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Everyone deserves a healthy view on sexuality

Published: 31 January 2015

An active and diverse sexual lifestyle could help not only your physical health but also your mental health, very much like having a daily exercise routine.

Why are we then so ashamed of talking about something so good and dare I say it, nice? Sex is nice, it's flipping great to be more accurate. And not just for men or women, sex is universal and the pleasure from consenting sexual experiences relieves us of stress and helps our hearts do what they do best.

For these reasons it was decided to open a place that is accepting of all sexual orientations, devoid of the predictable sleaze many have come to expect from sex shops.Lotuscede was borne in October 2014, a luxury e-tailor of all things sexy.

"Growth is found in experimentation." says James Rautenbach, Directors of Lotuscede. "Sexual experimentation is no different. We are all aware of the dark side of sexuality but the vast majority of sexual interactions are between consenting adults who are both in it for their individual pleasure. Who amongst us would not enjoy a healthy, giving sex life? Of course there are those of us who do not have loving partners but they deserve no less pleasure than those who do. Sex toys are  quite simply fantastic and though they won't provide you with love, they are almost certain to give you the pleasure and relief you all deserve and all too often need."

Lotuscede strives to both view and portray sexuality in all it's wondrous forms as the beautiful thing it is. We stock only the best, quality body safe silicone sex toys that not only feel luxurious but also look classy and tasteful making them cross sexual orientation friendly. We also boast a selection of exclusive sexual clothing that you wont find anywhere else.

Girls who like boys who like boys who like girls who like girls, Lotuscede has something to please and thrill each of you.

So why not give in to love at www.lotuscede.co.za with any one of our carefully selected luxury sex toys or exclusively designed South African sexual apparel.

TouchFoundry launches “FillApp”, the smart little app that’ll save you money

Published: 29 January 2015

With the recent volatility of the price of fuel in South Africa, many South Africans find themselves not knowing whether to fill up sooner rather than later, and a misstep could easily cost you over R100. FillApp is a locally developed app, by TouchFoundry, that solves this problem. It’s designed for the person on the go and is easy to setup and use. There is no registration required or pesky ads and its minimalist design tells you only what you need to know.

Once FillApp knows how big your car’s fuel tank is and what fuel you use, it will send a gentle reminder each month informing you of the fuel price change, how much you’ll save and whether you should fill up before or after the change (depending if it’s a price increase or decrease) – that simple. And the best part is: Its 100% FREE

“The aim here was to develop something simple, intuitive and unobtrusive” says co-creator Fabio Longano. “Apps have become an integral part of our lives, but many of them don’t take the consumer into account. FillApp has been designed to fit seamlessly into your day-to-day, empowering locals to save money.”

FillApp uses information available on agency and government websites to predict prices changes. Co-creator Lance Jenkin says that there is a lot of publicly accessible information that isn't necessarily 'accessible' as per say, to the public. “Every-day-people aren't able to access this data efficiently and conveniently when they need to. So we did the time, crunched the code and came out with an elegant product that will hopefully add a touch of convenience to everyone’s lives”

Available for free on both Apple and Android devices here:

Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id954377930

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.touchfoundry.fillapp

Founded in 2012
TouchFoundry aims to fill the gap in the market by merging the complexity of code with the artistry of digital to craft exciting, immersive and delightful media. They provide offerings in Mobile Apps, Touchscreen Software, Motion tracking Software, Social media integration and Analytics & Reporting

Website: www.fillapp.co.za

Syntech appointed as official distributor for TOTOLINK Networking products.

Published: 28 January 2015

Syntech appointed as official distributor for TOTOLINK Networking products.

TOTOLINK, Korea’s leading provider of wireless and networking solutions is now available in South Africa. The range of networking equipment designed to deliver the latest technology at competitive price points includes Wireless routers, Wireless USB adapters, Wireless PCI-E Adapter and Switches.

“We conducted a lot of research and product testing before deciding to partner with TOTOLINK.  The brand fills a gap in our product that many resellers had been asking for, we confident that TOTOLINK will empower our customers to deliver even more value to their clients.” Says Ryan Martyn, co-founder of Syntech.

TOTOLINK Networking products are aimed at solving the network requirements of small office and home users. Their simple interface and robust product design make the equipment easy to set up for almost every user. Syntech started stocking the range in January and has reported high demand and favourable customer reviews.

Networking equipment has started advancing and embracing new technology, this is important because it plays such an integral part of today’s digital lifestyle. TOTOLINK’s range includes high speed Wi-Fi Routers that support the latest range of mobile devices including tablets and smartphones. Another Innovative product from TOTOLINK is the power line adapter kit, which makes use of existing electrical circuits to create a local network by simply plugging the adapters into a standard wall socket.  

