RubiBlue decides that this Valentine’s Day is the last straw

Published: 14 February 2019

RubiBlue, intelligent business solutions provider, is spreading the love for the planet this Valentines’ Day. Instead of chocolates and flowers, this year the day dedicated to love will be dedicated to caring for the planet.

The company has undertaken the initiative to give employees and their families straws for life. “It takes 200 years to break down a plastic straw and then it becomes tiny, toxic pieces that continue to damage our planet,” says Chris Ogden, MD of RubiBlue.

“With this initiative, we are ambassadors for the environment and recognising the need to walk away from the misuse of plastic and unnecessary plastic products.” Every member of staff at RubiBlue received a straw for life for Valentine’s Day making this yet another initiative in line with the company’s brand and ethos.

According to The Be Straw Free Campaign, Americans use 500 million drinking straws every day and this can fill more than 125 school buses, every day.

To find out more about easiClique and how it can transform member management for your business visit, call +27 (0) 861 48 48 99, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

RubiBlue digitises member management with easiClique platform

Published: 13 February 2019

RubiBlue, intelligent business solutions provider, has developed a digital solution that transforms membership management for organisations. easiClique is a customisable software platform that allows companies across multiple industries to effectively control all aspects of membership from communications to reporting to invoicing to notifications, and more. It simplifies how organisations, NGOs and government bodies build, maintain and access their members.

“easiClique provides comprehensive reporting, annual comparisons, mass communications, efficient and secure membership fee management, and a clear audit trail,” says Chris Ogden, MD, RubiBlue. “Organisations across multiple industries – sports and professional associations, societies, alumni, political parties and unions – can tailor the application to allow for greater control of members and their data.”

The easiClique platform includes numerous features that can be used to effectively engage with existing and potential members of an organisation such as online applications, personalised member communications, automated notifications and easy payment options. It’s capable of generating comprehensive reports on member data, annual analytics and revenue while also easing the management of financial transactions with automated bulk invoicing.

It is flexible and can be customised to suit industry and brand.  In addition to features that are specifically designed to enhance member engagement and management, easiClique has built-in security features to mitigate the risk of fraud. It audits all transactions and it allows for consumers a variety of payment options - all retail stores, debit orders, and card and cash payments.

The solution assures organisations and members of increased transparency into membership administration.

To find out more about easiClique and how it can transform member management for your business visit, call +27 (0) 861 48 48 99, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

RubiBlue’s crowdsourcing data platform delivers intelligent insights to African business

Published: 06 November 2018

RubiBlue, intelligent business solutions provider, has developed and launched DataSight, a crowdsourcing data platform targeting consumers in LSMs 4-7.

DataSight is an easy to download application that rewards customers for providing insights into their brand preferences, lifestyle and education choices. The data, collated and secured in line with GDPR and POPIA compliance requirements, provides enterprises with relevant and rich insights into consumer behaviour and preferences.

“DataSight asks registered users to complete a series of surveys that are tailored to suit specific market requirements or interests,” says Chris Ogden, CEO, RubiBlue. “As they complete the surveys, they are rewarded with vouchers for airtime, food or entertainment – they can choose the reward they prefer. We ask around 10 questions per day that deliver substantial data insights around the behaviours, expenditure patterns and brand preferences across these LSM markets.”

The application is designed to not only develop surveys aligned with specific organisation or market research requirements, but to provide accessible analyses of the data. The information is kept anonymous but delivers the business with rich insight into spending patterns, airtime preferences, washing powder choices, travel times and so much more.

“We developed the application to be as accessible as possible, for both the business and the consumer,” says Ogden. “Corporates can run their own surveys with our white label offering or they can add questions into existing surveys. There is also the opportunity to send advertising to participants that is not only targeted but relevant thanks to the information provided by the application.” DataSight is currently building an impressive user base and is already heading towards more than 4000 surveys completed since its launch at the start of October 2018. Registration is simple – users download the DataSight app for Android devices, register their details, answer questions and receive instant rewards.

The more a user responds and recommends other users, the higher their rewards. Personal information is never shared with a third party and all aspects of data sharing and user awareness are in line with GDPR and POPIA requirements.  Since launch, DataSight has partnered with Spur, Vodacom, Cell C, KFC, MTN, Telkom Mobile, Pick n Pay and Takelot to provide a variety of rewards to the user base.

To find out more about DataSight and the value it can deliver to your organisation visit, call +27 (0) 861 48 48 99, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

RubiBlue takes 67 minutes into Mooiplass Informal Settlement

Published: 01 August 2018

RubiBlue, intelligent business solutions provider, donated food, clothes and essential items to Othandweni Community Development Services in Mooiplaas to uphold its commitment to the legacy of Mandela Day.

