Thembu Royals Magazine “10 Days In Public Space & The Way Forward”

Published: 23 February 2018

Thembu Royals Magazine [TRM] is a South African Premier Business Magazine that was launched on air on the 12/02/2018 ( 10 days ago). The magazine is the product of Thembuland Royal Empire-The Nation of AbaThembu. The Royal Family of AbaThembu Nation conceived and is actively involved in all the activities at issue herein. The corporate entity of Thembuland Royal Empire is Thembuland Royal Treasury Holdings Ltd, which is a Specialist Business Consulting Firm. This corporate entity is also currently pursuing massive Industrialization Program in the province of the Eastern Cape. Full details appear more fully on our website:

Thembu Royals Magazine has been created specifically to improve business awareness, and a solid spirit of entrepreneurship among our constituencies who are found scattered in all 9 South African Provinces estimated to be around 32 ( thirty two) million people or so.

The Essence;
At the moment Thembu Royals Magazine is only on a digital platform. It is anticipated that the print version will be released during the month of March 2018 to be distributed in all 9 South African Provinces making use of regular distribution channels that are used by other popular magazine brands that are currently on offer.

There has been a shockingly positive response that we have received from the public in the past first 10[ten] days, for which we are deeply grateful, humbled and honored. At the moment more than 15,000( fifteen thousand) people on Social Media Platforms are currently talking about our magazine. This number has been greatly improved with the diligent assistance of various Media Monitoring Houses that took it upon themselves to welcome , support and publicized our cause massively. We remain deeply indebted to these giants of the media fraternity. The support on the ground from traditional leaders, business forums, academics, religious groups, NGO, and from across all sectors, from Cape to Cairo, from Brazil to Australia, has been swelling on an hourly basis. At this stage it is impossible to estimate with accuracy how many people have pledged their support.

The reason for the support: TRM’s approach is to educate, inform, inspire and to give opportunities to the public. These are the 4 corners of our publication. Furthermore , ours is not only a magazine. It is an institution whose benefits appear herein below.

Benefits to the public
a)Entrepreneurs who decide to subscribe to the TRM will receive additional business related benefits that are stipulated on our website, under Gold Membership. Kindly visit our site.

b)Non-Entrepreneurs: This refers to people like students, unemployed people, and the like also have benefits that accrue to them on becoming Silver Members. One such benefit is Free Career Advice, and Career Networks that is aimed at alleviating unemployment in South Africa especially among the youth. We have also partnered with various recruitment agencies to help us fight against unemployment.

c)Affiliate Marketing Scheme: In March 2018 we are starting an Affiliate Marketing Scheme mainly targeting unemployed graduates, and other young adults. These Affiliate Marketers will get an opportunity to earn a living for themselves. We will be setting up Business Centers for this purpose in all 9 South African Provinces to absorb these young adults into a workforce.

d) Various other job opportunities; Various other job opportunities have arisen. The details will be communicated to the public as set out below.

Communication to the public;
#Option 01:
In March 2018 we are embarking on a Road Show visiting various places in South Africa to clarify this unique concept, more especially the benefits to the public. If one has a constituency that desires to get a personal presentation they are cordially invited to drop us an email to;This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our Professional Consultants will attend to them, very soon. OR call at-0812892046.

#Option 02;
On our website various dates where we will be visiting different constituencies will be advertised from the 01/03/2018. Kindly check our site very often to see when are we coming to your city.

#Option 03;( International )
This has been designed mainly for people outside South Africa. Even if you are inside South Africa you will also benefit from it in any event. These are Webinars. We will be holding several Webinars from March 2018 to communicate with the local and international community. Dates will also be advertised on our site. Anyone who desires to be part of these Webinars is cordially invited to simply drop us an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. –any day from the 23/02/2018. We will put your names on the waiting list and update you accordingly once specific dates have been finalized.

Best Regards
Thembi Qondy Tembe[Ms]
Director: Stakeholder Relations
Office of the Emperor [0822195195]; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape NorthWest Western Cape

Thembuland Royal Empire

(dedicated diligent developmental services to the nation)
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Address : Stegman Rd

Banking; Insurance; Energy-Oil & Gas; Mining; Business Consulting]
All Inquiries to : 0812892046