Syntech Overview:
Syntech was established in 2002. Our product ranges are sourced from a variety of international manufacturers. We distribute a number of top brands and distribute an extensive range of computer related products throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Our objective is to create solutions. We have developed our product range by offering these complete solutions with several focused products that cater for individual reseller requirements.

Our solid relationships with our suppliers ensure that we deliver products which have been developed in accordance with market demands. Our distribution orientated business model and advanced logistics system ensures that all of our clients can expect cost effective solutions delivered on time.

For further information, please visit www.syntech.co.za or contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +27 21 514 5300

Mine planning …then what?

Published: 28 January 2015

During the early 90’s when I managed various open-pit contract mines on behalf of one of the biggest contract mining companies, I recall that on more than a dozen of open-pit contracts carried out during my tenure, the mine plans issued by the Mining Company were impractical and unsuitable for implementation. Following discussions with several of our competitors at the time, I realized that the aforesaid was not an exception but rather the norm.

Notwithstanding, during 1996 I embarked upon an aggressive approach to address this skill shortage and established Tacmin, with the specific intention to grow a business which focused on closing the gap between technical and practical mining. Based upon observations made following 18 years of servicing mining clients on more than 50 multi-commodity open-pit mines across Africa, I can with regret report that the problem I came across in the early 90’s, very much appears to be still relevant today.

Sadly enough, software companies have constantly attempted to address the problem and in my opinion have succeeded to develop more advanced mine engineering and planning software; to the extent that the industry is now reliant upon “software engineers” to solve problems, while the gap between practical and technical continues to widen. In general, the inefficiencies due to this skill shortage was up until now something that could have been absorbed, however in the current economic climate, mining companies continue to contend with price volatility, geopolitical turmoil, rising costs, declining grades and a general lack of access to financing.

In light of the many ongoing challenges, several industry leaders have urged mining executives to sharpen their focus in order to achieve sustainable productivity improvements and embrace new forms of innovation. While many have turned to uncovering hidden costs and restructuring their supply chain, one of the main areas of focus has been flagged as mine planning, with the aim to create effective mine plans and track daily adherence to production volumes. But how do we overcome this with the lack of skills among miners and lack of accepting responsibility by the mining contractor?

Sometime in the mid 2000’s, I recall sitting in a boardroom of one of the mining companies, owner of at least 5 open-pit mines across Africa at the time, attending presentations by mining experts backed by some of the most advanced software on the market, who presented the most lucrative budget forecasts for the medium term. Our involvement was to audit and test the proposed schedules and plans and regrettably we had to point out that the equipment employed at the time did not have the capability to achieve the production levels which were reported. Aforesaid was further enforced by the CEO then, who stated that he has for years seen everything working on paper, but not on the ground.

Since Tacmin has from inception focused on bridging the gap and making their mine plans, schedules and forecasts happen on the ground (and continue to do so), our customers have without fail always benefited while conformance to our mine plans have consistently remained above 90%. Regrettably, we experienced in most instances that mine plans and schedules compiled by others had to be re-engineered by ourselves prior to implementation. People often ask what is the main contributor to Tacmin’s success in this regard, and I always reply that we apply first principles, take responsibility for implementation and religiously track progress against the design, plan and schedule.

Whilst several mining companies may have already experienced that throwing money at the mine plan has not solved the problem, all is not lost for mine owners. Open-pit mining companies can start to regain control of their operations by ensuring that appropriate monitoring is in place. One does not have to sit and wonder, or experience unsatisfactorily results while not being able to establish what is the true cause to non-conformance. After all, as James Harrington put it “Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” In fact, an increasing number of mining companies, similar to many other industries, are starting to recognize the benefits of aerial monitoring and its ability to provide quick and comprehensive data and visual observation of an entire mine inclusive of its operations.

In light of the increasing demand for Tacmin’s services, the company has since 2013 re-geared itself to rapidly respond to the needs for faster turnaround of open-pit mines and as a result is now better placed than before to assist customers through an unique blend of services that enable them to:

Monitor mining operations: By establishing and making results transparent to all by means of advanced turnkey aerial and mapping solutions, thereby providing clients with ongoing monthly updates of the as- built situation through aerial surveys for an objective comparison of the mining progress and mine plan conformance, bench-marked against reported schedules and costs.

Conduct audits of all technical and production related matters: Assess the practicality of mine plans and schedules as well as the effectiveness of manpower, equipment and resource capability to comply with the anticipated schedule, and plan and present with the aid of aerial collected data, deviations from the mine plan.

