Published: 06 January 2020

It seems to be standard practice that at the end of every year, financially savvy investment guru’s give us their take on what they think the investment landscape for the following year will yield.  Predicting the future direction of financial markets is fraught with left and right turns. This year is no different, and even though nobody has a crystal ball, based on what 2019 has yielded to date, Daniel Kibel, Founder of CM Trading, gives us his take on what he thinks 2020 will look like.

Looking abroad, massive events have been dominating the global investment landscape for the last few years. These events are going to substantially change the way investors approach investment. The election of Boris Johnson has cemented the fact that Brexit is definitely going to happen. What is important to consider now, is how this will fundamentally change your investment journey over 2020. The second important global event is the 2020 Presidential elections, and amidst impeachment woes, whether Trump will still be a key player? Both of these international events are sure keep the markets interesting, to say the least, for 2020. Closer to home, investors must keep in mind the Eskom issues, SAA and the future of the South African president Cyril Ramaphosa.

Moving away from the news making events that will dominate 2020, an aging worldwide population coupled with the rise of a middle class in emerging markets leads me to believe there will be a shift in consumer habits and tastes over the next 10 years. As things go generally, aged investors are more sensible, more investment savvy and they usually have more money to invest. With pension plans around the world falling short of the lifetime expectations of those who have paid them their entire lives, investors will need to be much wiser in their choices. Both locally and globally, people must ensure that they have a long-term plan for their financial stability in retirement.

Consumers are increasingly focused on the many and broad implications of what is happening in terms of sustainability. A massive shift has taken place towards meat alternatives specifically, and the investment opportunities in companies that offer these alternatives is huge. The investment stalwarts such as Coca Cola, Disney, Amazon etc. will remain solid, but an influx of new companies have raised massive awareness and people are always comfortable to invest in something that is creating ripples. Alternative energy and alternative meat sources are definitely creating ripples, so they will definitely be top of mind for new investment opportunities.

Within our borders, according to the Where to Invest in Africa 2020 report, South Africa has fallen to third place. It’s no secret that South Africa is facing a problem.  The currency is unstable and the problems faced by the leadership is not inspiring investor confidence. The impact this has had is a complete lack of funds in the country. There are many more attractive African markets that are available to investors, which has an effect on the dollar rand which rolls over to the economy, making imports a lot more expensive, in turn making life more expensive. Investment players must keep this top of mind and South African investors should be certainly be following global trends when making their 2020 investment decisions. You cannot invest if you’re not aware of and following global trends. Fact. Global trends lead the world, but South Africa is part of world. The world is a very small place these days and one thing we can all bank on is the fact that if something makes waves in England, for example, the waves will be felt in South Africa. As an investor you can’t ignore the rest of the world, especially when playing in a market as small as South Africa’s.

In terms of investment trends in 2020, I don’t see many changes on the horizon. Investors will still be interested in trading gold, trading Euro Dollar, oil, the NASDAQ etc. I do think people will still be leaning towards South African stocks, but I also think there is a growing degree of wariness. People who have traditionally invested in SA stocks are holding on and waiting to see what’s happening internationally. The interest in bitcoin and other digital currencies has definitely gone down a lot and people seem to be moving away from them.

When it comes to the South African economy, we are going to have to focus heavily on that before we can even consider investing abroad. Even if there is a huge upturn in the world’s economy, we are a long way behind. The problems with Eskom are case in point. I would suggest that SA investors should absolutely be looking for global investment opportunities. The SA market is simply not stable enough and there are so many unknowns, it would be a complete miss for investors to only keep things local.

It’s not all doom and gloom though, a huge positive is that the SA investor is a lot more aware than they were five years ago. They are a lot savvier in global markets and that is certainly going to continue. The final thing I can say to anyone wanting to invest is ‘don’t shut your eyes’. Keep them open as to what is happening not only in SA’s economy but also keep a firm eye on what’s happening around the world. What is creating opportunity for investors? Certainly Brexit; maybe look at trading against the pound. Watch the relationship between America and China; that’s going to have a huge effect on the dollar. Just carry on learning because you literally have a smorgasbord of information right at your fingertips.


