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Sixty SA schools to get sustainable food gardens from Rhodes Quality

Published: 16 November 2021

Grow with Goodness and Buy a Pack, Feed a School

Rhodes Quality has launched a new initiative in partnership with social enterprise, Reel Gardening called Grow with Goodness, with the aim of growing sustainable food gardens for sixty South African schools. 

Each time you buy a Rhodes Quality 100% fruit juice over the summer period, you will be helping Rhodes Quality feed local vulnerable communities and most specifically hungry children.

“We are very excited to kick-off the summer with such a meaningful initiative and that’s why we’ve partnered with Reel Gardening to help us grow school gardens filled with goodness this summer,”  says Tamara Patel, Brand Manager for Rhodes Quality at RFG. "The future of South Africa depends on the seeds we sow and the kindness we show today.”

“A portion of this summer’s juice sales will be funding the growth of community gardens at sixty schools around the country,” she explains. “We’re working hard to assist vulnerable communities and feed hungry children and we’re asking all South Africans to join us as we plant gardens around South Africa.”

“South Africa's deteriorating food security issues have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, roughly 11% of our population are suffering from hunger,” Patel says. “With this initiative we are hoping to grow South Africa with goodness.”

“Our new summer brand campaign is centred around ‘go with goodness’ which effectively means that we want to provide fresh, wholesome nutrition to as many schools as possible,” she explains. “Our 100% fruit juices make it easier for you and your family to go with goodness everyday while helping our local communities grow with goodness too.”

Patel explains that it’s really easy to get involved, “Add any one litre Rhodes Quality 100% fruit juice to your shopping cart in stores around South Africa and our team will do the rest.”“Good food is imperative for children’s growth, nourishing their tummies and minds is so important to make sure the children of South Africa grow up strong by eating good, wholesome food,” she says. “What’s more with our partnership with Reel gardens the children will also learn about planting and growing produce in an accessible, sustainable and fun way.”

“We couldn’t have asked for a better partner to help us bring this initiative to life, a business started by Claire Reid at age of 16 has grown into an innovative, award-winning social enterprise that delivers a real planting revolution with a focus on getting people grounded,” Patel says. “Since their inception they have reached almost 3,000 schools and communities, and we look forward to our journey with them.”

“Growing food not only impacts a person’s ability to take control of their food security,” says Reel Gardening founder, Claire Reid. “It has a myriad of other benefits, including instilling a connection to nature, responsibility, patience, relaxation and problem solving. Whether a few pots on your windowsill or a whole veggie patch in the garden, the process of growing food will improve your quality of life.”

“Our delicious range of 100% fruit juices aren’t the only source of goodness,” she adds. “Goodness is also found in the hearts of communities that work together to keep tummies full, join us to help communities continue to grow.”

How it works:

  1. It all starts with you buying any 1L Rhodes Quality 100% fruit juice.
  2. Reel Gardens then visit 60 schools around the country and deliver everything needed to start a wholesome vegetable garden.
  3. Volunteers and teachers are trained to care for the garden. From planting to harvest, school children can get involved in and excited about the process
  4. Schools are now ready to tend their gardens, watch goodness grow and reap the nutritious rewards!

For more information visit the website or Facebook and Instagram #GROWWITHGOODNESS

The CAD4ALL EGD Academy linking our graduates to our corporate clients

Published: 12 August 2019

The CAD4ALL EGD Academy linking our graduates to our corporate clients CAD4ALL is the leading provider of CAD design education and a significant provider of employees to industry. Cad4all Career and Design College is one of Cape Town’s first private accredited design institution within the AEC industry. Offering a unique, professional environment in lectures taught by working professionals who are experts in their specific fields.

The CAD4ALL curriculum offers subject matter experts in specialist areas bringing extensive industry experience thus providing an opportunity to bring your creative passion to life.With more accredited qualifications offered in 2020, CAD4ALL pioneered and set up the first EGD Academy for all Grade 12 learners creating a hub for them to access resources, information and design software within the AEC industry. CAD4ALL College focuses on teaching in single discipline specific areas only.

Organisations that offer a wide array of qualifications from IT to Business, and design only as an abstraction from their product offering usually achieve generic competencies for their learners because of the lack of technical specialization.

CAD4ALL is the leading provider of design education and a significant provider of potential employees to industry for thee past 11 years Through the CAD4ALL corporate database and as a single point of contact the learners from our academic institution may now seamlessly connect to a variety of business opportunities for possible employment.

CAD4ALL offers expertise in which AEC companies can access the talent pool of graduates at no cost.  Come and join a 11-year CAD4ALL AEC history where you gain design experience professionally from the ground up.

Work directly with qualified lecturers and career advisors to collaborate a design portfolio to develop employment goals and a path to get there.

CAD4ALL the home of AEC Education designed for you in the AEC industry, Study at CAD4ALL both inContact and online at the most competitive tuition fees in Cape town.Get social and visit us on our Open Day on the 31 August 2019 and register on our website www.cad4all.co.za

FinTech Startup launches a programme that will raise money passively from data and airtime for schools

Published: 28 January 2019

[Johannesburg, Gauteng, 24/01/2019] - PrepaidWealth.com, a recently launched South African FinTech Startup for accumulating cash or providing discounts when data and airtime is purchased from the platform, is launching a programme that will enable schools to raise money passively from teachers and parents when they buy their personal data and airtime. 

