Published: 30 June 2014

Business & Professional Women (BPW SA), and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) are hosting a business breakfast on 7th August 2014 to launch a unique 3-day Women’s Empowerment Programme in South Africa to provide registered SME’s with the legislative knowledge required to effectively run their business within the parameters of South African law.  

The breakfast is hosted by DDG Mr Mojalefa Mohoto and DDG Mrs Pumla Ncapayi from the DTI and BPW South Africa as well as senior representatives from the JSE and UN-Women and the Commonwealth Business Council.  Various international Ambassadors and High Commissioners will host tables at the event.  A sponsorship fund will be launched at the breakfast for qualifying enterprises.  

Organisations of all sizes in South Africa need to develop and apply sound governance, risk and compliance principles and institute high ethical values. Failure to do so will have devastating consequences for the organisation, including penalties.   For SMEs, the biggest challenge is a lack of understanding around the difficulties associated with becoming compliant.   Understanding the ever-changing regulations makes the difference between a small business thriving – growing the economy and creating jobs – or closing its doors, and thus closing the door on job creation.  

Simply put, you need to know your laws. Know your rights and obligations. In this way you mitigate risk to yourself, your business, your employees and your customers. If done well, it helps to improve business performance and ensure financial success.   If you would like to be part of this Women’s Empowerment Programme, we invite you to join us at this Business Breakfast – tickets are R500 per person or R5000 per table of 10.   

For more information, or to attend the Business Breakfast,
please visit our website at

Product design interns get practical

Published: 23 June 2008
{pp}Pulling things apart to find out how they work, and then putting them back together again, might seem a destructive activity to most parents, but for budding product designers it’s the perfect childhood, as it was for young Turkish designer Esin Isik who started fiddling about in the innards of domestic appliances when she was 11.

International Media Forum

Published: 30 May 2008
{pp}The second edition of the International Media Forum South Africa (IMFSA) was held at the Campus in Bryanston, Johannesburg, 21 – 22 May 2008. IMFSA, a gathering of some of the world's top editors teaming up with African media managers and communicators.

Awesome South African, Julia Holley

Published: 14 May 2008
{pp}Yesterday I had the amazing experience of interviewing 28 year old Durbanite Julia Holley, a brand manager at Unilever SA. From the minute she came on the phone I could feel the energy and enthusiasm she has, not just for her work, but her life.

Freelance writing with Marion Scher

Published: 09 May 2008
{pp}This course will give you the tools to write newspaper and magazine articles, press releases and edit copy.

This course is aimed at anyone who has ever wanted to earn their living through writing or wants to simply improve their skills. The idea of this course is for the participants to produce at least two articles, possibly a profile, travel,health, humour piece and even an issue story.
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