African Directory Services Warns Customers to be Careful of “me–too” Companies
Submitted by:African Directory Services (ADS) warns customers to be cautious of fly by night companies that are trying to scam them. Director Ruben Ackerman said, “ADS has been trading for 7 years to date and has built up a significant client base that we are one hundred percent loyal to, delivering advertising excellence. However there are imitators and ‘me-too companies’ in the industry and customers need to stay guarded.”
As defined by The American Heritage® Dictionary of Business Terms a me-too product is “A product that is very similar to products manufactured by other companies and already on the market.” The desired effect of this strategy is to rapidly gain market share or make quick profits by confusing customers with a trusted product/service, and their new, insubstantial and more likely to be and fraudulent products/services. Fundamentally, this leads to various negative implications for a company’s reputation and brand. African Directory Services prides itself in delivering quality products and services to their customers and will never try to con clients out of their money, or make a promise that they cannot deliver on.
ADS cautions clients to be vigilant of fly by night companies. If you are not sure if a company is valid please pay attention to the following:
The African Directory Services has an exceptionally designed website that contains a list of all our products and services as well as a blog and features social media pages that are updated regularly. Fraudulent companies generally have a poor website design with limited information and no relevant social media pages or dedicated blogs.
African Directory Services registered with Proudly SA and the Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town Chamber of commerce. Fraudulent companies do not meet the criteria to be affiliated with these associations.
To familiarize yourself with African Directory Services legitimate product and service listings as well as our supplementary online directories, please visit the following web addresses:
Corporate Website:
Search Engine:
More about African Directory Services
African Directory Services is a subsidiary company of Dot Com Holdings. To learn more about Dot Com Holdings please go to;
If you’ve received an email or phone call from a company that you think is fraudulent/imitating African Directory Services or if you are not sure, please call us on +27 11 333 6803 or email