12 March 2019

Hlengani Communications

Submitted by: Archy Hlahla
Hlengani Communications

Hlengani Communications welcomes you all into the new year and wishes you a divine, prosperous year. The past year was an astonishing one with great victories achieved. It is now time to shift from the holiday fever and focus on new goals and targets for the exciting business year ahead of us.

At Hlengani Communications, we started the year on a good note and held our first round of meetings with clients, reflecting on the previous year and laying out new plans and objectives for 2019. We have new ideas and strategies to take our clients to the next level of success.

We are working even harder this year to deliver increased value for our clients.

In line with our growth, Hlengani Communications welcomes two new members; Perseverance Rathogwa who now takes charge of the day to day logistics and administrative duties as well as Kgomotso Molefe our new Senior Media Relations Manager.

Our Nkuli Nzimande has left the company to pursue new opportunities after spending the last four years at Hlengani Communications. We wish her well in her new journey.

With a committed, young and energetic team, we are very much optimistic that 2019 will be an exciting and busy year at Hlengani Communications.

We thank the Lord for taking us this far and ask for wisdom, strength and guidance to conquer the new year.

Total Words: 227