Who qualifies for Permanent Residence in South Africa?

Published: 09 October 2018

South Africa offers Permanent Residence to foreigners who have family, have invested and worked in South Africa, have a clear criminal record and can contribute to the economy of the country. According to Leon Isaacson, MD of Global Migration Group, permanent residence offers long term stability to foreigners who wish to work or reside  in South Africa and wish to make it their home. Banks treat permanent residence holders as any other citizens once they have this status, which in practice means that they will have access all of the normal banking facilities like current accounts, housing loans, vehicle loans and business finance. Schools, colleges and universities treat permanent residence holders as South Africans for purposes of fees. 

Direct Residence: Section 26   This category of permit is applicable to:Foreigners who have been residing in South Africa based on their work permits for a minimum period of five years, their spouses and to dependents of South African citizens or permanent residence permit holders. Dependent of a South African Citizen or Permanent Residence older (under the age of 18 years of age);Dependent of a South Africa Citizen;Spouse-married for a minimum of 5 years OR in an exclusive spousal relation for 5 years Holder of a work permit/ visa for a continuous period of 5 years.   

Indirect Residence: Residency on other grounds permits -Section 27This category of permits applies to foreigners who:·Have critical skills and qualifications as prescribed in the critical skills list·Intend to establish a business in the Republic·Qualify as Refugees in terms of Section 27(c) of the Refugees Act·Qualify as retired persons·Are financially independent· are relatives (biologically or judicially adopted) of a South African citizen/permanent residence permit holder.Isaacson says that these applications currently take 3-6 months for Critical Skills based applications and 8-24 months for other categories.

Global Migration Groups offers consultancy services on these applications. Interested parties can contact  Leon Isaacson on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   website www.globalimsa.com or tel 021-419-0934