Heroic Touchable Tech ‘Sensanetik’ is helping you help the SPCA

Published: 25 April 2017

Johannesburg, Gauteng, 25 April 2017 – A brief touch of 30 seconds is enough for people to begin to create attachment and that’s exactly how Global Access intends to help the Sandton/Marlboro SPCA. Global Access is inviting you to join them on the 6th of May 2017 at the Central City Comics Be A Hero Day at the Sandton Commercial Village where they will be setting up their touchable tech, ‘Sensanetik’. Here you will find out how you can be a hero!  

This experiential digital signage solution will allow people to pick up and touch a toy version of the animals the SPCA helps. By lifting up the cat or dog, visitors will learn more about how they can help the SPCA.  But why not just use a pamphlet, or a normal digital screen? What makes Sensanetik so special?It is through the engagement with the tech and information shared, that the SPCA can build a connection with the visitors. A connection, that will drive them to want to help the SPCA achieve its’ mission to ‘prevent cruelty to animals and positively contribute to animal welfare through serving and educating our communities.’         

“A lot of people see technology as disruptive and say it’s moving us away from each other. We wanted to show that it can be used to raise awareness and actually be a part of building a caring community. By creating a display that excites people to learn about the SPCA and hopefully contribute to the protection of their animals, we aren’t disrupting them. We’re using a format they are already used to, technology and screens, to enrich their lives and to improve the lives of those who can’t speak for themselves, the animals.” Says Ivano Stipcevich, Head of Digital Signage Networks at Global Access.   

By engaging with the Sensanetik, visitors can see the opportunities to become heroes and help the SPCA either through adoption or various other ways from dog walking to donations.

“The Sandton/Marlboro SPCA will also be there on the day where we know our display will help draw interest to them, but also it will be remembered long after the day. It’s an honour to be able to use our innovations to help.” Says Brad Willson Managing Director at Global Access. The day promises to be fun, family friendly, filled with comics, food, pets and above all heroes of all kinds who will be there supporting the SPCA. Global Access, Sandton/Marlboro SPCA and Sensanetik will be there, will you don your cape and join them? 

Global Access is an innovative digital media and content solutions provider.

For more information on the event:

FB Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1134558056654431/

Quicket Event Link: http://qkt.io/D4dHIk