Signs that a career in software development might be for you

Published: 19 August 2016

Software development isn’t just about data structures, algorithms and measuring computation complexity. It’s about problem-solving, connecting people, improving business processes, and being commercially savvy.

SMSPortal has just taken on four interns for software engineers, and Brett Skinner, SMSPortal’s software development manager has noticed something they all seem to have in common, and might be an indication that a computer science degree and career as a software engineer might be for you. “Our interns have an eagerness to learn,” comments Skinner. “They come with fresh ideas from university and combine it with what they can learn from our experience, and create new and novel solutions to problems that we need to solve.”

So what are the signs, according to Brett Skinner, that a job in software engineering is for you?

You're a problem-solver Intern Lodewyk van der Westhuizen says “I love solving puzzles, and the message I had to decipher to apply attracted me – and I cracked the puzzle – that’s a huge sense of achievement.” And that’s just it. Many will tolerate problems without looking to solve them, but if you enjoy the challenge of solving problems, and understand the importance of timeframes and budgets in a commercial environment, then that's a sign you could be suited to software development. 

You like computer games Gaming can be good for you, especially games of strategy. These types of games, such as chess, help hone your ability to make decisions whilst taking into account short and long-term consequences.  Even 3D shooters contribute to a brain that likes to solve engineering problems.  The shoot-em-up style of games work in a 3D space and help your ability to visualize problems and their solutions.

You are able to convey your message You are able to get your point across by making logical and well-structured arguments. This skill is vital in teamwork and big problems often take teams to solve.

You are creative Do you get a sense of satisfaction from building something? In the digital world your constraints are different to those in the physical world.   When coding, you have to deal with time and space constraints.

You like the theory Knowing what has come before, helps you to avoid re-inventing the wheel. A solid computer science background is an important aspect of a software engineer’s skillset. By knowing what others have discovered, allows you to use their ideas correctly and build on them.

You’re a team player Coding is collaborative. By working together, you shake out bugs, and refine code to create something which adds value to a business and its customers. For this reason, prospective software engineers need to enjoy working together, and able to feedback and improve the team’s work.

You have a love-hate relationship with technology You love seeing what is new and what has been made possible. But hate that we are not further and always yearn for more. 

Software development in business exists to support the business, its activities, and to help change the way a company performs. SMSPortal continually looks to source talent for its growth. Each year, SMSPortal offers four, two-week paid internships to third-year students at its Cape Town offices.

If you are thinking of a career in software development, SMSPortal’s always looking for new talent for its internships, keep an eye open for the next opportunity. 

Written and distributed for SMSPortal by Sapphire Street. For more information please call Kimberley Clare Ogden on 076 321 8918 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Notes to Editors Established in 2002, SMSPortal has grown to be South Africa’s leading bulk SMS provider with direct links to national and international cellular networks.

Based in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, SMSPortal has the leading SMS gateway as well as offering: bulk SMS purchasing and sending, long and short code numbers, short code keywords and an international service. 

SMSPortal has fostered long-term relationships and forged a reputation built upon a carefully developed, user friendly, reliable, high capacity, online SMS platform. Clients include: well-known retail banks, and clothing stores and supermarkets. 

Performanta, confirmed platinum sponsor at IT Leaders Africa Summit

Published: 10 March 2015

Event organiser Kinetic has confirmed that industry-giant Performanta has signed on as platinum sponsors for this year’s anticipated 6th edition of their successful flagship event; the IT Leaders Africa Summit.

The event, taking place from 18 - 19 March 2015 at The Maslow Hotel in Johannesburg, is set to go beyond your usual routine business conference, evolving to deliver on a more exciting, topical, trendy and current platform, utilising both the latest technologies coupled with the latest in conference trends internationally.

Together with Performanta, the event aims to deliver an expert-lead agenda that features an educational conference program backed by the latest in technology workshops and demonstrations. 