The day, held on Madiba’s birthday of 18 July, marks a significant moment in South African history and inspires people to make a difference. This year, RubiBlue focused on a NGO that’s committed to helping people with HIV, AIDS and Tuberculosis. “This year we asked all of our staff to dig deep and find ways in which they could contribute to Othandweni,” says Chris Ogden, CEO, RubiBlue.

“We collected food, toys, clothes, blankets and other essential items for the month leading up to the day and then arranged to have them delivered on Mandela Day.” The employees at RubiBlue managed to collect a huge variety of kid’s, men’s and ladies’ clothes, coffee, milk and sugar, plus they made more than 300 sandwiches for the people helped by Othandweni.

The toys and child-related items were also taken to the creche next door. Every item went towards making the lives of people in the Mooiplaas information settlement easier and more comfortable. Othandweni Community Development Services provides support and care for those who have serious illnesses such as HIV, AIDS and Tuberculosis. Its work is essential to the community and the donation made by RubiBlue made a much-needed difference this winter. “We couldn’t believe it,” says Saseni Mabaso, community lead at Othandweni Community Development Services.

“People were so grateful – one gentleman was on his way to beg for food when they arrived and he was now able to eat a meal without having to beg. The children were so happy, they are still laughing about the gifts they have been given.”

To find out more about RubiBlue and how it can work with your business to create intelligent technology and ignite revenue, visit, call 27 (0) 861 48 48 99, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To engage with Saseni Mabaso on how you can support their community with much needed donations you can call her on 078 253 1990.

RubiBlue puts Africa at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Published: 29 May 2018

RubiBlue, intelligent business solutions provider, believes that now is the time for bold growth and expansion into Africa.

The continent is poised on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and has the potential to change markets, shift global perspective and translate the true value of technology. With one of the largest low-income growth rates globally, Africa is perfectly suited to the development of solutions that drive automation, lower costs and improve peri-urban exposure.

“Africa is very technology savvy, not only from a creation and invention point of view, but from the ability to take a collaboration of existing technology to encompass a deeper need or requirement,” says Chris Ogden, Managing Director, RubiBlue. “Africa is the start point – technology from here is going to rapidly streamline many things, from the rudimentary to the solution on a grand scale.” Many of the technologies and inventions that are poised to emerge from Africa are solving problems that the first world isn’t even aware of.

This granular level of innovation is what holds the key to unlocking Africa as the next Silicon Valley. Some of the biggest trends in this space include automation, data exchange, Internet of Things, cloud-based computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Growing connectivity and infrastructure is allowing for more and more of the continent to engage with technology and address challenges that have global significance.  “This is the key to unlocking growth, financial inclusion, economic empowerment and people in Africa, “concludes Ogden. “Real world solutions designed to better the local market and that have international impact. It is going to be a slow process – first we will crawl, then walk and then run. Africa is paying more attention to this revolution and the future is very bright indeed.”

To find out more about RubiBlue and how it can work with your business to create intelligent technology and ignite r, visit, call 27 (0) 861 48 48 99, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

RubiBlue transforms core values to redefine business growth

Published: 05 April 2018

The culture of an organisation defines how it engages with its customers Johannesburg, South Africa 05 April 2018:  RubiBlue, intelligent business solutions provider, has redesigned its core values to redefine business growth and enhance its business culture.

The organisation underwent a lengthy process to refine these values that are now embedded within the company and fundamentally influence its mindset. “Our goal is to provide our customers with intelligent business solutions that drive business efficiencies and save them time, money and stress,” says Chris Ogden, Managing Director, RubiBlue.

“When you consider how our business is built around helping our customers achieve their goals and ambitions, we felt it was important that we had a clearly mandated philosophy that ensured we could support our clients and our employees to the best of our abilities.” This commitment saw the 13-year-old company invest in creating the RubiBlue values which would ensure consistent client engagement through measurable actions and targeted service delivery. The four pillars that uphold these values are: Commitment, Lead, Efficiency and Wellbeing.

These enhance the company’s core competencies of strong developmental skills and superior support services.

“When we first started out, we were purely a network support and sales provider, but since then we have evolved as a company and as a service provider,” says Ogden. “We have a range of satisfied clients who have benefitted from our consultancy, solutions development and Microsoft Network skills and we have always had a strong company culture to support these skills and this vision. Now, however, we have further refined this culture and the values that define it to take our business even further.”

