02 February 2021

Hypnotherapy in the Podlight

Submitted by: Hendrik Baird

New podcast series exposes the secrets behind successful hypnotherapists.  

Centurion, Gauteng: For too long hypnotherapists have been stuck in their offices, working mostly on their own with their clients. What they do takes place behind closed doors and rightly so. They deal with people who come to them with a range of issues and problems, such as sexual trauma, addictions and other private matters for which they need help. But now a new podcast series is about to shine a light on the inner workings of the mostly hidden world of hypnosis. Hypnotherapist Hendrik Baird has been in practice for more than ten years. After a short break he is back with a vengeance and has just opened his new office in Centurion at Soul Oasis. And in order to promote hypnotherapy as an important therapy method, he has started a podcast channel in which he interviews several of South Africa’s most prominent and busy hypnotherapists. 

Some of the big names that have already chatted with him include famed stage hypnotist and hypnotherapist Max Kaan, who speaks about some of the advantages hypnotherapists can gain by knowing how to present a hypnosis stage show. Aiden Lottering is from Children of Life and he helps people overcome trauma, as well as dealing with children and their issues. Hypnotherapist Athenea Faye mainly helps people overcome sexual trauma and in her interview talks about the prejudice some religious people have about hypnosis. 

Others, such as Vanessa Baragwanath from Cape Town, talk about the challenges of running a hypnotherapy practice and how to overcome it. Sharon Dill adds to this by voicing her frustration with the way search engines are starting to discriminate against people who advertise their hypnotherapy businesses through their platforms. These are just some of the interviews that have already been scheduled for release over the next few months.

More interviews are currently being recorded, including with Thomas Budge of the South African Guild of Hypnotists and those who are in the business of providing hypnosis training. These podcasts are released every Thursday and they are a valuable contribution to the industry. As Max Kaan reported: “Being interviewed by Hendrik was a great way to get the message across. It is great to have a discussion with someone who knows about hypnosis and is actively involved in applying it. It’s a wonderful way to spread something positive in a world where being positive is a crime.” 

This podcast series opens up the hidden world of hypnosis to a public who remains mostly unaware of the immense benefits that can be gained by using the services of a hypnotherapist. It is also of great value to the hypnotherapists themselves, as it is a way of finding out what their colleagues are doing and an excellent method of exposing their services to the public. 

The podcast series is live now and the first interview, which is with Max Kaan, will be released on 25 February 2021. There is a new episode each week. The podcast series is available on www.iono.fm/c/3997 and everywhere where podcasts are found. For more information visit https://HendrikBaird.com.

About Hendrik Baird: Hendrik studied at the University of Pretoria and holds an honours degree in Drama. He recently completed a Masters degree in Media and Journalism at Wits. He is a certified non-medical Hypnotherapist and Parts Therapy Facilitator. He specialises in Stop smoking Hypnosis.

Total Words: 581

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