Not everyone is cut out for this, and it will take a very special man to walk away with the crown for Mr Gay World Southern Africa.

You can now vote for your favourite delegate on the www.mrgwsa.com page. Tickets for the Grand Finale are available at Computicket.       

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