02 June 2015

Media invitation to the launch of Policy Gap 10: Kumba Iron Ore Report "Floating or Sinking": Social Licence to Operate

Submitted by: Chantal

Media are invited to the launch of Bench Marks Foundations' tenth edition of its Policy Gap Series. This report is on Kumba Iron Ore Limited.

Bench Marks Foundation and the Bench Marks Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the North-West University’s report, entitled ‘Floating or Sinking’ Social Licence to Operate (SLO): Kumba Iron Ore Limited, investigates the strengths and weaknesses in Anglo American’s Kumba Iron Ore mining company’s policies in its efforts to gain and maintain a Social Licence to Operate

This publication on the iron mining industry supports the organisation’s objectives by illuminating the serious negative community and environmental impacts of iron mining in South Africa.

Where: Cedar Park Hotel and Conference Centre              120 WESTERN SERVICE, WOODMEAD, SANDTON

Date: 3 June 2015

Time: 11h00

RSVP: Chantal@quo-vadis.co.za

To access the rest of the Policy Gap reports and to find out more about the Bench Marks Foundation, go to www.bench-marks.org.za.

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