How To Use Digital Diligently for Improved Client Satisfaction

Published: 12 June 2008
Website layout and design isn’t rocket science…if you know how. It is intricate work though and requires the creativity and skills of a professional design studio. More importantly perhaps but often an oversight, is the assistance of a specialist online presence consultant to maintain the balance of both form and function - fundamental elements in effectively communicating the client’s message in an interactive and engaging manner.

Quick Online Solutions to a Healthier Company

Published: 12 June 2008
{pp}A healthy company is one that keeps its staff and has its customers coming back for more. The healthier a company is, the lower its staff and client turnover. It stands to reason that happy staff and satisfied customers have no reason to go elsewhere. Turnover is not only expensive; it’s also counter-productive and unhealthy. The key to reducing it? Communication. That’s neither an epiphany nor a practical solution.