The four core values of Commitment, Lead, Efficiency and Wellbeing form the acronym CLEW, which happens to be an integral part of any sailboat – holding the sail in place and ensuring that wind flow is accurately directed. Without it, the boat would have no forward momentum, an accurate representation of how no company can move forward without core values to support it.

“CLEW represents who we are, what we stand for, our integrity in business and our commitment to our customers,” concludes Ogden.

easiPoint brings business to anywhere in Africa

Published: 22 March 2018

With easiPoint from RubiBlue, customers can pay for services from anywhere in Africa Johannesburg, South Africa 22 March 2018: easiPoint, an inventive solution to a uniquely African problem, allows businesses to collect, record and receive customer payments from any location on the continent.

Using the easiPoint device developed by RubiBlue, a leading intelligent business solutions organisation, companies can capture data and transact with clients even if they are based in difficult to reach and remote areas.

“With easiPoint, you can build your brand with your clients anywhere in Africa,” says Chris Ogden, Managing Director, RubiBlue. “Thanks to its ubiquity, intelligent design and remote connectivity capabilities, it allows for organisations to gain traction in new market sectors, source payments from clients in remote areas and even create new outlets in spaces that were previously considered too far or out of range.

The easPoint device is designed for the demanding African climate – it consumes minimal data, has a full two-day battery life, includes solar and car chargers to ensure easy access to recharging facilities, can print anywhere in the world with a built-in thermal printer, and comes at a superb price point. With easiPoint, the business can manage and reconcile all payment methods while enjoying the flexibility of mobility, capture and collect information in real time, and launch the solution seamlessly across the business in days.

“We created easiPoint to provide for organisations that needed greater reach into the South African market and richer access to its client base,” says Ogden.

“We realised that one of the biggest challenges facing many organisations was the inability to handle financial transactions or manage payments when a significant portion of their clients were located in rural or out of reach locations. Using easiPoint, any business of any size can now transact, capture data, and sell products and services to customers across the country.” easiPoint has a track record that spans more than ten years, each year introducing new refinements and capabilities to the technology and the devices. To find out more about easiPoint visit, call 0861 48 48 99, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

About RubiBlue
RubiBlue provides a range of solutions and services that are ideally suited to subscriber-based companies in Africa. Our comprehensive portfolio of services and our extensive technology-driven expertise help companies streamline their business processes and create customised, simplified and secure backend administration solutions. RubiBlue is committed to providing solutions that make your business operations more cost-effective and efficient. To find out more about RubiBlue and how it can work with your business to create intelligent technology, visit, call 27 (0) 861 48 48 99, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Five million policies handled and manged through EasiPol

Published: 31 July 2017

Five million insurance policies are being handled and managed through leading policy management solution EasiPol. Hitting the mark this week, RubiBlue, the business behind the solution has seen the number of providers signing up to use its solution to successfully capture payments and manage policies rocket in recent years as the sector closes in on fraudulent activity. 

African funerals are large-scale, often expensive events that families share with the community. So, more than half of South Africans have some kind of funeral plan, and is one reason why EasiPol has proven popular with consumers and insurers.

“Families want peace of mind that their investment is secure and their funeral is taken care of," remarks RubiBlue MD, Chris Ogden. “EasiPol is a solution that improves customer loyalty and service, and looks after the insurer to prevent fraud and theft, and knowledge that data is safe, secure and policies are managed in-line with industry regulations." 

With over 10 million adults now funeral policy holders in South Africa and cash being king for most, it’s even more vital that payments are electronically recorded to prevent monies going ‘missing’. If a cash payment is made, but if the collector ‘misplaces’ an installment it can mean the client isn’t paid out on their policy when the time comes, even though they have remained up to date with payments. “Death is a terrible time for anyone, even without the burden of paying for a funeral,” adds Ogden.

“For insurance companies to be able to offer better customer service and peace of mind to customers improves their reputation, cash-flow and profitability which makes shareholders happy too!” EasiPol is a solution which can be tailored to suit any business and industry where monies need to be collected. The creators understand that every business is different: processes need to be adhered to and regulations followed to remain compliant with governing bodies. Working with over 750 insurance providers in Southern Africa, EasiPol is the leading policy management software.

Innovation: building trust in the financial sector

Published: 10 May 2017

The financial crisis of 2008 severely damaged the reputation of the banking sector. Nine years on, consumer surveys consistently find that the financial service industry is one of the least trusted sectors. Restoring that trust is imperative to creating a flourishing financial services sector that can fulfil its vital role in Africa’s economy  Almost any consumer interaction with a financial services firm requires an act of trust on behalf of the consumer; it is therefore of crucial importance to the industry that consumers have a high level of trust in financial services providers.

