Hirsch's & Phillips Men South Africa #ilovedad Competition

Published: 15 June 2017

Hirsch’s together with Phillips Men South Africa recently held an #ilovedad Facebook competition.  The prize?   1 of 3 Philips Grooming Hampers for Dad’s! 

Entrants simply had to comment on the Facebook post and tell Hirsch’s why their Dad is the BEST Dad ever. One of the winners – Samantha Rix came to collect her Phillips Grooming Hamper at Hirsch’s Meadowdale and was ecstatic to have been chosen as one of the winners.

“I never thought I would win, I just wrote a small little comment, and here I am now.  My Dad will be very excited- thank you so much”. Said Samantha as Hirsch’s Meadowdale did the handover. 

Congratulations to Samantha and the two other winners Douglas Romanes and Geraldine Lokchander Soobramoney. All Keeping their Dad’s a cut above the rest!