Work in close collaboration with mines personnel: Implementing and rolling-out the mine plan and budget while periodically tracking and monitoring progress against the mine plan becomes the ultimate key to success and sustainable improvement. Having a plan but not implementing it, is as good as not having a plan at all. Mine companies need to ensure that on-site personnel and contractors are properly aligned with the plan and able to carry it through. This can be particularly challenging in some instances given the hostility in mining contractor relationships. In such cases, most companies elect to appoint a Client’s representative or independent party who can take up the responsibility of ensuring a smooth implementation.

Tacmin Madini has a considerable track record of appointments as the Client’s Representative / Engineer in numerous mine optimisation and contractor management assignments. In the aforementioned role, Tacmin assumes the responsibility for various functions such as verification, compilation, approval and management of data, contract agreements, engineering designs, mine plan conformance, progress tracking, measurement, certification, budgets and cost.\

Website: www.tacmingroup.com


Published: 23 January 2015

On the 15th of January, Selfmed launched a medical aid product, SelfNET, that provides comprehensive medical care from R1,020-00 per month is a ground breaking move towards making private healthcare more accessible to South Africans. Co-ordinated and managed by Selfmed Medical Scheme, SelfNET is specifically and strategically structured to provide quality care at an affordable price. 

The SelfNET product provides national comprehensive hospital cover in respect of Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs), chronic and day-to-day cover through the extensive CareCross Health Network.   

Says Christo Becker, Principal Officer at Selfmed: “Every measure possible was taken to ensure that the cost of the product remains contained. In line with this, the plan is contracted with cost effective individual Service Providers whilst not compromising on quality of care.   Selfmed Medical Scheme entered into negotiations with CareCross Health to bring a sustainable, affordable option to market that does not compromise healthcare benefits. The name SelfNET refers to the fact that the product is a networked plan – a consideration that is vastly outweighed by the benefits it offers.” 

According to an article in the Mail & Guardian on 12 December 2014, “South Africa’s health department says only 16% of its 52-million citizens have access to medical schemes. The country only has private health insurance schemes, of which the high premiums sometimes take up as much as 14% of members’ salaries.”

Says Becker: “Health coverage is a major financial challenge. A 2009 study in the Health Affairs journal found that one in every three households in Africa has to borrow money or sell their possessions to pay for health expenses. It is imperative that we work towards providing access to healthcare to as many individuals as possible. We also aim to provide access to preventative healthcare through this option. A philosophy that is not yet entrenched in South Africans as access to healthcare, in the past, remained costly. With SelfNET we make Medical Aid accessible – it is a breakthrough for Selfmed Medical Scheme.” 

For more information about Selfmed and SelfNET, visit: www.selfmed.co.za.

About Selfmed Medical Scheme

Selfmed is a South African medical scheme that offers reliable medical aid to South Africans of all ages and health levels. Since its inception in 1965, Selfmed has provided access to the highest quality healthcare to its members, and this, combined with excellent service and sincere advice, has made them one of the most experienced medical schemes in South Africa. 

Issued by MANGO-OMC on behalf of Selfmed


Kerryn Lloyd

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021 447 8048

Winning Website The SEO Logic

Published: 23 January 2015


I have a story to do with search engine optimisation and have been doing it since 1997 which is long before Google even existed. The story I am going to tell here is about my recent website and how I managed to get to the top of Google in one month and shows up today listed number 2 on Page 1 of Google.


We were a web design company. Two years ago, looking at Google trends, I saw that the demand for Web Design on the search engine was dropping fast. I then woke up to the fact that there is a proliferation of web design companies and in addition clients were also training their own staff to manage this role from their offices. With the introduction of fantastic technologies like WordPress and Joomla being able to create and update your own company website has become easy. Not so with search engine optimisation.


The question I asked was do I stay in the business of web design where every Tom, Dick and Vuzi are selling their service for a few measly bucks or get into something else. I decided to re-position my company but how and what to do? After much thinking I decided all I could do was related to the web and the technology behind it, I am too old to start again on a new career. For a while I thought that owning shopping cart websites was a way to go and bring in income over a spread of sites from Gift products to clothing stores. This is definitely something to look into as I have managed to turn over a certain amount of income but found it to be seasonal and more importantly it takes all of your time sourcing products and getting them delivered at reasonable costs, particularly since you can no longer trust the Post Office (do we still have one)? I still have an Ecommerce site but treat it more as a hobby even though it is in the top two listings on Google for its target market; it’s just that I don’t have the time to keep sourcing new products (all other sites offer the same thing).My next strategy was to then turn my Web Design company website into a SEO website offering services, some of which were unique. This is what I did but by the time I had finished re-branding and writing content after researching with a lot of friends (who were all trying to please me) I realised that the things I was saying did not have much or any resonance with them at all. I felt like I was talking to a brick wall (the site was too technical I reasoned).


