Creativity and Ubuntu come together

Published: 09 November 2021

Johannesburg, 09 November 2021: A leading South African broker is inviting young and aspiring South African artists to break out their brushes or any other artistic tools of choice to submit artwork that represents “The Spirit of Wealth”. Ubuntu Invest is providing a platform for artists to showcase their work and win cash prizes, an Ubuntu Invest account with cash value banked and ready to invest, plus an opportunity to bring their artistic vision to life on the walls of the Ubuntu Invest offices in Sandton. Winning artists will also be part of a PR press campaign and be given space to exhibit and sell their artwork at an exclusive event on 29 January 2022. Submissions are now open.

According to Ubuntu Invest Founder and CEO, Nelisiwe Masango, “The Spirit of Wealth” is more than just a company slogan. It is rooted in South Africa’s powerful entrepreneurial spirit and the concept of Ubuntu itself – the overarching respect for humanity that is sometimes translated as "I am because you are".

Masango says, “In hosting this competition, we hope to see South Africa’s new generation of great creative minds emerge and give them a chance to get some valuable exposure on a public platform. The Spirit of Wealth is a sentiment that applies to any South African, whether they are an artist, financial trader, labourer, spaza shop owner or anything else. 

“We all have the potential to attain wealth, which isn’t necessarily about monetary value. There is richness in doing what we love every day, in mutual respect, family and anything else that brings us happiness. This is the spirit we would like to see our artists interpret, however they personally envision it”. 

To enter, artists must complete their submission using an online form. The competition closes on 30 November 2021 and three winners will be handpicked by Ubuntu CEO, Nelisiwe Masango. Masango concludes, “When I pick the winners, I will be looking for personal pieces that speak to our communal spirit. The mediums the artist employs on paper are entirely up to them. We want to see creativity come to life and provide a chance for our local talent to shine”. 

To find out more about Ubuntu Invest, visit

Based on Q1 and Q2, What can we expect from Q3? A trading strategist’s view

Published: 13 September 2021

Fred Razak, Chief Trading Strategist from CMTrading, weighs in on financial markets following another interesting season. What happens next? 

“Right now, it seems that governments and central banks are doing everything they can to stop the markets hitting some sort of panic, because every time the markets sell off, they actually make a comeback. There is a lot of attention focused on big tech stocks. They are so profitable and in a more advantageous position than the rest of the market – and have been for a while. 

“Q2’21 saw a surge in global companies in the tech space achieving unicorn status. While the US major players accounted for the majority of new unicorns, there are dark horses to look out for too. It’s a bit of a ripple effect. Companies like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft Netflix and Google have a widespread effect on market trends and there are other secondary companies that are riding the wave. 

“Semiconductors, for example – like Jupiter Networks, Cisco and Intel – used to be the primary companies about 20 years ago but are now playing second fiddle to the bigger tech players. These companies are reaping the benefits of what is happening in big tech stock trading

“The tech unicorns are sitting on a lot of cash. They could almost close their doors tomorrow, not sell another product and still be making money. The fact that their valuations are massively high has kept expectations about their performance consistent for about two years, during which there has been tremendous inflation in the market. 

“If you take inflation vs the appreciation of the markets, the valuations we’re seeing are being attributed to super inflation. This is affecting real estate, which is very scary because we’re getting into hard assets there, and when the hard assets have super inflationary valuations ascribed to them, their valuations could quadruple or triple in a short space of time. But they have a ceiling for how far they can go. That’s when things become a little bit more concerning – when hard assets get to the point that they are so over valuated – and I think we're reaching that point right now across the board. 

Where to next? 

“While the pandemic isn’t over yet, there is a growing sense of optimism as COVID-19 vaccine distribution accelerates globally, and it’s possible investors may start to focus on the sectors expected to remain attractive in the post-pandemic world. So, a common question is, what could the new unicorns be as this unfolds? 

“Theoretically, I don't think that we're going to have new unicorns per sé. We're not out of the woods just yet. We all hoped that once we had the vaccine, things would start slowing down. And indeed, they did seem to be looking that way for a while. In March, April and May you saw a tremendous acceleration of the vaccines. Fewer people were dying, and things were looking up. But the new mutations are slipping in, specifically Delta and new concerns have arisen. 

“There is widespread conjecture about how effective the vaccines are and whether or not we’ll have to go back into lockdown. We're still not operating at 100% pre-pandemic capacity. Tourism and travel are still significantly under pressure, and how much longer can these airlines continue working at 75% or less capacity? We are still at a crossroads, waiting to see how these mutations will play themselves out. 

