06 June 2007

First South African Joomla! Day

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team

{pp}For the first time in South Africa all those who are in some way involved with Joomla! will get together to share ideas and experiences with the open source content management system. The day aims at allowing all Cape Town Joomla! users, designers, developers, administrators, trainers, webhosts and other related service providers to meet and talk Joomla!

The event will take place at Cape Town's Bandwidth Barn (125 Buitengracht Street, see map) on June 16 from 9am to 4pm.

Topics to be presented:
09h45    Internet Society RSA    ISOC - Naresh Dajee
10h15    Template tutorial    Brendon 
11h15    Site Stucture / Prototype    Matthew
12h00    Payment gateway    MyGate
13h15    JCE Editor    Ryan Demmer
14h00    Site Security    Hetzner
16h00    Joomla multimedia tutorials    SBH
16h30    Moodle    AOSIS


The organisers hope that this will be the first of many across the country as Southern Africans discover Joomla!.

The event is free, but seating is limited to only 40 attendees. Register on www.joomla.org.za, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information and to book a seat.

There will also be a commercial Joomla! Training Course on the afternoons of the 14th and 15th of June, for those who want to learn how to develop websites using Joomla!.

Contact Details:
Slingshot: 084-704-9614
raramuridesigns: 084-528-2020