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Hobby-X: Growing a South African board game culture

Published: 21 February 2018

Solarpop Distribution is proud to announce that we will be at Hobby-X Jo’burg from the 1st to the 4th of March 2018.

Hobby-X was launched in South Africa in 1998 and continues to be as popular as ever, drawing thousands of visitors to every show! Hobby-X showcase and promotes the best hobby brands and products in an innovative marketing approach that targets both trade and consumers. Many of the visitors to Hobby-X have developed a passion for hobbies and crafts and are hungry for ideas and information on new products and experiences.

Solarpop’s mission at Hobby-X is to bring the joys of board gaming and learning through play to the South African public. Our 80sqm demo area, manned by our team of enthusiastic and knowledgeable ‘Game Guides’ will cater to all levels of interest. From families looking at board gaming as a pastime both young and old can enjoy together, to the entrenched hobby gamer looking for the latest challenge and board gaming experience the ever-growing community has on offer.

Solarpop will have on display a curated range of games and products ideal for consumers wanting to start on their journey into the board game hobby, as well as a great reference for trade partners looking to add board games as a revenue stream into their business model.

Solarpop will also showcase the latest in magnetic toy’s in the form of Magformers. Magformers was Amazon’s #1 selling toy in 2015 and #1 Educational toy in 2016, with a multitude of awards and nominations under its belt with a TOTY 2018 nomination in two categories being the most recent. Magformers was also featured in Toy Talk 2017 hosted by Nikki Bush and on the ‘best toys of the year’ segment hosted by Azania Mosaka on 702. https://omny.fm/…/the-best-of-azania-…/best-toys-of-the-year

Solarpop is looking forward to Hobby-X 2018 and values the opportunity to showcase board gaming and learning through play as a hobby pastime the entire family can enjoy together.

Magformers: the premium magnetic construction toy now available in South Africa

Published: 24 November 2017

Solarpop Distribution is proud to announce that as of November 2017, Magformers will for the first time be available to the South African market.

Magformers is the world leader in magnetic construction toys. With a strong brand philosophy believing that creativity is the driving force behind problem solving, Magformers is expected to be Lego’s main competition as soon as 2020. With 3D brain training, converting 2D to 3D, Magformers nurtures a ‘3D Brain’ capable of multifaceted thinking.

Magformers is unique in that it allows children to become familiar with various geometric shapes and colours, allowing them to acquire an understanding of basic mathematical concepts through play. Magformers has great value as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) based toy offering great ‘learning through play’ opportunities.

Magformers was Amazon’s #1 selling toy in 2015 and #1 Educational toy in 2016, with a multitude of awards and nominations under its belt with a TOTY 2018 nomination in two categories being the most recent. Magformers was also featured in Toy Talk 2017 hosted by Nikki Bush and on the ‘best toys of the year’ segment hosted by Azania Mosaka on 702. https://omny.fm/…/the-best-of-azania-…/best-toys-of-the-year

Magformers is currently available to the public from local online retailers such as Takealot.com, Loot and Raru as well as prominent brick-and-mortar toy stores such as Hamleys, with a planned expansion of the retailer footprint in 2018. A series of demonstrations will also take place during the festive season at prominent brick-and-mortar-stores, taking full advantage of the visually interesting 2D to 3D construction method, allowing for complex 3D shapes and structures being laid out in 2D and then converted to a 3D construct. https://youtu.be/fxLh719ZZ-0

With a proven sales record in the international market, and a great reception into the local market, Solarpop foresee Magformers to be one of the top construction toys purchased for the 2017 festive season.

30 Schools do CAD Training for F1 in Schools Competition

Published: 16 August 2017

Over the July holidays 170 pupils from 30 schools in the Gauteng region, including 30 teachers competed a computer Aided Design (CAD) introduction course in preparation for the 2017/18 F1 in Schools race season. 

The training, provided by Sangari Education, was done at Tshwane University of Technology. The teams that attended are competing for the chance to go to the international competition in 2018.

“Students and teachers worked through tutorials, and on completion, each team designed their own F1 cars that will be competing in the racing scheduled to start in August,” said Pieter du Plessis, F1 in Schools programme manager at Sangari Education.

“Based on each team’s design, the F1 cars will be manufactured at Sangari Education’s offices overlooking the Kyalami race track. It is a great setting to prepare for the F1 in Schools competition,” he said. 

The racing cars are designed using Siemens’ Solid Edge CAD software supplied locally by ESTEQ, who are also assisting Sangari with training of the teachers. This software is used for designing the shape as well as simulating the airflow allowing the design to be optimised before sending through for manufacture on a high-precision milling machine. 

“The vehicles are then tested in a wind tunnel to ascertain the resistance characteristics and modifications are made if necessary.” The world record is 0.997 seconds for the F1 cars rocketing along the 20m race track. 

In support of the F1 in schools Challenge the Gauteng Department of Education has deployed Technology Senior Education Specialists in every district to assist with the roll-out of the programme. The Department is excited to see the impact the experience will have on the learner’s ability to relate to the theory being taught in the technology syllabus and the overall improvement in Maths, Science and Technology results, said Mr du Plessis. 