Changes in the trading landscape 

“In terms of trading methodologies, there have been major shifts because of the pandemic. There has been much less focus on the currencies and traditional forex trading for quite a while. The currencies actually looked like they were starting to wake up again for a bit, but they went back to sleep. Everything is really equity in the market right now. 

“I think that moving forward, we're probably going to continue that trend. Markets are trending and adjusting based on the information out there in terms of how coronavirus is being handled from country to country. We’re waiting with bated breath to see what economic assistance central governments and central banks will offer their specific countries. So, there are a lot of things happening in terms of methodologies that are being shifted right now because of how the market is playing this all out. Bitcoin trading is becoming a haven investment, where naturally gold was traditionally the safe bet. That’s a drastic change. 

A creative take: Imagining the world 10 years from now – What companies and/or commodities are dominating? 

“10 years from now, the price of oil is likely to be affected for sure because of prescribed standards to be met by 2030/2035. Either manufacturers or countries themselves are aiming to be completely emission free and not have cars that are consuming oil. 

“To go organically from an oil consuming market into a solar or electric power consuming market is not an easy ask. I don't think we're completely there, but the means are being put into place to make that shift. It's going to still take quite a bit of time. Gold is probably going to be affected, just because it's not retaining its standard for inflationary concerns. Stocks should be much more focused than they have been because the world is a much smaller place now, and people are learning what it means to have shifts in the market. That's going to add a lot more liquidity to the market in the future. 

Closing thoughts on expectations for Q3 

“Ultimately, I think we're going to just continue seeing what we've seen in the first and second quarter, and I don't think there's going to be much of a change here. We're going to continue this trend where the central government and the central banks from different countries will go ahead and make the adjustments to the economy that they see fit in order to keep their countries above water. 

“I do expect the markets to continue to be pretty bullish. The markets haven't fully digested where we're at on Main Street. If, as I often do, you go through major US cities, you see a lot of homeless people and unemployed people, but that is not being reflected in Wall Street. So Main Street and Wall Street don't speak the same language as the rest of the working world. I’m hoping things will get better, but it is tough time for the man on the street. 

For more information on CMTrading, visit their official website at or call +27105008026, and one of their friendly staff will assist you. CMTrading is the brand name of Global Capital Markets Trading Ltd (A Seychelles company, company no. 104785)

CMTrading Seminars go virtual – and add an International Speaker

Published: 21 June 2021

As COVID-19 enters the third wave in South Africa, CMTrading, Africa’s largest forex trading broker, has changed the format of its upcoming seminar on trading. Previously scheduled for 1 July as an in-person seminar at in Sandton, the free seminar will now be hosted virtually on 4 July, and will be adding an international speaker to the programme. 

Fred Razak, CMTrading’s Chief Analyst and Senior Trading Strategist, based in Mauritius, will provide a holistic introduction to trading for anyone interested in delving into the forex market to earn extra income. For budding traders who have considered entering the world of trading but may have been unsure who to ask, the webinar is  an ideal opportunity to gain insight from an established expert on how to earn actual income through trading. 

Razak is a seasoned trading specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the financial services industry. His writing and analysis of markets have been shared and published by many reputable media outlets and he is highly skilled in asset management, securities and trading methods. 

CMTrading, an award-winning trading platform for five years in a row, with Razak, will share practical insights and methods on how to generate return on investment and generate profit in the trading environment. The course content is as follows: 

  • Introduction to Trading & Terminology
  • Psychology
  • Trading
  • Platforms
  • Market Structure & Conditions
  • Technical Analysis
  • Market Patterns
  • The “Secret Sauce”

The webinar is free to attend and attendees will all qualify for a special welcome offer. Director of Marketing for CMTrading, Jonathan Bergman, says, “Fred is an established trader who will be a hugely insightful source of information for anyone who wants a practical education about trading. This webinar provides a solid grounding in the most important trading principles and methods, and there will a be a unique opportunity to engage directly with one of our leading traders for anyone with pressing questions. In a time when earning extra income is right at the top of many people’s minds, I really encourage budding traders to come and learn from the best.” 

To sign up to attend the free webinar, send your name and email address via WhatsApp and an agent will contact you to reserve your space.

Sign up via: 071-596-0917 

Alternatively, register online here or visit 

For more information on CMTrading, visit their official website at or call +27105008026, and one of their friendly staff will assist you. 

CM Trading is the brand name of Global Capital Markets Trading Ltd (a Seychelles company, company no. 104785).


Published: 20 November 2019

Technology is fundamentally changing our relationship with money. Fact. What we do for entertainment, how we get from point A to point B and even the most mundane routines such as grocery shopping are exponentially changing, on a daily basis. We are also seeing substantial changes in our relationship with money, specifically in the way we manage our money.

