RentMyRide Partners with Tracker

Published: 27 October 2021

RentMyRide has joined forces with Tracker to further develop South Africa's first peer-to-peer car rental marketplace by providing security measures and peace of mind. Welcome to the future of car rentals.

RentMyRide is a solutions driven company with the goal of encouraging growth, trust and confidence in the shared economy.

Through this approach, RentMyRide has created a space for both the entrepreneur and individual interested in renting a vehicle.

Car sharing may be an atypical concept to South Africa as it is not a norm as of yet, but it is not uncommon anywhere else in the world. This new partnership between RentMyRide and Tracker should inspire a sense of security for both current and future stakeholders. RentMyRide expects to grow in popularity in a similar way Airbnb has over the past decade.

The reality of vehicle crime in South Africa is becoming more apparent which raises the question...will RentMyRide work in a place like South Africa? It appears so. Through a careful and meticulous signing up process which verifies the identification of both the renter and car owner, installation of a tracking device and stringent payment protocols, there is no reason for peer-to-peer car rental not to become a normal part of our everyday lives.

RentMyRide embraces a future that encourages South Africans to share vehicles rather than to buy and own them. This is currently a global ground swell following the COVID-19 pandemic that has seen changing travel requirements and increased financial pressures.

“We are excited to be pairing our tracking and telematics solutions with a technology platform that will bring mobility within reach of many more South Africans” says Spyros Marinis, Mobility Sales Manager at Tracker. “Tracker’s products and services can provide peace of mind to RentMyRide’s vehicle owners and renters alike, facilitating South Africa’s further advancement toward shared economy liberties.”

RentMyRide is about building a better South Africa for mobility seekers, providing opportunities to share vehicles and in doing so, share hope for a greater South Africa. Now is the time to stand together and take to the roads.

RentMyRide puts their consumers in the front seat. To learn more, visit
Thanks for the ride.

Security & self-defense in South Africa

Published: 08 September 2021

South Africans might not be able to sight self-defense as a valid reason for a gun license if government has a say about it.

The country came ablaze with fears of gun owners no longer being able to apply for gun licenses for self-defense. South Africans have been taking their own safety in hand due to a lack of faith in the Police to protect and safeguard their families.

We see that people make use of private security firms and other deterrents such as electric fences, alarms and motion detectors to keep their property and their families safe.  However, the use of firearms have always been the fallback for when these fail and you are faced with a perpetrator in your house. With gun licenses now being reviewed for self-defense South African are looking elsewhere to find alternatives.

Rolph Vorster, owner of Outdoor & Velocity has seen a huge uptick in people looking for effective alternatives which can be easily come by, without the red tape commonly associated with applying for a gun license. Outdoor & Velocity is an importer for some of the largest names in air guns, pepper pistols and tazers, they pride themselves on their ability to provide these items at the best price possible in South Africa.  Their latest import for the Borner Air Pistol brand sees the Borner CLT-125 Air Pistol Kit as one of the top sellers. Other favourites are the Byrna Pepper Pistol Kit, the Umarex T4E 50cal Home Defence Revolver and the Umarex T4E HDR 50 Cal Kit with torch

For other self-defense products visit; 

Should you be interested in wholesale enquiries then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Regardless of what you’re looking for in non-lethal self defense and home defense options you should have a closer look at Outdoor & Velocity.   

IdentiScan: The Ultimate Protection for South African businesses

Published: 21 February 2017

IdentiScan is a handheld device that patrolling guards or gate guards can use to scan the barcodes of ID documents and driver’s license disks to gather information about those who are entering the facility. It also provides guards with a helpful selection of questions which they can use to both screen guests and gather the necessary data for future use. The security company or the manager that is involved with the management of the guards on duty can select which questions need to be asked to help determine which data should be collected.  

Why is the IdentiScan device an advantage for security companies?  

Being able to correctly identify criminals is one of the biggest crime deterrents available. For the criminal, it is all about identifying which company is weaker than the rest in terms of the security procedures that are in place. This means that criminals will usually know exactly what kind of security systems they are dealing with before they attempt anything.  

With IdentiScan, criminals will be aware of the data collection being a prerequisite to them entering the business premises. Knowing that all of the valuable data will be collected means that they are less likely to take a chance, as they know that there is a higher probability of them being caught. This is why having IdentiScan as a part of your security companies systems can be one of the most important factors for preventing crime.  

The standout features of IdentiScan  

The IdentiScan device comes with numerous features which contribute to the device being a success in data collection.  

The features of IdentiScan include:  

  • Laser scanning
  • Detection of all forms of SA identification
  • Secure storage of data in an internationally recognised hosting centre
  • Local support of hardware
  • Cradle charger
  • Remote measuring of available battery level (and warning emails to supervisors)
  • GPS location of device (if lost or stolen)
  • Guard identification by pin (access records tagged with guard name)
  • White Listed vehicles, drivers and pedestrians
  • Black Listed vehicles, drivers and pedestrians
  • Contractors have the control
  • Dial residents directly from IdentiScan
  • Resident list downloads to the unit. (guard can choose the destination address)
  • Photo upload of drivers to the secure server
  • Open gate from hand held unit using BlueLock  

Some of the benefits of IdentiScan include a high level of access to information provided by the data that is collected, the removal of the need to have any paper-based registers filled out when visitors enter a building, visitors can be processed faster when entering the business or facility, the data can be safely kept off-site, automatic warnings when undesirable people enter the facility and easier, more accurate reporting is available.  

IdentiScan is one of four security products available from one of Cape Town’s most renowned security companies. You can find out more about IdentiScan and the other products available by visiting their website at or by visiting