Published: 04 November 2019

In a few years from now, millennials will be proud to claim responsibility for, amongst other things, the rise of socially and environmentally conscious investing. These thought-provoking investment choices, as well as several other exciting investment opportunities, may currently be considered immature, but essentially hold virtually unlimited growth potential.

Green, clean and ethical investing

While the previous generation continues to blame its successors for all the current social and economic woes of the world, millennials are instead pushing for a change in the global status quo and I, for one, am excited for the future this generation seems intent on building.

The increasingly popular fad of green investing and the encouragement of companies to ease their burden on the environment, has gained unstoppable momentum. We are currently at the tipping point, where what started as a grassroots movement, is now developing into a global trend with no end in sight – and that’s a good thing.

The investment landscape is also changing as more and more companies find that going green translates to improvements in their bottom line, because investing in renewable energies drives down costs and increases investor confidence. Investors are certainly more conscious and are currently more interested in organic foods, recycling and owning hybrid or fully electric vehicles, rather than bottomless economic growth. Case in point, Toyota Prius, the first mass-produced hybrid vehicle, went on sale more than two decades ago with moderate success, yet it wasn’t until millennials came along, that we started to see wide scale adoption of electric vehicles.

Regulatory standards are also shifting to accommodate these demands, meaning that companies focusing their efforts on minimising their carbon footprint will also benefit from keeping the regulators happy. This shows that thinking ahead can not only keep costs down, but also help avoid potential fines in the future.

The rise of the trading bots

But make no mistake, millennials aren’t only interested in ethical investing and corporate social responsibility. They also care about money, and when it comes to money, passive income generation is king. The best way to go about generating additional income streams, however, requires time, and this is time that millennials aren’t too keen on wasting on market analysis, quarterly earnings and unemployment reports, as well as how these affect the growth or decline of the GDP.

If there is one quintessential tool that can save us time, it is technology and automation. And because this is a generation focused on solutions to simplify, this is likely the main reason why we are witnessing the modern investor turning to robo-advisors, social investing platforms and trading robots to handle their investment portfolios and asset allocation.

In fact, algorithmic trading has seen a fundamental boom recently, and while there are some kinks to iron out, the tech is sophisticated enough to provide a truly hands-off approach to financial trading. This is right up this type of investors’ alley, alleviating the need to spend hours upon hours on researching the best performing assets and discovering new risk management methods – usually through trial and error. It all comes down to speed and efficiency; and trading robots have that in spades. They can run thousands of calculations per second and find opportunities that a human trader could never hope to process and execute on time. And, as any savvy investor will know, timing in the markets is everything.

Embracing new technologies is something that all investors should start to consider, because, as the technology becomes more efficient, and artificial intelligence and machine learning become more present in the industry, automated trading solutions could eventually replace manual trading. It could be argued that this is rapidly becoming the best approach and it may be time to find a way to utilise automated trading to complement your own trading strategy.

Investing in crypto – yay or nay?

Trading robots are also widely popular in the cryptocurrency trading communities, another exciting, albeit floundering, asset class championed by millennials around the world. Bitcoin and the rest of the altcoins came to revolutionise how we think about money, but unfortunately, they still are struggling on their journey to mainstream adoption.

Obviously, those who believed in the potential of the blockchain technology and became early adopters by investing in crypto from the start, have realised remarkable returns. But now the shaky performance of the cryptocurrencies doesn’t necessarily inspire confidence for those of us that prefer considerably less risk. The truth of the matter is that cryptocurrencies and their derivatives actually lend themselves perfectly to online trading, not in spite of their volatile nature, but because of it. Volatility is good for traders because of the big price movements.

If you want to profit from market trading, the underlying asset price needs to have ups and downs, it inherently needs a level of volatility. The direction the price moves isn’t necessarily important here, because derivatives like CFDs (contracts for difference) allow you to buy or sell, regardless of whether the price is going up or down. This effectively gives you the opportunity to profit in both rising and falling markets, with the only requirement being that the market moves. This is why volatility is such an important factor in trading; if the price doesn’t move there isn’t any profit to be made.