Technology and innovation has advanced in leaps and bounds, to the point where it truly is hard to ignore. The impact that advanced technology has had on the business and finance world has quite literally turned it on its head. One of the key areas where we are seeing such change is in the investment and trading landscape. With revolutionary changes in the way people buy and sell assets on the financial market, as well as the way brokers conduct their business, technology has become intrinsically woven into the financial lives of most investors and traders. Investing is becoming available to everyone, meaning that anyone can trade and invest online because of the increased levels of transparency; with a click of a mouse people can get a clear and extremely in-depth view of what they are investing in. We are also seeing a definite trend towards managed funds and automated trading systems, as well as a shift towards global investing. No longer are people confined to the borders of their own country when it comes to their investment choices.

These technological advancements are fundamentally changing the way we are managing our money. Take for example access to the internet. The internet has without a doubt been one of the most disruptive technologies in history. This information highway has broken down all borders; now people can invest in international markets, and more importantly, international companies such as Amazon and Coca Cola. It has had a profound impact on our lives and has created a major paradigm shift. With a literal smorgasbord of information right at our fingertips, the way that information is consumed and in turn used, has seen investors entering the market today with a host of options that were virtually unheard of 15 years ago. They can compare companies and products and have access to information such as quarterly results; all information that traditional brokers would have had to advise them on historically.

Because of this, online trading has now also taken on a life force of its own. We have smartphones, web and desktop platforms, online stock screens, market research sites and so on and so on; with a few clicks of a mouse or a few taps on your smartphone you can open a trading account. Investors can now fully enjoy the benefits of technology and the impact it has on their decisions. Information truly is power, full stop.

While headlines have been dominated by the rise of crypto currencies, high frequency trading and Artificial Intelligence, these advancements are just a handful of the technologies changing the investment landscape. Those new to investing can take advantage of copycat trading. This is literally when the trades of more experienced and successful traders is copied, making it easier for those not as savvy to make investment choices by eliminating the need for any research. There are charting materials too which provide online signals to follow, and then also automated bot ware which offers automated software which people can use to trade.

Social media is an extremely powerful tool and is a literal treasure trove of data for technologically savvy investors. It plays a significant role in determining trading strategies and analysing trends and behaviours. Online connectivity and the ease at which potential investors from all corners of the globe can interact is allowing individual traders the opportunity to follow and get advice from investors who boast similar portfolios, all with a view to collaborative success. One does need to demonstrate a degree of caution though, because as the old adage goes, all that glitters is not always gold. There are a lot of online choices that promise the world and more with a few quick clicks, so investors need to make sure that they are doing their research before committing to anything that seems too good to be true. Read what other people are saying about companies or schemes, be responsible for your own trading decisions.

Central to the development of many financially based technologies has been the rise of algorithmic trading. Algorithms use programme rules to analyse key investment criteria such as volatility, timing and trading volume, giving investors the edge to execute quicker and with less bias than human operators. Going hand in hand with algorithm-driven financial planning are robo-advisors – a class of financial advisor that provides investment advice online with very little, or no, human intervention. Both of these technologies, while easy and convenient, really only work for as long as they work. For example, if an algorithm is so good, it will soon start to become so big that it will in itself affect the markets. At a certain point it will attract too many investors and its original reason for success will become null and void. In my opinion, technological advancements can continue to become more and more innovative, but at the end of the day, the human elements is what is critical when it comes to making any investment choice.

As technology makes investing that much more accessible to the average investor, tools have been developed to allow the smallest of investments to be made. These passive or low touch investments can bring in a tidy sum, if traders don’t over leverage. Investments can always go in either direction, but there are numerous traders making huge money from well thought out, realistic investment choices. You can make 100% back on your investment, you can make 1000% back, but it’s always pertinent to remember that the more potential profit there is to be made, the higher the risk is. As long as you stick to certain rules and keep your finger firmly on what you are doing, there is no reason that you shouldn’t have success.

As with everything, there is an upside and a downside. It is truly up to each one of us to make sure we are taking the good that technology is offering, in terms of investment tools, and not be blinded by the bad. We have the opportunity to extract reams of information that can influence our choices, the technology to support these choices. We should use this to move forward without falling into the trap of people who are making a quick buck on unscrupulous trades.

When you open live trading accounts with CM Trading, Africa's largest, award-winning local brokerage, you can freely enter the financial markets and seize numerous opportunities, all supported by progressive technologies. Enjoy advanced trading conditions, educational packages tailored to your individual needs and trading styles, as well as exceptional trading platforms. There are a range of options to suit every single trader’s needs; from those just entering the market, to those who are proficient in trading and investing.