F1 in Schools is as an educational competition that promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) where schools build a model F1 racing car and compete in inter-school racing competitions. The winning team will represent South Africa at the international finals later this year,” said Bez Sangari, CEO of Sangari Education.  

Pule Kgasoe, teacher at Aurora Girls High School in Soweto, who competed in the 2016/17 season, said: “The competition has raised our students’ work ethic. They are now more organised and disciplined, and the programme has created new interest in maths and science.” 

“The F1 programme has also enabled students to gain more confidence as well as improve their time and resource management skills,” he said. “Team work has encouraged students’ on a journey of self-discovery. New career paths are being explored based on the various roles each student plays in the development of their F1 car.”   

Mr Kgasoe said there is also more interest from other students who have seen the benefits from learning science and maths.” Mr Sangari added that the programme develops entrepreneurial skills in students who are required to research, prepare a business plan and build links with industry to gain sponsorship. Students gain first-hand experience in marketing and accounting as they need to provide a complete portfolio as part of the competition.

“The F1 competition focuses on blended learning through a cross curricula approach where learners physically apply what is learnt in the classroom. The true value lies in how learners take ownership of their own learning,” he said.  

“What makes the F1 in Schools Technology Challenge different is that it entails a comprehensive and inclusive learning approach. Learners engage with subjects that improve their literacy, numeracy, sport and sports science, design and technology, art and design, textiles knowledge, STEM learning, computing, and business and enterprise,” concluded Mr Sangari.   

The Evolution of laser technology into the classroom

Published: 30 June 2017

Laser Technology Offers Endless Applications in the Classroom

Lasers systems have revolutionized the classroom setting by offering advance technology that yields amazing learning potentials in every department. Technology students will discover new trade, create prototypes, and utilize CAD/CAM programs. Meanwhile, Art and Drama students are taking their imagination to the next level by using the laser to bring new and exciting ideas to life and new dimensions to the stage by creating their own sets and props.Adding a Trote​c laser to your high school or university will automatically make your programs more attractive to students. It gives them the hands on skills for working with laser technology and equipment. This opens new doors and entrusts a greater advantage to students for many exciting career fields.

STEM Based Curriculum for Trotec Lasers

Trotec’s Curriculum Package is designed to assist professors in getting started with a laser in their classroom. It includes set up, support, and quality lesson plans with direction in teaching students how to operate the machine safely, develop technological design skills, and complete projects. Trotec’s curriculum is STEM approved, allowing students to start learning as soon as the laser arrives.

Beyond the Classroom

Save both time and money by cuting costs from outsourcing signage, trophies, awards, plaques, and even fundraising. Fundraising can become more profitable by creating unique and fun ideas with your Trotec. With a Trotec, schools, maker spaces, and maker members will truly profit.

A Trotec in Your Maker Space 

Laser systems are hot commodity in a maker space, member feedback always report the laser as the most used piece of equipment in their space. By adding a laser system to your maker space you’re adding a system that will draw new members from far and wide.

A Trotec laser system has unique features like InPackTechnology and Harsh Environment Kit and the longest standard warranties, making it the most durable system on the market, guaranteeing it will withstand heavy use (even from the inexperienced laser user).

Find out more on: www.troteclaser.co.za

FUCHS Foundation Trust Sponsors Mathematics Skills Programme in Tembisa

Published: 16 May 2017

Following its successful launch in 2016, The FUCHS Foundation Trust will again sponsor the grade 9 Mathematics Foundational Skills Programme in Tembisa.  

The project’s goal is to increase the pool of candidates available for STEM-related (science, technology and mathematics) careers.  The project targets learners who achieve “borderline” results and are at risk of dropping maths as a subject after grade 9. These learners are provided with supplementary classes through Star Schools to equip them with essential foundational skills required to pursue further studies in mathematics. 

Nine schools in Tembisa were the beneficiaries of the 2016 programme with 230 learners participating. The schools were Thuto ke matla, Inqayivivele, Zitikeni, Bokamoso, Tembisa, Boitumelong, Masiqhakaze, Mazisebenze and Ikusasa Comprehensive School.  

The project was well received by the department of education, the schools, learners and parents who see it as a valuable and relevant intervention given the challenges learners face.  

Solly Mogabudi, Department of Education, said: “The project is in line with both the Department of Education and the National Planning Commissions’ target to increase the number of learners eligible to study maths, science and technology-related subjects post-school, which is crucial for our economy.”  

Wilhemina Hlahla, a maths educator, commented: “The attendance and participation of the learners was very good. I believe this was due to the value they saw in the project. Also, for a change, this project was not about the best learners, but gave a chance to other learners and presented them with an opportunity that could be life changing. It was great to see the improvement learners’ confidence as they went through the programme.”  

“I think this is what made the project special. On the downside, however, the programme highlighted that the average learner lacks the basics and does not have a proper foundation in mathematics,” she said.

The top achieving learner, Racheal Nyilika was elated: “I can hardly believe that I got 76% for my final exams. I got 27% in the June exam. I used to think maths was so tough, I don’t know if I would have continued with maths had I did not attend this programme.” 

