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SEO & Digital Marketing Consultants in Johannesburg

Published: 19 January 2020

FNS Global Ventures has today released a free report titled: “Get a website report detailing why your website is not ranking higher in the search engines”.

The main aim of the report is to show site administrators why it is not ranking or being organically found in the search engines. It also aims to provide the information needed to rectify missing or outdated information on a website. Using the information gathered from the report a site administrator can begin the process of getting a company website to start producing results that bring about brand and product awareness by getting ranked on the first page of a search engine.The report has been made openly available and at no cost by FNS Global Ventures. It's available to small and medium businesses, thought leaders within the Digital Marketing market and anyone with an interest in getting a Free Website Performance Report.

The report was also written with a specific focus on small to medium business owners since Farhad Sarang, author of the report, believes “We wrote this report for small to medium business owners in mind because we understand the frustration experienced by having a website and not knowing why and how to get it ranked higher in the search engine results page ( SERPs).

”When asked about why they released the report at this time, Farhad Sarang, Digital marketing strategist at FNS Global Ventures said: “People who read and implement the findings of the report will now have a clear understanding why their site cannot be easily found in the search engines. What keywords are and how it all ties together. Basically what optimization is needed to be done to a site, for it to be found on the first page of a search engine for a chosen keyword, one that will ultimately bring more buying customers through the business doors.

”Interested parties can find the report ready to download, for free, at https://www.fnsglobalventures.org/discovery-application FNS Global Ventures was founded in 2014, The business is thought of as an innovative digital marketing agency within the Digital Marketing industry. It is best known for providing results in advance, it is something rare in the digital marketing space.

Its unique position within its industry gives it the authority to produce such a report on Free Website Performance Report because The business is in a unique position of truly understand the digital marketing needs of small to medium businesses, FNS Global Ventures knows first hand the best and most cost-effective way of creating a digital marketing strategy.

For example, as the report aims to solve 'how to be found by potential customer online' Each unique report provides details to a site administrator the reasons why it is not ranking or being found organically in the search engines, it gives valuable information to the reader that will ultimately benefit them by knowing what steps are needed to execute the SEO guidelines needed to make a website visible in the search engines. A website is an asset to any company, without it being visible to potential customers and clients it becomes a liability, by implementing the suggestions provided in this report a site owner will be able to increase revenue by growing a loyal customer base. This insight simply wouldn't be possible, or their advice nearly as effective, without the five years spent in the Digital Marketing world so far.

More information on FNS Global Ventures can be found at https://www.fnsglobalventures.org

6 Integrations for a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy

Published: 31 May 2018

We feel that using the correct integrations can help you save a lot of valuable time and can be great tools for your digital marketing strategies and making them a success.

Below is a list of integrations that you need to apply that is imperative to run a successful digital marketing strategy:

1) Facebook Pixel – Vital to track Facebook ad performance on a website

A Facebook pixel is code that you place on your website that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads based on collected data, build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to qualified leads.

Visit Facebook Pixel

2) Google Analytics – Vital to track a websites visitors behaviour on the website or prior to reaching the website.

Google Analytics offers a very robust set of tools, statistics and reports to help understand what is really going on with a website. 

  • Learn where visitors come from and what they typed in to get there.
  • Understand what visitors do once they arrive to the website.
  • Learn how the website can convert more visitors into customers.
  • See which keywords resonate with prospects and lead to conversions.
  • Know which online ad or creative is the most effective (A/B Testing).
  • Figure out how to develop not only more leads but higher quality leads.
  • Track how many visitors completed a certain action (purchase, lead inquiry, call, etc).

Visit Google Analytics

3) Google Tag Manager – Vital to track conversion points or track events completed on a website by a visitor. This works together with Google Analytics.

Google Tag Manager is a tool that is often misunderstood, overused, and abused. It allows you add marketing tags (snippets of code or tracking pixels) and conversion points on your website without having to modify the code. Saving valuable time.

Quite simply this tool allows for streamlined marketing strategy automation and to allow marketers to focus on the important aspects of your strategy, lead generation.

Below is an example of how Google Tag manager works.

To be very honest, the possibilities of how the Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager work together are endless!

Visit Google Tag Manager

4) Facebook Ad Campaign – Vital to run digital advertisements on Facebook social network.

Facebook currently has an active monthly base of 2.20 billion users.

An advertisement campaign created by a business on Facebook that’s served to Facebook users based on user activity, demographic information, device use information, advertising and marketing partner-supplied information, and off-Facebook activity.

Facebook ads are so important to businesses because of the extra reach, exposure, and detailed targeting options that allow you to reach your specific audience. Having a business page on Facebook simply doesn’t allow for optimal reach, growth and exposure as Facebook have implemented algorithms that restrict the content from your business page from reaching your full audience. At the moment only 6% of your audience will see your posts that are posted on your Facebook business page.

Running Facebook ad campaigns allow for you to select who sees your ads. You can simply add budget behind a specific post and select your defined target audience and the post will begin reaching a far larger audience within minutes.

Visit Facebook Business

5) Google Adwords – Vital to run digital advertisements on Google Search Engine.

