Farewell Madiba, thanks for touching our Home
Submitted by: ChantalAvril Elizabeth Home for the Mentally Handicapped was very lucky to have experienced some of the "Madiba Magic" when he graced the Home with a visit as President.
"Our residents, though intellectually challenged, knew who he was and were elated by the love and compassion he showed them," says Kathy Jooste, Chief Executive Officer for the Home.
"The staff were completely struck by his overwhelming presence".
Says Jooste: "We are continously reminded of his quote 'Man's goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished' when we receive donations from the public whether it is money, goods or time".
And it is this quote that inspired the Home to use the annual Mandela Day to educate the public on the intellectually challenged.
"So many people are scaredof those who are different, who are challenged in some way," says Jooste.
"We use Madiba's example to debunk this myth".
Jooste says that it is extremely rewarding to see how people's perceptions of the Home's amazing residents are changed when they spend time playing soccer, competing in egg and spoon races or when they sing or dance with them.
"Thank you Madiba for touching our Home in so many ways.
"He truly was a man of honour and love and we join the nation and world in mourning our icon.
To find out more about Avril Elizabeth, go to www.avril.org.za or contact 011 822 2233.
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