Schools will create their own group accounts separately on the PrepaidWealth.com platform. Teachers and parents will then join the group on their own or ask the school to include them. Every time the parents and teachers buy data and airtime from the platform, 80% of the margins or discounts that retailers get from data and airtime will be donated to the schools for fundraising purposes. The platform accumulates 80% of the discounts collectively from all the teachers and parents within a school group. The accumulated discounts can be withdrawn in cash once the accumulated amount is at least R200. 

The discounts provided to retailers vary from 1.5% to 9.5% and therefore one can assume an average discount rate of 5%.  

A school that can get 350 teachers and parents to join the school group on PrepaidWealth.com as members can raise R25,500 per year, assuming that they spend an average of R150 on data and airtime per month each. 

The data and airtime provided on PrepaidWealth.com is from all mobile service providers; namely, Vodacom, MTN, CellC, Telkom, Virgin Mobile. The platform also provides prepaid electricity services as well as services from Mozambique Vodacom and Econet Mobile. “The schools programme will unlock a passive way of raising funds for curriculum and extra curriculum activities for schools. At some schools, it might replace or complement the currently used fundraising methods” – Gabriel Nkuna, co-founder of PrepaidWealth.com 

Pupils stand a chance to WIN BIG in annual clean-up and recycle

Published: 31 July 2017

Schools around the country stand a chance to once again win big prizes in Plastics|SA’s annual schools competition, entitled “Let’s do it … Let’s Clean-Up South Africa!”

According to Douw Steyn, Director: Sustainability at Plastics|SA, the aim of this national competition is to educate and encourage schools, communities, businesses and organisations to play their part in cleaning up their immediate surroundings.

“We have been running this national competition for the past 10 years as part of our annual Clean-up and Recycle SA activities. During this time, we have given away prizes to deserving schools for hosting various clean-up activities and being committed recyclers of their waste,” Steyn says.

The competition is open to primary and high schools as well as businesses or organisations around the country who are eager to initiate a clean-up and/or recycling activity in their area.  By writing a short report about their clean-up and recycling, and sending in the photographs and information of what they had managed to accomplish, they stand a chance to win one of the following exciting prizes: 

Primary School R5 000 R2 000 R1 000
High School R5 000 R2 000 R1 000
School: Primary & High 6 Seater Picnic Table Garden Bench Plastic Recycle Bin
Business/Organisation&nbsp 6 Seater Picnic Table Garden Bench Plastic Recycle Bin

Entries for last year’s competition were received from around South Africa and were judged based on how many participants were involved in their respective projects and whether they managed to involve their community. Kabega Primary in Port Elizabeth was announced as the ultimate winner for proving their mettle as a group of learners committed to sustainability and cleaning up their environment based on the amount of recycling and other environmental and sustainability activities they were involved in.

The closing date for this year’s competition is 31 October 2017. Entry forms and competition rules can be downloaded from www.cleanupandrecycle.co.za/competition. Entries will be judged during the first week of November and the winners will be announced shortly thereafter.

“We look forward to seeing new schools enter the competition this year and proving their worth as our eco-warriors of the future. There is wealth in waste and we want as many schools as possible to benefit from this competition that teaches pupils the importance of looking after their environment, whilst at the same time benefitting the school and their community,” Steyn concludes.

For more information, visit www.cleanupandrecycle.co.za or www.plasticsinfo.co.za

Sharing good practice & celebrating professional partnership

Published: 14 February 2017

British Council links South African schools with UK counterparts in an effort towards knowledge sharing and international partnerships 

Seven South African schools have forged partnerships with UK schools as part of the UK-funded Connecting Classrooms project, a unique global education programme.

Connecting Classrooms is designed to broaden teaching practice, equipping teachers to prepare their learners with the skills they need for life and work in a global economy.

Colm McGivern, Director South Africa said: “Connecting Classrooms equips teachers and school leaders to broaden their teaching practice and ultimately improve learning outcomes for young people in the 21st century.

It’s a fantastic way for teachers to access free professional training and learn practical approaches to teaching the core skills required by students to fully prepare them for life and work in a global economy.

Forging a partnership and working with a school overseas who has also completed the training is a unique way to not only understand more about the education system of another country, but also compare approaches, take away new ideas and pedagogies, and ultimately build confidence in delivering the core skills in the classroom.”

Once teachers complete the Core Skills Professional Development training, schools are eligible to apply for an international partnership. As part of the programme, teachers incorporate teaching ‘21st century Core Skills’ into the curriculum, as well as to visit partner schools in the other country to exchange insights and ideas on how to improve teaching and learning in their schools.

This week, UK teachers will visit their partner school in South Africa and share their experiences and successes in teaching and implementing the Core Skills into their own curriculum.

The visit will culminate in a conference: Sharing good practice and celebrating professional partnerships (UK-SA) on 16 February 2017 at the Park Inn in Sandton, providing a platform for their success to be shared more widely.