As of 2017, Google processes 3.5 billion searches per day. Each time a search is processed. Google displays adverts amount the search results.

Google AdWords is paid advertising platform or pay per click (PPC) advertising platform to advertise on the Google Search Engine. The way it works is simple: People use *keywords (or search terms) to search for specific products and services. If the keywords you’ve chosen match what people search for, your paid ad appears next to or above organic Google search

*Keywords are words or phrases that are used to match your ads with the terms people are searching for. Selecting high quality, relevant keywords for your advertising campaign can help you reach the customers you want when you want.

Google Analytics is one of the best tools for lead generation. If your campaigns are set up properly, it has the potential to send extremely targeted leads to your website.

Google AdWords allows you to focus on people who are searching for exactly what you have to offer.

It could include products or services. This means you can continually refine your searches so that only those who want to buy your products or services are sent to your websites through this platform.

Visit Google Adwords

6) Infusionsoft (CRM & Email Marketing automation) – Vital to keep track of potential leads and nurture them to become qualified leads.

“Sales and marketing software that gets you organized, delivers personalized service, and closes more sales.”

With Infusionsoft your customers will enjoy personalized, relevant communication from their first website visit through every repeat purchase.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with your leads and potential leads. It helps you improve your profitability.

Email automation is the most effective way to engage in email marketing because it enables you to send out messages to your customers at designated times.

An email automation system can save time by setting up the email platform to send messages when customers take specific actions. Automation sounds very robotic, but in fact, it allows business owners to develop closer relationships with their customers by maintaining effective communication and brand awareness.

Visit Infusionsoft

6) Zapier automation – Vital to provide a streamlined lead funnel and to guide your leads through your nurture process.

Zapier is an online automation tool that integrates with a vast amount of apps/software, such as Gmail, Slack, MailChimp, Most CRM’s and over 1,000 more.

For example; when you receive a lead via a Facebook ad, you can have that lead inserted directly into your CRM system and you can send yourself an email notification that you have received a lead.

Zapier, is used to create streamlined lead flow and to direct your leads through the lead flow automatically, without you having to manually guide each lead through a lead. Saving valuable time for optimisation and lead generation.

Visit Zapier

6) Live chat – Vital to provide a solid and responsive communication channel between you and your potential leads.

Live chat is one of the more flexible tools you can use on your website. It helps you support customers in need of help. It allows you to increase your sales by engaging the right prospects at the right time as well as by generating a ton of new leads.

If a potential lead has a query about your service. They can simply contact you via Live Chat and find the answer to their query out immediately and make a decision to use your services.

“Many online consumers want help from a live person while they are browsing online; in fact, 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of browsing is one of the most important features a Web site can offer.”

An online chat system provides customers immediate access to support. Wait times are often much less than a call centre, and customers can easily multi-task while waiting.

Let us know what other great integrations you use in the comments.

View article on Techsite.io


Media Contact:
Galactic Digital
Contact Person: Bruce Vorster
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: 8 Gie Road, Table View, Cape Town, South Africa, 7441
Website: https://galacticdigital.co.za






Pixel8 Has Officially Been Launched

Published: 09 September 2016

Pretoria, South Africa – 09/09/2016 – Pixel8 is a comprehensive online digital solutions marketplace offering bespoke products or services for quick and affordable company branding, as it should be. Through hard work and dedication, Pixel8 has officially opened its platform to those who have an interest in developing and strengthening their brand, as well as those individuals who have branding services to offer. 

By offering in-demand online products such as graphics and design elements, promotional videos, digital marketing services, as well as SEO-friendly website content, just to name a few, Pixel8 extends its marketplace to offer quality products to a wide variety of individuals who not only want to improve their return investment, but individuals who have quality products to offer by selling them directly on the website. 

The full range of products offered include: 

  • Office interior digital mock-up
  • Sales/landing pages for your website
  • Flyer/brochure designs
  • SEO-friendly website copy
  • Professional product labeling designs
  • Professional business documentation templates
  • WordPress blogs for a business website
  • SEO-friendly articles
  • Social media marketing services
  • Website banner ads
  • Unique email marketing services
  • Infographics for your business website
  • Website banner designs
  • Creative branding mascots
  • Unique email signatures
  • Professional logo designs
  • Unique business card designs
  • Web design and development
  • Learning management systems (LMS)
  • Maintenance and updates on WordPress websites
  • Website conversions into an Android App
  • Promotional videos
  • Animated logo reveals
  • Professional animated videos
  • Accurate data entry
  • Custom QR codes for your business
  • Fun online gifts such as e-card designs and custom t-shirt designs 

Celebrating the success of the website launch, Pixel8 is excited to see what the future holds for online branding and company collaborations – offering affordable, fast, and secure online products. “Any business that does not have a website or practicing good branding skills is missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools available to them. Don't get left behind,” according to Pixel8’s website. Never underestimate the power of well-utilised branding to boost your company’s reputation. 

