Spintelligent events African Utility Week, Agritech Expo Zambia and Property Buyer Show winners again at AAXO ROAR Awards

Published: 02 February 2018

Leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser Spintelligent has won four major awards again at the *ROAR Organiser and Exhibitor Awards in Johannesburg which honoured excellence in the exhibition and events industry on the continent during 2017. The awards are organised by the Association of African Exhibition Organisers (AAXO).

*ROAR = Respect, Opportunities, Achievement, Recognition

African Utility Week, Spintelligent’s flagship energy event for the last 18 years, won two awards: as the Best Trade Exhibition in the 12000+ sqm category, as well as the Best Overall Exhibition for 2017. Agritech Expo Zambia was named the Best African Bound Trade & Consumer Exhibition in the 12000+ sqm category while the Property Buyer Show Gauteng won the award for the Best Consumer Exhibition 6000 sqm and under.

“It is humbling to receive such recognition from our peers in the industry” says an elated Spintelligent MD David Ashdown. “We are proud of these projects that make a real difference for our stakeholders in the energy, agriculture and property sectors. It is also a great boost for the whole Spintelligent team.“ He adds: “just like last year, the AAXO ROAR Awards honoured both long-standing events such as African Utility Week and Agritech Expo Zambia, along with a launch show, namely Property Buyer Show Gauteng, which is part of our expanding property portfolio. It shows that we work hard to keep up the standards that our competitive industry requires from us, while also receiving the nod of approval for our newer initiatives.”

ROAR Awards

Best Trade Exhibition 12000+ sqm category: African Utility Week
Best Overall Exhibition: African Utility Week

The 18th edition of African Utility Week, the leading pan-African power and water platform, will take place again in Cape Town from 15-17 May and over 7500 decision makers from more than 90 countries to discuss the challenges, solutions and successes in the power, energy and water sectors on the continent. Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event also boasts a seven track conference with over 300 expert speakers.

Says Chanelle Hingston, Power & Energy Portfolio director at Spintelligent: “It is now more apparent than ever that South Africa and indeed the entire continent’s economic future depends on the strength and sustainability of its energy and water sector. African Utility Week is proud to have been part of creating a relevant and ground-breaking industry platform for the last 18 years, creating a forum for the industry, by the industry.” 

Best Africa Bound Trade & Consumer Exhibition 12000+ sqm: Agritech Expo Zambia

“It is a great honour to have received this AAXO ROAR award for the second consecutive year” says Yolanda dos Santos, event director. “The success of Agritech Expo Zambia would not have been possible without its passionate team and committed partners that come together to deliver a platform that not only drives agribusiness but helps the progress to ensure food security whilst serving as an educational tool for sustainable development for Zambia and the SADC region.“

In 2017, the event featured a record number of 18000+ visitors, seven international pavilions and a VIP attendance that included five cabinet ministers and the Zambian President Edgar Lungu who visited the event for the third year in a row.

Best Consumer Exhibition 6000 sqm and under: Property Buyer Show Gauteng

The Property Buyer Show, this year taking place in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, is a first of its kind exhibition aimed at residential property buyers who either want to buy their first home or build wealth through their own property investment portfolio. The innovative exhibition layout is designed to walk buyers through the property buying process – and includes the finance zone, property zone, a first-time buyer seminar theatre and a property investor theatre.

“Winning an AAXO Award in Property Buyer Show’s launch year is a nice reward for the team who have worked so hard to put it together”, says Richard Stubbs, Real Estate Portfolio director, “but successful exhibitions rely on the participation and support of sponsors and exhibitors. In particular, thanks needs to be passed onto FNB, Standard Bank, ABSA, Pam Golding Properties and Private Property, without whose efforts we wouldn’t have happy visitors and a shiny award sitting on my desk.”

Spintelligent is well known for organising exhibitions and conferences across the continent in the infrastructure, real estate, energy, mining, agriculture and education sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit, Farm-Tech Expo Kenya, Kenya Mining Forum, Future Energy East Africa, Future Energy Nigeria, Nigeria Mining Forum, DRC Mining Week and EduWeek. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group.

Website: http://www.spintelligent.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spintelligent & https://twitter.com/AAXO_SA

Media contact:
Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3500
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Spintelligent events AUW, Agritech Expo, DRC Mining Week and Real Estate Summit winners at AAXO ROAR Awards

Published: 27 January 2017

 “Getting recognition in this competitive expo industry is immensely rewarding”

Leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser Spintelligent has won four major awards at the *ROAR Organiser and Exhibitor Awards in Johannesburg which honour excellence in the exhibition and events industry on the continent. The awards were organised jointly by the Association of African Exhibition Organisers (AAXO) and the Exhibition & Event Association of Southern Africa (EXSA).