And now what?

The best guidance I can give to millennials is to embrace volatile assets – as long as they are conscious about risk management strategies. Simply put, millennials have the advantage of time, and time allows them to take risks.

Those who started investing quite late on their journey to retirement, can’t afford to take risks which limits opportunities significantly. By starting your investments early, you enjoy higher returns, simply because of the power of compounding. When you reinvest your earnings, you can increase your potential return on investment exponentially. Opportunity will always carry a certain degree of risk, but at the end of the day, it all comes down to how you limit your exposure to said risk, and not your opportunities.

When Millennials open live trading accounts with CM Trading, Africa's largest, award-winning local brokerage, they can freely enter the financial markets and seize numerous opportunities. Moreover, they get to enjoy advanced trading conditions, educational packages tailored to their individual needs and trading styles, as well as exceptional trading platforms. 

Head over to CM Trading's official website and open your live trading account today!


Published: 28 October 2019

With rugby mania reaching fever pitch, there has never been a more thrilling time to announce that Springbok fly-half Elton Jantjies is the new brand ambassador, for the next six months, for online trading company CM Trading. It might seem like an unlikely pairing at first, but Jantjies’ approach on the field pretty much echoes CM Trading’s approach to investment, and there is nothing ordinary about either.

"We are very excited about this new partnership with the Elton Jantjies,” says Daniel Kibel, CM Tradings co-founder. “As Africa’s largest and best-known online broker, it’s a natural fit to be associated with one of our most enigmatic young sports stars. Elton’s lust for life, the way he instinctively plays the game and the calculated risks he takes both on and off the field are all qualities that we hold in high regard. We are truly proud to have him represent our brand, both locally and internationally.

”As a self-professed risk taker, Jantjies steers very clear of the “safe side of the street”. Always pushing boundaries, he has absolutely no desire to spend time wondering what might have been. “Life is all about taking calculated risks”, he says. “If you take a risk and it pays off you will be happy, if you don’t you will always wonder what if?”. A mindset that not only aligns perfectly with the ever-changing investment landscape, but that is also very similar to Kibels, who says, “Your funds will give you absolutely no returns sitting tucked away in your bank account, in fact, it’s safe to say that you’re losing money with each day that passes. Why not grab the opportunity to actually do something with your money, you may have an unexpected outcome, but at least you took the chance”.

Jantjies took some time off during his busy training schedule in Japan to give us his take on this new partnership, as well as his thoughts on handling his finances and how to approach investment opportunities.

How did you come to be involved with CM Trading?

I have always had a keen interest in wealth creation and creating new revenue streams, CM Trading is the top broker in Africa, so it was a natural fit.

Do you use the CM Trading platform and if so, what do you like most about it?

I am learning how to trade through CM Trading and their user-friendly approach.

Do you feel that there are any parallels between the rugby field and the financial playing field?

For sure, although completely different, both require intense dedication. You have to invest the time, continually practice and never stop learning to reach the top.

How important do you think it is to stick to your strategy?

I think it’s very important to decide on a strategy and once you have it set in your mind you need to focus, stick to it and give it time to materialise. With that being said though, it is very important that you are able to pivot if required. 

What advice would you give a friend who tells you that they’re interested in investing in the latest “get rich quick” investment idea?

Just to do their homework properly, look at all the angles, speak to people in the know. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

If you could offer some personal advice to young athletes on investing for the future what would it be?

Stick to your budgets, don’t overextend yourself, don’t go and buy vanity things. Someone once told me if you cannot afford it twice don’t buy it, which is thinking that I apply in my own life. It might not always be glamorous but look for options to save for that rainy day, because if and when it comes, you will thank yourself.

Sound investment often requires a lot of research. How important is it to you to go into a match well prepared in terms of understanding your opponent? Do you spend a lot of time researching your opponents beforehand, or do you feel that you’d rather just face them on the field and take it as it comes?