Trust in innovation

In the 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer, it found that while only 54%of respondents trust the financial services industry as a whole, 62% feel the industry is acting responsibly in the way it is bringing electronic payments to the market. As an industry, it has responded quickly to shield consumers from liability on card fraud and is working collectively to protect broader financial systems. The above shows there is an opportunity if handled well, to use innovation to build trust. 69% of those surveyed by Edelman trust the innovation of new electronic and mobile payment options, thus were ready to leap forward to use them; they saw massive conveniences and greater personal efficiency even in the face of added risks. 

Earning trust in a complex continent

Africa is a continent with a myriad of cultures, geography and incomes, but innovations that touch consumers on a personal level can counter balance security concerns, Edelman’s report found that 82% of those surveyed agreed that “makes my life easier” is an important trait for building trust. Look at Mpesa; the concept has made the lives of many in Kenya easier. Albeit they were forced to use it, but within the financial service the introduction of the platform was a game changer and is now trusted by millions.  So what can companies do to take advantage of this opportunity? 

Focus on discovery, establish personal and societal benefits

Communicating the financial stability of institutions, listing the steps they are taking in data security and highlighting the innovations that organisations are developing can make a difference. Mobile banking and electronic payments are good examples. Banks like FNB have been quick to adopt technology in the mobile banking app arena, and have forged the way tech can be secure, efficient and deliver consumer value. Fintech is seeing the financial services sector flourishing, and organisations need to engage with consumers through regular dialogue, and active consumer participation in product development.  

Act with integrity, rigour and self-awareness

Take sustainability into consideration. Be consistent in reporting and tell people how you are doing. This is a long-term, not a short-term strategy. Start with social listening; have a well-communicated culture, focused on an institution's people and the communities in which they live and work. Edelman discovered that only 24% of consumers expect businesses to "make the world a better place," while 54% of people say they refuse to do business with companies that do not. 

Consumers are sending a clear message with this finding. Enterprises that listen to their customers on this will gain the greatest advantage.   

Observe, share information and improve products

Do not be afraid to acknowledge problems, and be sure to take steps to solve them. FinTech drives consumer activity, be it engagement or disengagement, and can be a clear indicator of successes and challenges. Additionally, any tools or applications can be built in a way that auto identifies any issues (bugs, bottlenecks, etc.) and allows consumers to report obstacles quickly. Most importantly, this feedback needs to be acted on; otherwise, this will drive a culture of consumer ignorance, with users being less likely to be actively reported on going forward. It is vital to communicate across all platforms and in every field: operations, purpose, products and services, engagement and integrity. Considering the role financial services plays in individuals' lives, knowing that 83% of people surveyed by Edelman said that "keeps my family safe" was an essential attribute, but only 56% thought the financial services industry was performing well on this measure. Strengthening collaborative approaches to data security and privacy, standing for consumer protection and making sure the institutions themselves remain stable will help to close the gap. Knowing what builds trust amongst consumers when it comes to the financial services sector, organisations need to build on this knowledge with fintech firms; the industry needs to make consumers aware of what the industry is doing to improve security, safeguard our financial systems and bring greater access to developing communities within Africa.

100,000 new policies handled by RubiBlue per month

Published: 14 November 2016

Signing on average 20 new contracts per month with insurance providers and funeral homes across southern Africa, RubiBlue is experiencing rapid growth through its EasiPol product alone.  

"The finance sector is closing in on fraudulent activity, and consumers want peace of mind that their investment is secure," remarks RubiBlue MD, Chris Ogden. “EasiPol is a solution for both scenarios, and as a result, our clients are getting improved customer loyalty, and their policy holders are getting better service."  

This growth equates to an additional 100,000 new policies running through its system per month, bringing the total to 4.3 million and R320 million in monthly collections. “This growth is all in addition to the organic growth from our existing clients, an addition 52,000 policies per month are organically secured and processed using EasiPol,” adds Ogden.  

The rapid increase in data collected through the policy management system is also proving valuable in better product structure for clients and places RubiBlue in a position to diversify into the data sector. "Few South African data companies exist, most have merged into larger firms in the UK and US," says Ogden. "Being able to analyse the anonymous data we have current insight into the average age policies are taken out, the male/female ratio, the number of dependents and the average age of death as an example."  

With the diverse cultures throughout Africa and the EasiPol presence across the continent, it is working with potential partners to enhance product offerings, encouraging financial literacy and making it easier for the unbanked to access financial services.

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