African Youth Call For Africa to Stand Together and Fight for A New Transformative Agenda in the Sustainable Development Goals
Submitted by: Chantal
Youth from all over Africa, together with key role players in development, will meet in Sandton, South Africa from 20 April 2015 to discuss ways in which global partnerships critical for Africa’s sustainable development can be created. The meeting, which starts on 20 April 2014, comes in the face of a week of sustained attacks against foreigners from other African countries who are working and living in South Africa. Says Namhla Mniki-Mangaliso, Director for African Monitor: “When we look at what is happening in South Africa right now and in other countries within Africa, there is no doubt in my mind that turning against each other and harming one another, at this crucial stage, will hamper the efforts of all who are trying to influence the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Africa Post 2015”. The SDGs, set to be launched in September 2015, include targets such as eradicating extreme poverty, ending economic exclusion, as well as promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development. "In fact, the SDGs are designed to end the kind of squalor and living conditions that lead to the kind of insecurity and revolt that we see in South Africa today. “The intention of this agenda is to end up with a strong commitment from governments in Africa and across the globe, that guarantees a life of dignity for all citizens of the world, especially young people," explains Ms Mniki-Mangaliso. “What happens to Africa post-2015 is very important. Everyone, no matter where we come from, who we are or what colour we are, needs to work together to push our governments to completely commit to the goals and to do what we can to assist in reaching the goals set. “African citizens in particular need to form a stronger bond than ever; so that together we can hold our governments accountable for the commitments they make in this agenda,” says Ms Mniki-Mangaliso. “We need to create partnerships. That’s why we rate the panel discussion on Thursday 23 April at our workshop as extremely important.
“Speakers such as Dr Alioune Sall, executive director for African Futures Institute, and representatives for Stats SA and United Nations Development Programme will discuss and answer questions relating to how we can implement and create global partnerships for sustainable development”. In addition to the important discussions and training taking place during the workshop, the African youth from different geographical locations and backgrounds are encouraged to exchange information and ideas and work together in developing clear and realistic work plans to be implemented going forward. The workshop will take place from 20 to 24 April 2015 in Sandton. Members of the media are invited to the panel discussion on 23 April 2015. Please contact for more information and to confirm attendance. Members of the media will be able to ask questions and conduct interviews with youth, panel members, and members of Voice Africa’s Future’s team. The Post-2015 Development Agenda refers to a process led by the United Nations that aims to help define the future global development framework with SDGs that will succeed the UN Millennium Development Goals, a set of eight global development targets which come to an end in 2015. For more information on Voice Africa’s Future, go to or
Information on African Monitor:
African Monitor was established in 2006 as an independent continental body to monitor development funding commitments, funding delivery as well as the impact on grassroots communities and to bring strong additional African voices to the development agenda. Its vision is for an African continent rapidly achieving its development potential, whose people live in dignity, in a just society where basic needs are met and where human rights are upheld and good governance entrenched. ISSUED BY QUO VADIS COMMUNICATIONS ON BEHALF OF AFRICAN MONITOR Media Contact Chantal Meugens Cell: 083 676 2294 E-mail:
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