Representatives from the South African Department of Basic Education and British Council Country Director, Colm McGivern will be in attendance. 

For more information about Connecting Classrooms, please contact Thabisa: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Notes to Editor

  • Connecting Classrooms is a global education programme brought to schools by the British Council in partnership with the Department for International Development (DFID).
  • It is a fully funded learning journey that includes face-to-face and online courses, international professional partnerships and visit funding opportunities based around core skills.
  • The programme gives teachers and educational professionals the opportunity to develop classroom practice and develop ideas with like-minded teachers internationally.
  • Before a school can apply for a professional partnership, it must complete one of the British Council’s fully-funded courses on teaching the core skills.
  • To facilitate collaboration face to face, schools in the UK can apply for a £3,000 grant to take part in a project with an overseas school.
  • By developing and networking with thousands of teachers across the world, the British Council aims to help young people develop the knowledge, skills and values to live and work in a globalised economy.
  • The British Council has committed £17 million over three years to work across the globe.
  • The UK government has additionally contributed £17 million to support partnerships between schools in the UK and developing countries.
  • Thousands of schools will be supported to work together in over 30 countries across the world; to enhance teaching and learning for teachers and young people.
  • For more information about Connecting Classrooms, please visit https://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org/connecting-classrooms  or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About the British Council

The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. It is a Royal Charter charity, established as the UK’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations.

The Department for International Development

The Department for International Development (DFID) leads the UK’s work to end extreme poverty, building a safer, healthier, more prosperous world for all of us which is firmly in the UK’s national interest. We're ending the need for aid by creating jobs, unlocking the potential of girls and women and helping to save lives when humanitarian emergencies hit.Find out more at www.dfid.gov.uk  


Launch of alphology, a new method of teaching and learning.

Published: 02 February 2017

Alphology is proud to announce its new website of the same title. This is a new Learner Teacher Support Material website that uses crossword puzzles as a means of teaching. It embraces the concept of Mindful Teaching=Mindful Learning which emphasizes that in order for effective learning to manifest, learners must be given the opportunity to learn while playing.

Alphology has recognized the fact that children/learners are not given the opportunity to play while at schools and when they do play at home, they do this excessively leading them to engage in truant behaviour. Gone are the days when children used to play as they are supposed to do. Children/learners learn better when they play and this website has Learner/Teacher Support Material for Maths, Setswana, Zulu, Ndebele and Xitsonga with more to come. Alphology has effectively been launched and is now live at http://alphology.co.za.

Parents and teachers are advised to get the learning material for themselves and children as this will help them improve dramatically.

The material is also suitable for the ordinary man in the street, more especially taxi drivers and those who want to preserve their language.

Many experts have hailed the materials as being new and innovative and that it will be warmly welcomed by the community as the first of its kind

Cashes for 'Taches 5km Charity Fun Run in Stellenbosch

Published: 13 November 2016

Towards the end of Mo'vember – when the moustaches will be in full flourish – join us for a charity fun run/walk through the Stellenbosch vineyards at Remhoogte Wine Estate as we give one final hurrah to the impressive 'Taches of the month. In aid of Operation Smile SA and The Lunchbox Fund, Signature of Hope Trust will be launching the inaugural Cashes for 'Taches 5km fun run. Your 'Tache need not be real; all mouth brows, face-grown or otherwise, are welcome. After a quick morning jaunt (or stroll) through the beautiful countryside, you can enjoy your first half-pint of Wild Beast craft beer on us in your custom Cashes for 'Taches beer glass (which is yours to keep!).

The day of family fun starts with the off-road 5km fun run/walk and continues with lounging on the lawn with your celebratory beer in hand. There will also be food stalls, a cash bar and a jumping castle for the kids. Everyone under 16 years of age can participate for free. Spot prizes will be awarded for the best Bro-merangs of the day!We encourage you to make a day of it by bringing blankets and chairs to picnic on the lawn but, please note, no food or drink (other than water, energy drinks and snacks for the race) will be permitted. There will be food and drinks (soft drinks, coffee and alcoholic) available for purchase on the day.

A first aider/paramedic will be on site for the duration of the race. Please follow the instructions of the marshals along the route at all times. In an attempt to reduce litter, there will be no water stations or bins along the route, so please bring your own water bottle or camel pack and keep your trash secure until the end of the race where bins will be provided. Secure parking will be available on the day. Facilities will be open during the event. Please arrive early to avoid the rush. The race starts at 9 am sharp, but try to arrive from 8 am to secure your parking space at the front (and perhaps grab a coffee from our on-site vendor). Dogs are unfortunately not allowed.

Disclaimer: All participants entering and participating do so at their own risk. Signature of Hope Trust and Remhoogte Wine Estate shall not be liable for any claims /s or damage arising or suffered either directly or indirectly from personal injury or harm whatsoever, including death, or any damage whether direct or indirect to personal or other property whatsoever, and howsoever caused. Furthermore shall, by doing so, be deemed to indemnify the above mentioned parties and their employees against any liability for damages, howsoever caused.