24 August 2017

CHOC, CANSA and Igazi Foundation to benefit from the Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer

Submitted by: Dohné

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” was the response received from Marius de Vries of CANSA (The Cancer Association of South Africa) after hearing the news that CANSA had been chosen as one of three beneficiaries for the 2017 Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer.Igazi Foundation and CHOC (Childhood Cancer Foundation of South Africa) have also been chosen as the beneficiaries for the walk that raises funds for cancer organisations.

“You guys are really good to us and we can’t thank you enough for all the support you offer,” says Cole Cameron of Igazi Foundation.

“Words do not do justice to how grateful we are to be a beneficiary of this amazing event in aid of cancer sufferers,” says Anne Marie Stephenson of CHOC.

The three non-governmental organisations have been chosen because they encompass a wide range of cancer treatments, from early detection procedures to the treatment and care of children with cancer, and the specialisation needed for the treatment of patients with blood cancer, according to Dohné Damons PR and CSI Manager at Algoa FM.

“CHOC, CANSA and Igazi Foundation received R100 000 each from the 2016 Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer thanks to the support of the Nelson Mandela Bay community,” she says.Igazi Foundation has been offering its services to the Eastern Cape blood cancer patients since 2010, and 2017 will be its fourth year of receiving support from the walk, which is the biggest single charity event in the Eastern Cape.

Between 2014 and 2016 Igazi Foundation has received R800 000, and was able to purchase a much-needed X-Ray machine, as well as to establish the Aloe Igazi Haemotology Unit and the Aloe Igazi Pediatric Unit at the Provincial Hospital in Port Elizabeth.CHOC, which provides services to children who suffer from cancer and CANSA, which offers wide ranging prevention and early detection services in PE, are being supported for the second consecutive year with the proceeds raised by the Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer.

CHOC has used the donation received from the 2016 event to fund its support key services in the Provincial Pediatric Oncology unit, and CANSA used its donation to renovate its Strelitzia Care Home.

“These organisations care so much for the cause they serve, that the opportunity to assist is a gesture from Algoa FM, thanking them for the amazing work that they do for our community,” says Damons.

“It’s a positive cycle because the funds donated to the organisations are raised through Nelson Mandela Bay’s support of the walk,” says Damons.The Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer is a 5km route along the beachfront in Summerstrand.

Each year the Nelson Mandela Bay community creates a ribbon of pink in remembrance of those who have passed, in support of those who are affected and to encourage the idea that cancer can be beaten.The 2017 event will take place on 4 November. 

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