Pixel8 – Build your brand online. Offering a variety of digital content and products to choose from. Quick, easy, and affordable. www.pixel8.co.za 

Somerset West’s Own Indie Game Studio

Published: 17 June 2014

Indie games are fast becoming a trend in South Africa, catching on from the overseas markets. These days, children and adults alike are playing mobile games as never before. People are always hungry for something different, which is where indie games – or ‘independent’ games – come in, providing players with something other than the mass-produced mainstream products.

Now, Somerset West can boast with its very own game studio that started turning its cogs in February this year. For its first month of existence, the studio was run out of the founder’s mother’s basement – typical indie game studio protocol, if history is anything to go by. Now, running from a house close to De Hoop Primary School, the studio focuses on creating mobile games (such as their recently released Afrikaans game, Fanie de Beer) and has oodles of style, creativity, skill and initiative.

While the Apmil Game Studio has only been up and running for a few months, the people who daily put their shoulders to its wheels have been building up relationships for the last three-and-a-half years. Even though the studio officially started up in February, the idea of an indie game studio had been brewing in the mind of Studio Head, Pierre Bezuidenhout, since 2011. Pierre started lecturing in the Animation Department of Cape Town’s City Varsity in 2011 – and this is where he met the three students who would later join him in this grand venture.

Pierre, as leader of the team, is Apmil’s Programmer and Technical Director. He has previously worked in advertising and animation for Wicked Pixels in Woodstock and held the position of lecturer at Concept Interactive as well as at City Varsity. His impressive skill set includes a sharp eye for detail as well as design flair and programming aptitude in different digital languages and platforms – he is also quite the people-person. Altus Barry is the Technical Lead, taking charge of rigs, renders and other related tasks. Mabet van Zijl did her major in 3D Narrative and, as Generalist, leads Apmil’s marketing and writing in between her usual workload. Louren Hattingh takes the roles of Lead Animator and Concept Artist. While each person has their area to lead, the workflow runs with a ‘rock-paper-scissors’-style in which one falls under the delegation of another while dealing with respective area-specific tasks. Sitting around a whiteboard, each armed with a marker, they discuss character design, story line, player motivation, level arrangement, time constraints and load division before jumping in with the actual development.

The first released game, Fanie de Beer, is a 100% physics-driven, full 3D, indie puzzle game with a distinct South African flavour. Playing as Fanie de Beer, a 12-year-old farm-boy, the player utilizes simple little rocks by tapping once on the screen to clear best friend Jaco Kriel’s fields of strategically placed, ancient landmines. Built in Unity, the game takes place in a single day – with the story starting early in the morning and ending in the evening – transporting the player through a dynamic day/night cycle and colourful, saturated farm fields as they progress through the 84 levels, meeting new mine types and increasingly difficult challenges as they go along. Written and designed in Afrikaans, then carefully translated into true farm-style English, this game is unique, fun and proudly South African. The demo is available for download from the Google Play Store, while the full game can be purchased on Samsung Apps and Amazon.

The next game in the pipeline is different from Fanie de Beer in virtually every way. Where Fanie is a very colourful 3D puzzle game with just enough back-story to set the player up for the context and flavour of the game, the current project is a heavily story-driven platform-game that takes place in a fictional world made up of parallaxing silhouettes and strange characters.

Apmil Game Studio has not only been created as a platform to build games, but also as a springboard for fellow animators, developers, designers and illustrators. It’s a breeding ground for collaboration, ideas, innovation and learning. Each person hones their skills while doing fun and challenging work through creating games and stories as well as fulfilling the creative needs of small to medium-sized businesses in the Western Cape and Gauteng.

Apmil Game Studio services include animation, app creation, game creation, rendering/stills, asset creation, video editing and UX. The creative division of Apmil, led by artist Janet Botes and writer Michelle Albinson, offers logo design, graphic design, online/web design, interactive design, writing, editing, proofreading and illustration.

Apmil prides itself on being different: Fresh ideas, innovative applications, strange and wonderful games – they are all things that receive the studio’s love and attention to detail. To find out more or to get involved, contact Pierre Bezuidenhout at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him on 082 499 3133

Studio ingredients:[A]ltus makes the bus and [P]ierre drives the bus; [M]abet takes the bus t[i]ckets and [L]ouren makes the bus move. Thus, [apmil].

Free demo: Google Play – bit.ly/fanie_demo 
Full version: Samsung Apps – bit.ly/fanie
Official Trailer: Youtube – bit.ly/fanie_trailer 
Apmil page: Apmil/Fanie – apmil.co.za/fanie-de-beer 

Do you need to include mobile in your marketing mix?

Published: 23 February 2010
{pp}Nowadays, cellphones offer so many ways to communicate. They have evolved from simple voice and text messaging devices into smart phones with a plethora of advanced features and enhanced connectivity.

First impressions count - Web development

Published: 23 February 2010
{pp}We are taught “don’t judge a book by its cover” yet it is human nature to decide within moments whether we like something or not.

How To Use Digital Diligently for Improved Client Satisfaction

Published: 12 June 2008
Website layout and design isn’t rocket science…if you know how. It is intricate work though and requires the creativity and skills of a professional design studio. More importantly perhaps but often an oversight, is the assistance of a specialist online presence consultant to maintain the balance of both form and function - fundamental elements in effectively communicating the client’s message in an interactive and engaging manner.