*ROAR = Respect, Opportunities, Achievement, Recognition

African Utility Week, Spintelligent’s flagship energy event for the last 17 years, was the joint winner in the Best Trade Exhibition 6001-12000 sqm category, sharing the honours with the World Travel Market.

Agritech Expo Zambia won two awards: for Best Trade & Consumer Exhibition 12000+ sqm and for Distinction in Social Responsibility Award.  The African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit, which was a launch event for the company in 2016, won the Best Confex category. The DRC Mining Week was also a finalist in the Social Responsibility category.

“It was a clean sweep for Spintelligent and I could not be prouder of our teams”, says an excited Spintelligent MD David Ashdown. “We work incredibly hard to produce successful, relevant and innovative events for our clients in exciting industries such as energy, agriculture and mining. To also get recognition from our peers in this competitive expo industry is immensely rewarding as it inspires us to work even harder and to take things up a notch every year.”

He adds: “the AAXO ROAR Awards honoured both long-standing events such as African Utility Week, to a more recent project such as Agritech Expo as well as a launch show, African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit, which is part of our new property portfolio. It shows that we are still on the right track, while also receiving the nod of approval for our newer initiatives.” ROAR Awards

  • Best Trade Exhibition 6001-12000 sqm category (joint winner)

    The 17th edition of African Utility Week, the flagship pan-African power and water platform, will take place again in Cape Town in May and gather some 7000 attendees from around 80 countries, including many African nations, as well as 250 exhibitors and 299 high-level conference speakers while more than 80 power and water utilities will be represented.

    Spintelligent’s Group Director for Power, Energy and Real Estate, Le-Ann Hare Keymer says: “we share Africa’s goals of economic growth and prosperity for all, especially working in the power, energy and real estate sectors. It is a privilege to be part of the continent’s development through our events and particularly to be recognised for excellence and innovation”.

  • Best Trade & Consumer Exhibition +12000 sqm Award and Distinction in Social Responsibility Award

    “The Agritech Expo Zambia team is honoured and thankful for the recognition of what they have achieved over the last three years” says Emmanuelle Nicholls, Natural Resources Group Director, “building the event from scratch in a field in the middle of Zambia.” She adds “their commitment, blood, sweat and tears bear testimony to the uniqueness of this event.”

    The fourth edition of Agritech Expo Zambia will also return to Chisamba in April – last year the outdoor farming expo attracted a record-breaking attendance of 17 605 visitors. The expo also has an outreach programme at the local Golden Valley Basic School, where, with the assistance of numerous event sponsors, it is assisting the school with much needed infrastructure upgrades, equipment supplies and management of the school’s farm.

  • Best Confex Award

    “Winning Africa’s Best Confex for the inaugural African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit is testament to the creativity, innovation, resourcefulness and hard-work that the entire Spintelligent event team contributed to the project” says event director Richard Stubbs. With the support of Wesgro and the Transport Development Agency, we look forward to realising the vision of a continental meeting place for African Built Environment professionals, and hopefully many more awards along the way.”

    More than 300 sector experts will gather for the second edition of the African Real Estate & Infrastructure Summit in September in Cape Town this year with interactive sessions that focus on key case studies of visionary city planning, investment opportunities in the commercial and residential real estate sectors across the continent.

  • Distinction in Social Responsibility Award – finalist

    DRC Mining Week takes place again in June, hosting more than 1500 visitors in the mining hub of Lubumbashi. The event is also an active supporter of the Kinsevere Community School Project in Lubumbashi, which includes the preparation of hot meals for 500 children on Sundays, access to water through a borehole and the school sponsorship of 25 gifted kids in the community.

    The DRC Mining Week team has been working hard to grow within and outside the company” says event director Elodie Delagneau, “and while our big brother event, Agritech Expo, was a well-deserved winner in this category we are incredibly proud to have been a finalist and this just motivates us to up our game!”

Spintelligent is well known for organising exhibitions and conferences across the continent in the infrastructure, real estate, energy, mining, agriculture and education sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include Agritech Expo Tanzania, CBM-TEC, Kenya Mining Forum, Future Energy East Africa (formerly EAPIC), Future Energy Nigeria (formerly WAPIC), Future Energy Central Africa (formerly iPAD Cameroon), iPAD Nigeria Mining Forum, DRC Mining Week and EduWeek. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group.

Website: http://www.spintelligent.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spintelligent

Media contact:
Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3500
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.