We analyse our opponents down to every last aspect until we know as much as possible about what can be expected.  When you’re playing at the highest level, you cannot afford to not be prepared for what your opponent is bringing to the game. I would say that the same applies when it comes to your money. Know and understand the playing field and what opponents are doing out there. There truly is no such thing as knowing too much about what you could be up against.

Finally, have you learnt any important life lessons on the field that you use regularly, in everyday life?

The only thing I can say is to just enjoy your time out there and do your best – this goes for life as well. 

This partnership is certainly going to be something to keep an eye on. You don’t simply score over 1 000 Super Rugby points and lead your team to a multitude of consecutive finals from the fly-half position if there isn’t something special about you. It will be interesting to see what this young maverick has up his sleeve on both the rugby front and the investment front.


Published: 20 September 2019

When stock markets plummet and the word recession starts to be bandied about, it’s only natural to start questioning your financial options. Add to this uncertainty the very unpredictable job market, and one can be left feeling like the only option is to stuff what savings you have right under the nearest mattress. But is this really the best bet when it comes to managing your money? Yes, you might know exactly where it is and exactly how much of it there is, but just like a seed that never sees the daylight, the chance of your money ever growing is pretty much zero. So, how do we go about not only protecting, but growing our very fragile wealth portfolios?

Firstly, it’s very important to remember one simple truth – every single day that your money sits in the bank, is a day that it’s actually costing you money. “Your funds will give you absolutely no returns sitting tucked away in your bank account, in fact, it’s safe to say that you’re losing money with each day that passes,” Says Daniel Kibel, Director of CM Trading, an award-winning online trading company with a reputation for their out-of-the-box approach to investment opportunities. So, whatever direction you decide to take, it’s really better than the one your money is headed in right now. Instead of letting your money slowly but surely deplete in a bank account, why not consider investing it, because although it might be risky, it could potentially be the beginning of big things for your cash flow.

You may feel that you don’t have enough funds to make a substantial investment, but this shouldn’t be something that stops you says Kibel. “Although you may only have a small amount to invest, take some time, do some research and decide on your own personal level of risk. No amount is too big or too small, the important thing is to make sure you’re armed with adequate knowledge about what you’re investing in.”

Investing is not to be taken lightly and is often fraught with pitfalls for both professionals and part time novices. Mistakes are sometimes made, but if you are careful, and learn from them as you go, you will become better equipped for success each step of the way moving forward. The one thing that we all can agree on is that nobody has all the answers. There will always be an unexpected turn of events. From government policies, to political unrest, to war, famine, even political changes across the ocean; the only certainty is uncertainty. So why do we even try and predict the future? We can’t, but we can take responsibility for our own financial future and learn how to trade and invest our own money.

It’s really important to seek independence when it comes to managing our own wealth. Stockbrokers always predict that stocks will go up… bond brokers predict rising bonds… property experts forecast fantastic property increases, but their advice is certainly not impartial, so now is the time to start your own investment journey, to be in charge of your own money. Be wary of what people around you are saying, especially if they start telling you how much money they made in a specific fund. Just like the Vegas high rollers, people often only brag about their wins, but remember, if a “quick fix” investment sounds too good to be true then that’s exactly what it is – too good to be true.  Your financial plan is your investment blueprint that should be constructed in such a way that you’re comfortable with its strength during difficult market cycles, which are completely normal, with the agility to tap into opportunities when they present themselves.

Kibel offers two tips for potential investors. Firstly, concentrate on what you know and understand. Whether it be trading the dollar against the rand or dabbling in gold, for example, go for something that interests you. Secondly, and this is especially pertinent for those new to investing, it may be a good idea to adopt a “copycat” approach. This is the ability to copy traders from all over the world. Choose to research their trading history and follow their patterns. Many online trading companies, CM Trading being one of them, offer copycat programmes as part of their service, which could offer the perfect way for you to get your foot in the door.

Knowledge truly is power, and when it comes to investing, the power is ultimately in your knowledge. It really doesn’t matter how you do it; whether it’s investment in stocks, bonds, options or real estate. Maybe a small business or a selection of assets – the objective is always the same, to make an investment that will grow your financial nest egg. Take hold of the steering wheel firmly and drive the future you dream of, by learning, researching and taking advantage of every tool available out there that allows you to master your money. It’s an old, but extremely relevant adage that you must gain control over your money, or the lack of it will forever control you.

