13 December 2022

Transformation Laws Continue To Evolve

Submitted by: Pabi Mogosetsi
Transformation Laws Continue To Evolve

Pabi Mogosetsi, Country Manager for Universum Global South Africa comments on transformation and the EEA.

“The Employment Equity Act (EEA) – which prohibits discrimination against employees based on several factors from race to religion, gender to disability and much more, has been amended, with the new laws set out to take full effect in September 2023. (CDH, 2022

“There have been various changes and amendments to the EEA, but many factors remain for discussion. Every company functions as a living organism, with its own ecosystem and various species thriving and working together to make it work for everyone. Just like any organism, each one is different and has unique needs but what essentially makes them function is the company make up which is the people. 

Understand your people

“This year has been either a magical uprising or a tough year. Regardless of how it went, it was a year of learning and building up the people within the company and building together. The people you have will help when they feel like they belong and can express themselves and be themselves honestly without stigma, and with support from their workplace, they can bring their best selves forth (Wellness Survey, Universum, 2022).


“Diversity is the spice of life, paraphrasing W Cowper. With the world changing and updating rapidly, we notice that the longer we wait to decide, the harder it gets to find the solution that assists in building a genuinely robust and magnificent plan. The pandemic assisted many people in identifying various skills that most employees have harnessed or are freshly interested in. Diversifying job roles helps create this spice and helps build a beautiful recipe for companies to develop and be ready. It is time to build relationships beyond industries and beyond departments to create roles that do not dilute but enhance the company image and fill the needs of equally qualified individuals in the company. Your company may have an individual bearing a more extensive education for their role but will not speak up because of the fear of losing their job or any other reason.

Transform and be inclusive

“Transformation goes beyond the EEA and BBEEE rules. This is an area where organizations need to decide whether what they are currently doing is functional or not and to start from the inside out. Understand your building blocks and prepare for the transformation laws coming into effect in 2023, where many changes have been indicated and initiated. Understand who you intrinsically are and how much you can grow from this while embracing everyone and their differences to bring their best and be themselves.

Building up – One size does not fit all

“Where to from here? Sometimes, your answers are closest to you without you noticing. Utilize your current skills and strategize accordingly. Your people may have the key and knowledge to turn your efforts around and up. They are your best assets and can grow your strategies further and build a strong people experience to more significant heights. When you include them and are transparent with ideas, you can identify ambassadors who believe in you and grow your company to greater heights. 

For more information, go to Universum Global.

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