11 June 2021

It is a racing go for traditional equine sport in KwaZulu-Natal

Submitted by: Archy Hlahla
It is a racing go for traditional equine sport in KwaZulu-Natal

Johannesburg, 10 June 2021 – The National Horseracing Authority (NHA) in collaboration with the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) is pleased to announce that it has finalised the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Traditional Equine Industry (TEI) with the KwaZulu-Natal Gaming and Betting Board (KZBGBB), and the Agribusiness Development Agency (ADA). The objective of this partnership and collaboration is to create a platform for greater participation by previously disadvantage communities in economic opportunities presented by the horse racing value chain, including the sport, agricultural aspects, tourism aspects, regulation, administration and gaming.

The agreement will also enable the TEI to unlock funding opportunities to support the development of the sport, infrastructure, agricultural support, veterinary services and other industry related services, says Susan Rowett of the National Horseracing Authority.

“The master plan for the development of the TEI is an immensely exciting initiative and the NHA are honoured to be able to play a part.  We look forward to using our operational expertise as regulator of the thoroughbred racehorse industry to assist in the development of the traditional equine industry.  We anticipate that there will be many areas of synergy and mutual benefit because everything revolves around appreciation and respect of the horse,” says Rowett.

The TEI has a rich history of promoting long standing traditional horse sporting activities in the KwaZulu-Natal regions, providing temporary economic opportunities to thousands of people during their annual events such as the Dundee July which contributes more than R15 million annually to the local economy.

“The Department is excited to be part of this MOU which will further advance the development of the traditional equine industry. We are happy to join hands with critical stakeholders to fully explore the vast opportunities presented by this industry and maximise its entire value chain for the benefit of horse owners and communities.  Traditional horse racing started from humble beginnings and has grown in leaps and bounds over the years, and now with this partnership the industry is set to become a major contributor to economic growth and radical economic transformation,’ says Dr C T Sifunda from the provincial Department of Sport and Recreation.

This cooperative agreement will underpin the implementation of Transformation, Socio-Economic Development programmes within the Traditional Equine Industry which, in turn, will assist in job creation and contribute to developing the rural economy as most races currently take place in local districts within the province. 

“I am pleased to note that the signing of the MOU is the beginning of a journey we are undertaking with some of the key stakeholders that can assist the development of the Traditional Equine sector in KwaZulu-Natal.  We look forward to fruitful engagement with the Authority and all other stakeholders in the implementation of this Traditional Equine Industry programme, says Ms. Portia Baloyi of the KZN Gaming and Betting Board.

Through the MOU, the NHA seeks to promote all facets of the TEI racing; protect the welfare of the equine and human athlete; and protect and grow its local social and economic significance for current and future generations and its sustainability.

The KZN Agribusiness Development Agency, which focuses on development and funding support for emerging businesses and organisations in the province, is excited to be part of this initiative that is aimed at promoting the rural economy through the Traditional Equine Industry, incorporating rural horse racing.

“We are looking forward to sharing our expertise in agribusiness for the development of the Traditional Equine sector,” says ADA CEO Zenzele Ndlela.

The Traditional Equine Industry stakeholders are delighted to partner up to develop and promote transformation, economic growth and job creation for traditional equine sport in KwaZulu-Natal.  As the sport develops there will be additional stakeholders to sign the MOU.

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For More Information contact:Vee MoodleyChief Executiveveem@nhra.co.za | +27 79 490 3168

The NHA’s objectives are: 

To ensure ethical and effective leadership, transfer of skills and integrity of the highest order is achieved from the foundation cascading upwards such that the value creation process, growth and sustainability of the TEI are achieved. 

Develop a framework that will unleash the economic potential of the traditional horse-riding industry within the Province of KwaZulu-Natal and stimulate the growth of the Traditional Equine Industry. 

Facilitate and co-ordinate constructive engagement between key stakeholders in the Traditional Equine Industry and through engagement will source co-operation between the social partners and key stakeholders to support the development of the KZN TEI ensuring the implementation of plans that can create economic opportunities in the sector. 

Ensure co-operation between the different spheres of government, business and the local community that participates in the TEI and to establish a common vision and direction.   

Outline the plan for the formalization and growth of the sector and aims to unlock the full economic potential and stimulate growth potential for TEI as well as provide economic opportunities and jobs, entrepreneurial potential especially for people from poor and marginalised communities. 

Create dialogue, shared learning, strategic partnerships and economic opportunities with the public sector to support the development of the TEI.

Total Words: 943
Published in Sports Range