A good idea, or could your investment go up in smoke?

Published: 12 August 2019

It’s staggering to think that forecasters have predicted that by 2025 the global cannabis industry is expected to reach $146 billion, with the total market value of the South African cannabis industry raking in about $1.8 billion. These are the numbers being lobbied around and South Africa’s forward-thinking stance towards the 5-pointed leaf sets it up nicely to become a major player in the international market.

Since its legalisation at the end of 2018, the cannabis industry has proven to be an emerging market, giving South Africa the opportunity to run with the big dogs in this exciting new growth sector. Tito Mboweni even went so far as to say that policy changes in the industry can very well result in a potential source of revenue for SA in his Budget Speech.

With Statistics SA recently revealing that unemployment is not on the decline, it certainly is an opportune time to unlock the economic benefits, as well as the resulting job creation opportunities, that this industry presents. According to the New Frontier Data report the annual cannabis consumption rate in Africa is 11.4% while the global average is only 6% which bodes well for one of their Sustainable Development Goals which is to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”. The cannabis industry has the potential to create work opportunities for both low-skilled and high-skilled workers, it said, due to the fact that cannabis businesses will require management staff, administrative staff, manufacturing staff, agricultural operations and retail operations. In the United States, 321 744 jobs were created in the cannabis industry; and 35% were in retail operations.

So, with all the above in mind, the question at the forefront of every investors mind is whether or not to invest in the South African cannabis industry?

The collective word on the street is yes. If you’re looking to invest on the ground floor of one of the potentially largest markets globally, now’s the perfect time. Many companies are jumping on the cannabis bandwagon, one of which is CanbiGold, a South African holding company that has invested into several companies across the cannabis value chain and is offering early stage investors preferential share blocks at R500 000 per block. These are convertible at a 3 to 1 ratio once CanbiGold is listed. In Canada the listed cannabis sector has a market capitalisation of more than R500 billion. CanbiGold hopes to list on the Canadian Stock Exchange in the next 18 months to two years and possible a secondary listing on the ZAR X, a South African stock exchange. This is only one example of the investment opportunities that are budding across the sector.

Be wary of getting caught high and dry

As exciting as this whole new world of cannabis investment is, it’s important to not get caught up in the hype and invest without thinking. Right now, the buyers of cannabis shares are mesmerised by the potentially bright future that the landscape presents. Up until now, there hasn’t been any public cannabis related listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), yet. But that is set to change any day now. One of the biggest companies on the JSE by market capitalisation, Anheuser Busch is invested in the marijuana industry, and just like alcohol, the odds are that cannabis will sell, sending shares skyrocketing. But we do believe in the old adage of what goes up must come down, so maybe it might be pertinent to keep an eye on the market and see what happens as the legislation around the product changes. After all, you wouldn’t want to see your investment going up in smoke, would you? 



CURRENT SA MARKETS - Time to throw in the towel, or should we hold out for a hero?

Published: 12 July 2019

Questions that are most probably top of mind for a multitude of foreign investors is ‘Why South Africa and why now?’, and one could be forgiven for being unsure as to the answer.

It is no secret that the South African markets have been in a state of flux. In his first SONA last year, Cyril Ramaphosa promised “a major push this year to encourage significant investment in the economy”. Pivotal to this push, foreign investment from firms and individual investors outside of our borders was necessary. But, taking into account the dismal financial results reported by Moody’s in Q1 2019, will President Ramaphosa be able to make the necessary changes and reforms to help economic growth accelerate to as high as 3% by 2022?

According to the group, in a macro-analysis released at the beginning of June 2019, the odds that South Africa may experience a technical recession are high. This, in a large part, can be contributed to the widespread power outages experienced so far in 2019 that have had substantial negative ripple-effects, particularly for the mining and manufacturing sectors.