The 2016 project saw a significant improvement in learner performance in terms of pre- and post-intervention assessments as well as in the final examination results. A further encouraging fact was that 97% of the participants not only passed their final examination, but also chose to continue studying maths post grade 9.  

“This is the kind of result we were hoping for. We are encouraged and are looking forward to continuing with the programme. This is in line with our objective to implement programmes that will improve the economic prospects of marginalised individuals,” said Esther Seabi, general manager of the FUCHS Foundation Trust. 

Paul Deppe, MD of FUCHS LUBRICANTS SA and a trustee of the FUCHS Foundation Trust, explained why the trust was founded: “The FUCHS Foundation was created to facilitate black economic empowerment. The Trust is a shareholder in FUCHS LUBRICANTS SA (holding 25.1% of the shares) and uses its income to support initiatives aimed at facilitating access to economic opportunities. We believe that creating an opportunity for these learners to study maths post grade 9 will have a positive impact on their career prospects.”

The trust was supported through a donation by FUCHS LUBRICANTS SA, a subsidiary of FUCHS PETROLUB SE, which is a global group with German roots that has developed, produced and distributed lubricants and related specialty products for more than 85 years – covering virtually all areas of application and sectors. With about 60 companies and almost 5,000 employees worldwide, the FUCHS Group is the leading independent supplier of lubricants.

FUCHS PETROLUB SE says it is committed to playing a meaningful role in South Africa, both from a business and a social responsibility perspective. Lucas Haass, finance executive of FUCHS LUBRICANTS SA, said that FUCHS LUBRICANTS SA is proud of the project and believes it will have a positive impact on the Tembisa community. 

“We are based in Isando and the Tembisa community is one of our neighbouring communities and we have a significant number staff members that come from there. It is our policy to uplift neighbouring communities and that is why we chose to support this project.”

MGLI launches online course exchange

Published: 09 April 2017

Johannesburg – April 9, 2017– MathsGenius Leadership Institute (MGLI) is pleased to announce that it has launched Diretsa, https://www.diretsa.com a crowd-sourced course marketplace for 21st century skills in order to meaningfully contribute to the skills development goals as set out by United Nations and the African Union.

The platform intends to lower the barrier of entry into knowledge creation sharing and acquisition thus has been structured in such a way that every user will be able to create their own customized website and share knowledge with the world. As a global education marketplace, Diretsa is focused on securing partnerships with top educators from around the world in order to provide African learners with access to leading educational programs and information. The call for content publishers is not limited to top professors but is open to anyone who feels they have a skill to share with the world. Most African countries are suffering from infrastructure deficits and this is directly impacting learning for the continent that has the highest youth ratio in the world. It is exciting for Diretsa to be a strategic partner to content publishers and consumers and hopefully it will have the intended impact.

Diretsa has begun to drive awareness of the MGLI’s vision to democratize education for emerging markets by engaging various stakeholders in the African continent. Diretsa also looks to be a sponsor one of Africa’s largest education conferences, EduWeek that brings together educational movers and shakers from around the world to Africa. To educate the people in developing countries, they require access to global educators’ programs and this conference is a massive opportunity to network and exchange value.

Anticipated strategic partnerships with various leading institutions in the USA and venture capitalists will further bolster Diretsa’s ability to add value in Africa’s education ecosystem as the platform of choice. By bridging the access gap, Diretsa is solving a huge problem and helping developing countries achieve their objectives to skill up the African continent. Educators from around the world and learners across Africa can come together on one platform”, says Edzai Zvobwo, Chief Genius at MathsGenius Leadership Institute (MGLI). 

MathsGenius launches "Mothers For STEM" Initiative

Published: 26 January 2017

MathsGenius Leadership Institute (MGLI), a quantitative leadership startup based in Johannesburg, South Africa has launched an audacious program entitled "The Mothers for STEM Initiative".This initiative seeks to empower 150 women with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) tutoring businesses by the end of 2017.  

South African learners perennially do badly in maths and science subjects compared to their peers in other countries as shown by the low ranking in both the TIMSS and WEF reports on educational quality. On this background, MathsGenius a STEM advisory start-up saw it fit to address some of the fundamental problems associated with this failure in STEM.

A study done by MGLI in 2014 showed that the weakest link in the maths and science education learner spectrum were rural and township girls. They are the one who were seen to pose the greatest threat to success of the country in STEM subjects and careers. Upon further analysis a strong correlation between a mother's belief system around maths and science and their daughter's performance was established. 

"The best way to get more girls into STEM is to involve the community especially the mothers", stated Edzai Zvobwo, Chief Genius at MGLI. To put these sentiments into practice, MGLI has embarked on an ambitious project to provide motivation, training and support to 150 mothers who will become STEM tutoring business owners within their communities.

MGLI is looking for willing partners to come into fray and contribute towards the achievement of this goal. The model will see MGLI setting up an online education ERP system and LMS that will allow continuous monitoring of the entrepreneurs and learners and measuring progress and impact as the project goes on. MGLI will provide the prospective entrepreneurs with a "school-in-a-box" solution that they can simply plug and play to the benefit of learners. 

For information on this initiative you can visit Mothers of STEM  or  send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.