Collaborative initiative addresses business development and the unemployment crisis

Published: 30 January 2017

Unemployment and lack of business skills are proving to be major drawbacks in advancing the economic well-being of the country noting that unemployment is at the highest in 13 years. To tackle these problems, a number of businesses in the private sector and NGOs joined together to stage a business readiness springboard and employment doorway, The Business Warm-Up, to confront head-on the economic challenges facing South Africa’s youth.  

Supported by Infinity Learning, Harambee, The Business Place, National Small Business Chamber (NSBC) and the Zinto Marketing Group (Zinto), The Business Warm-Up took place at the Soweto Theatre in Jabulani on Thursday, 26 January 2017.  

The City of Johannesburg’s Department of Economic Development endorsed the event and participated through its partnership with The Business Place which operates seven BizHubs in the city to support small businesses.  

South Africa has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world. It is with these statistics that the partners in The Business Warm-Up have come together.  

With 40% of Johannesburg’s population, Soweto must play its part in creating new jobs. This will only happen if we create a business-friendly environment, reduce red tape, open up new markets, and provide resources and financial support for start-ups and fast growing businesses.  

The initiative was aimed at existing business owners, entrepreneurs and future start-ups, and job seekers wanting to enter the workplace, with the intention of stimulating local business, creating jobs as well as assisting job seekers to find employment.  

A delegate and aspirant entrepreneur, Cortneigh Halim from Bassonia in the south of Johannesburg commented: “The Business Warm-Up was very informative. I learnt the key concepts of becoming a business owner; these included the different methods of acquiring assistance and advice, as well as the application process for obtaining funding for start-up capital. The information provided fulfilled my attendance at today’s event and the speakers were very knowledgeable. I hope to attend more of these events in the future.”  

Zinto’s co-founder Michelle Combrinck said: “When we learned about The Business Warm-Up we were immediately drawn to the initiative as another platform to address the unemployment crisis and offer our insights into uplifting the youth.”  

A recent enterprise that Combrinck conceptualised, Zenzele Educational Doorway (Zenzele), gives young hopefuls an opportunity to advance in society and pursue a rewarding career. The opening of Zenzele for wannabe client service professionals is indicative of the need for youngsters to become active job seekers and opportunity creators as youth unemployment remains a crisis.  

It is the intention to roll-out this workshop to further communities and reach many more unemployed who require support and assistance in finding sustainable employment opportunities.

Zinto assists with farewell for Daveyton learners

Published: 08 November 2016

Out of 153 pupils at Dinoto Technical Secondary School, 100 percent achieved entry to write final examinations. The principal of the school, Mr TJ White gave credit to the hard-working learners and Global Maths, an organisation specialising in assisting learners from disadvantaged communities from Daveyton.  

The principal of the school recently posted a plea for sponsorship, requesting the assistance of local businesses and influential people from the community to help the school host a Grade 12 Farewell in celebration of these learners’ determination to succeed against all odds.  

“Daveyton is a community characterised by hardship where the majority of learners often drop-out before the final year. Challenging life circumstances, such as teenage pregnancy, alcoholism, drug abuse and domestic and gender-based violence and gangsterism coupled with poverty are among the social hardships that these youngsters encounter daily. But the pupils of 2016 have shown that regardless these challenges, striving for greatness and work towards improving their living conditions and future prospects has untold benefits,” said Principal White.    

He extended gratitude to the sponsors who supported and contributed to the success of the event, “If it were not for their generous assistance, donations and sponsorships, the ceremony would not have been possible. Our appreciation goes to Zinto Marketing Group and all the contributors who made the event possible.”  

Zinto provided the platform: sound and staging on the day to create a truly memorable experience with a performance by the schools dance group for the Grade 12 pupils.  

Comments Michelle Combrinck, founder and head of special projects at Zinto, “We wanted to offer our encouragement to these young learners, whom we know education is the tool to changing lives, and is a strong focus of our youth orientated business. Since inception, we have sourced first-time job seekers living in underprovided communities, to bridge the divide to gaining experience while looking for other work opportunities or to provide a springboard to establish their own business. We champion youth who want to become active job seekers and opportunity creators as youth unemployment remains a crisis.”  

For more information about Zinto visit or contact Michelle Combrinck on 011 553 1000