Performanta’s workshop; Safeguard your organisation now, your wallet will thank you later; focuses on measuring your organisation against the industry on 10 information security and privacy measures, derived from real-world assessments.

Performanta Consulting was established by Anthony Olivier 4 years ago, aligning information security consulting services to the Performanta Technology & Services stable. Performanta Consulting has provided services to primary South African banks, insurance companies, brokers, mining companies, service and retail organisations. Their key differentiator: senior, qualified, experienced consultants, integrated frameworks and fair pricing. Furthermore, the team has assisted in addressing security problems in seventeen African countries and has a thorough understanding of the continental landscape.

As thought-leaders in the industry, they are amongst the most active South African participants in industry conferences, blogs and podcasts.An expert-led advisory panel will lead the summit with industry giants Robert Sussman, co-founder and joint-CEO of Integr8; Hugo Timmerman, Head of IT Southern Africa at British American Tobacco; and Tunde Coker, MD of Rack Centre (A Jagal Group Company).

The event also features over 35 speakers, keynotes, panel discussions and numerous educational workshop sessions hosted by key industry providers, all sessions led by some of today’s most notable individuals who are shaping the IT landscape in South Africa and beyond.

Speakers, just to name a few, include; David Visser, CIO of Coca-Cola Southern Africa; Anthony Hlungwane, Group IT Director of Mr Price Group; Sal Laher, CIO Eskom; Rocky Gwewera, Global Head of Infrastructure Architecture at Sasol; Stephan Ekbergh, CEO and founder of Travelstart; and Sunil Joshi, MD and CEO of Neotel.

Some sponsors and partners include; Telkom Business, HP, Performanta and Blue Coat Systems, SITA, Airwatch, Kofax, Dimension Data, Neotel, Meso Systems, Sage Pastel Accounting and ERP Africa, and Blackberry.

For more information on the event to register to attend or to sponsor, visit or contact the event organisers Kinetic on +27 21 180 4700.Follow the event and stay up to date on Twitter. @ITLeadersAfrica and join in on the conversation using #ITLAfrica.

Addressing Cyber Security.

Published: 24 February 2015

As the pace of digital transformation increases, so does the frequency of high profile security incidents and information leaks. This often prompts complex and costly responses, as those who have suffered security breaches – and those who are trying to avoid them – seek ways to manage their exposures and comply with a plethora of industry standards, best practices and government regulations.

Joint silver sponsors at the 6th IT Leaders Africa Summit, SLVA and Ubusha will explore the mechanisms you could use to ensure a secure information-processing environment during their workshop presented by Kris Budnik, Managing Director for SLVA Information Security.

Attendees will hear how they can maximise existing capabilities and leverage the emerging wave of enterprise security technologies that tip the balance away from cyber-criminals and dishonest employees.

SLVA and Ubusha’s holistic response to minimising information security risks requires the ability to:

-Understand and manage who has access to information and systems within your environment and what they are able to do with such access

-Track and have the capability to influence the way that data is accessed, processed and shared within your environment

-Maintain oversight over that environment – ensuring that it remains reliable and free from vulnerabilities which may be exploited to bypass your access control and data governance policies  

Please note that the cut off date for applications to present a workshop at the IT Leaders Africa Summit is the 27th of February 2015.  

During these 60 minute educational workshops, leading industry vendors present their solutions and services in case study format to attending CIOs and IT Heads. Each session is limited to 15 delegates in order to encourage debate and discussion. The workshops are scheduled in advance as the topics are marketed to CIOs and business leaders during the build up to the Summit.  

For IT Leaders Africa Summit brochure advertising opportunities, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   The 6th IT Leaders Africa Summit takes place on 18 & 19 March 2015 at the Maslow Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg.

Are we disempowering our youth?

Published: 23 June 2008
{pp}Two weeks ago our minister of Education, Naledi Pandor, suggested that three year degree and Diploma programmes be stretched to four years, instead of three.

There are many reasons to disagree with this thinking.