28 August 2018

New Series celebrates GaySA Radio's 3rd Birthday

Submitted by: Hendrik Baird

Pretoria, 28 August 2018 – To celebrate its 3rd birthday on October, Africa’s only LGBTQ+ radio platform, GaySA Radio, is adding several series to its offering.

Three years ago, two friends came together and launched GaySA Radio, which has grown from a volunteer organisation to a professional digital media company employing twelve staff. It has been a long and hard battle to start and operate the station without any substantial budget, and finding income through advertising has been a major challenge. But, against all odds (and even some bad mouthing from prominent LGBTQ+ people) the team is standing strong and working hard to extend the service and bring quality LGBTQ+ content to the GaySA Radio audience.At the moment, GaySA Radio broadcasts live from the studio weekdays 9 am to 7 pm. In October, this line-up will be extended to 9 pm, ensuring a solid twelve hours of curated broadcast content to keep you informed and entertained every day of the week. Saturdays are also getting a bit of a facelift.

Apart from the established weekday shows (The Workday Jive, Rainbow Talk, The Gay Agenda and Cocktail Hour), GaySA Radio is adding a string of new series to its lineup.

Cocktail Hour is an existing show that is getting a major makeover. Broadcast weekdays between 6 and 7 pm, this daily show is changing slightly to bring you a daily top 5 countdown, and the music of a specific artist. The top 5’s cover everything from countries that recognise 3rd genders, queer black icons, gay actors who played straight roles, and many, many more. The music features highlights from our new playlist and introduces LGBTQ+ musicians. Annemarie is your host for this series.

#MyTransJourney is a series of interviews with transgender persons about their journeys of discovery. Some have just started, others are well into the process, while some have finished their transition. Rian Pelati is our host who, starting in the second week of October, will introduce the people and bring their stories to you.

Marriage Material is a short series recorded at the first Open Mic Day held in Pretoria. In each episode, a different LGBTQ+ couple tests how well they know each other. This fun, lighthearted show, will alternate with #MyTransJourney from October.

Rainbow Families is a series that looks at LGBTQ+ families in all its forms. Adoption, surrogacy, having your own kids, families without children, what defines a “family?”, these and more questions are under the spotlight in this series.

Soul Searching is back for a repeat season. This series deals with various aspects of spirituality and is hosted by renowned hypnotherapist, Tom Budge.

Time Warp is a new monthly series that is the follow-up to the old Back to the 80’s show. In this series, we travel back to different eras and look at some of the LGBTQ+ history that has brought us to where we are today. Filled with music from the era, this nostalgia will run deep!Gadget Queens is hosted by our resident straight boy and LGBTQ+ ally, Ethan. He investigates the latest gadgets, rates them and helps you understand new tech.

Theatre Bitches Annemarie and Hendrik regularly attend opening nights and bitch about it later! They sometimes have guests who have seen the shows under review and bring you reviews, their opinions and recommendations.

LGBTQ+ Business Support Series. Do you want to learn more about how to use social media for your business? Or how about some tips and advice how to structure and operate a LGBTQ+ business? These are just two topics that form part of this ongoing series that support small LGBTQ+ business.

Here Comes the Spouse deals with LGBTQ+ weddings. Whether it be venues, clothes, how to conduct the ceremony, legal issues – these are all the topics of this special series that debuts early next year.

Best of… The Workday Jive, Rainbow Talk and The Gay Agenda is released every Friday, so if you missed the shows during the week, you can listen to the weekly podcasts at your leisure. These series will also be broadcast on a Saturday.

The exciting news is that there is space within any and all of these series for advertisers or sponsors to attach their name to it. Whether it is just to show solidarity with LGBTQ+ or targeting specific products at the target market (wedding venues, make-up products, etc.), the opportunities that are presenting here can have value long into the future, as on-demand listening ensures that the content has a long shelf life.

You can listen to the live broadcast, listen to podcasts, explore articles and news, and so much more on www.gaysaradio.co.za

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