The task of resuscitating South Africa’s economy is certainly an onerous one, with the reality being that now is the time to dig deep as a country and harness all available resources. But it isn’t all doom and gloom on the investment front. With the recent ANC election win, under the leadership of Ramaphosa, hopes are high for renewed reforms that could potentially tackle the unemployment rates and provide a re-energised push to ignite growth.

Whilst financial markets are generally positive towards South Africa at the moment, an underlying sentiment that seems to be weighing on investors is whether government can effectively address the Eskom issue. After more than a decade of increasingly slow growth, and an exponential rise in joblessness, immediate policy priorities from Ramaphosa are a crucial first step to addressing South Africa’s complex economic challenges.

So, the question still remains – Why South Africa and Why Now?

The outcome of the election has been in line with market expectations and sentiment towards South African markets remains tentatively positive. The announcement of a drastically smaller, reshuffled cabinet this month is also bound to alter our economic course. Add to that Moody’s decision to skip the much-anticipated assessment of SA’s sovereign credit rating until November 2019, and it seems that for now, South African markets have been granted a reprieve, albeit a small one.

The Rand is expected to weaken over the next few weeks both in terms of the USD and the Pound rate, but the dominant position of the South African economy on the African continent, and the liquidity of the Rand on international markets still make the ZAR the currency of choice for investors seeking African exposure.

Although things look precarious, investors shouldn’t throw in the towel just yet. A look at analysts’ consensus forecasts (according to Thomson Reuters) on individual shares (based only on price forecasts, i.e. excluding dividends and adjusted according to their weight in the index) in the FTSE/JSE Top40, shows that analysts still expect the Top40 Index to be trading 21.6% higher from current levels (48 465 as at 28 May 2019).

As the famous John Templeton said, “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grown on scepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria. The time of maximum pessimism is often the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is often the best time to sell.”









Published: 28 June 2019

Winning the award for “Best Performing Broker in Africa” by International Business Magazine is truly a prestigious achievement in a much sought after category. Winning it 3 years in a row is unprecedented. With its 3rd consecutive win, CM Trading, an award-winning online trading company with a reputation for out-of-the-box approach to investment opportunities and the leading provider of derivative trading solutions to the local and international market, has cemented their standing across global platforms as an African force to be reckoned with.

Daniel Kibel, Director, CM Trading says, “Although this is something that have won in the past, an award of this nature is recognition of the amazing work that each and every one of our teams is doing each every day to push CM Trading forward. It's a great honour to have been awarded Best broker in Africa for the 3rd year running. What is even more satisfying is that we were voted by the public. So, thanks to everyone who helped us get there.”

The awards presented by International Business Magazine are distinct, pan-African business and capital market investment awards that are recognised globally and reward the achievements of some of Africa’s market leaders. These awards are truly a salute to the extraordinary achievements of private sector companies across the continent. What makes these awards even more prestigious, is that they not only profile excellence in investment reporting, they also highlight the crucial need for investment within Africa.

The annual awards showcase the best of Africa’s investment success stories and the competition is fierce. To achieve this level of excellence for 3 years running, considering the calibre of those organisations competing, has set the standards incredibly high. CM Trading views this as an opportunity to dig deeper in their quest to continually provide some of the most attractive propositions for investors globally. Although the prestigious nature of this award cannot be ignored, Kibel re-iterates that a win in this category only creates an even higher drive for CM Trading to carve out their mark in the complex world of Forex trading and continue development of their unique range of products and services that make them a cut above the rest.  

“With CM Trading offering clients only the very best Forex trading experience and having our commitment, our clients, our teams success and our unwavering passion for African investment recognised with this award for the 3rd time, the sky truly is the proverbial limit as to what the road ahead holds for us.” Concludes Kibel.

CM Trading is “Your local international broker” and is a leading provider of derivative trading solutions to the local and international market.   The company, regulated by the South African Financial Services Board, operates successfully around the globe and assists in increasing their clients trading knowledge, providing personal service and support as well as a range of online solutions to match every traders needs.

For more information on CM Trading please visit their website https://www.cmtrading.com/, or contact them on +27 10 500 80 26 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You can also follow them on Twitter @CMTrading_FX and Facebook @CapitalMarketsTrading.