Everyone has heard something about the power of video on the Web and how it is trending even on mobile. YouTube is South Africa’s second highest search engine. The future of video is bright and I predict as soon as the bandwidth issue has been resolved the Web will turn to video overnight! The cost of video has come down a lot too since the inception of really good quality HD equipment but the hosting is still very, very high. Typically in America to live stream you are talking about USD$50 per month which comes with restrictions like you cannot link the video to your own website. You actually need to pay $350 – $500 per month to get any kind of ownership as to what you can do with your video. Also what about the time lapse between America and South Africa the streaming has major bandwidth issues.Live streaming from South Africa is still in its infancy but the big guys like DSTV and SABC and others have been doing it for a while now. In fact they are gearing up for more as we see you can stream movies to your devices from these broadcasters. However I am talking about streaming out to the public from a company website not streaming in from an entertainment point of view.If you have a company and want to do brand promotion, conference, training sessions or product demonstrations you can reach thousands of people in the country and around the world using the power of LIVE video.

This is what I set out to do by re-positioning my company to a video broadcast company. I did this by aligning all our strengths, which were:

  • Technology – can we leverage the technology we have or build it to offer live streaming?
  • Video – can we build a mobile outside broadcast system?
  • Video – do we have any experience in shooting films?

The story ends here in so far as we spent nine months developing what was required and were now ready to go live but we needed some hook to get us high on the search engines as this is the most important and cheapest medium we have to promote our new brand.


After visiting Events companies to offer our services and after talking to our existing clients where we received warm receptions’ and best wishes we ended up with nothing. I decided to sift through the many uses on the web for live video and ended up with a very tight well defined market which was live wedding videos so your friends and family overseas can see you LIVE on your wedding day.  That was going to be our hook.


Last month in December I set out to totally re-position our website to Wedding Videos. So our search engine keywords which were, “web design South Africa” was changed to “wedding videos Johannesburg”.

I did all the keyword research I could and spent hours viewing competitor websites both here and overseas. It doesn’t just happen where you go after certain keywords and lambast the search engines with them. What you need to be able to do is to say something different while keeping your keywords in mind. What I have done that is different is to promote the Live Streaming aspect of weddings. There is much to say about that and all the information is different to what anyone else is saying, relevant to weddings.

That is the secret. Google has become very “intelligent” for a computer and understands so much about the content of a website and what it needs to look for when indexing and ranking you. It needs to be treated with the respect of a human being in order to have a meaningful relationship with it. Although the above sounds simple it is not. Your content must be relevant and that is the tricky part, keeping it relevant in my case to the goal of “wedding videos Johannesburg” as opposed to “live streaming videos”.

Now Google indexes your pages all the time and publishes your links on whatever page it deems fit but every so often it does a major re-shuffle (Google dance is not dead) and at the time of writing this started on Google yesterday 13 January 2015 (maybe a day or two sooner).Prior to this shuffle we had our pages on page two of Google like we had ALL of five links at the bottom of page two. Today (this may change over the days) but www.epnet.co.za is appearing number 2 on page one of Google for “wedding videos Johannesburg”.

We feature as well for many other keywords like wedding video prices, etc. So the whole job was done in one month and we now have one of the most powerful mediums promoting our brand without wasting time and money on AdWords, Social Media, links to other sites or anything else. The lesson I have learned to getting ranked high on search engines is create ONE set of keywords that you MUST get ranked for and build in the others during your journey of writing your content. Your other keywords will also feature highly as long as you are STRONG on the one approach.

You will only be strong for the one set of keywords if you are different from your competitors and the one set of keywords will strengthen all the other words you want to be strong with. You must also have a different story to tell. Simple logic does the trick. By the way we also feature very strongly on Google for live web streaming, as a spinoff and is where we also want to be positioned. 

Ivan Zimmermann in Sudan, en route to Cape Town in Tour d'Afrique

Published: 22 January 2015

Tonya Khoury, the MD of ROi Africa, the media monitoring and intelligence company supporting actor Ivan Zimmermann’s conquest to collect 12 000 cans of food for each of the 12 000km he travels, says Ivan has entered Sudan today after successfully completing his trip through Egypt on a bicycle!

“It’s gone well so far, but I am fully aware that I have very difficult days ahead with the extreme heat, but I also know #Leadersneverquit!” he says.

Zimmermann departed on the Tour d’Afrique on 9 January in Cairo and is expected to arrive on 9 May in Cape Town. For more information on Ivan’s quest, visit www.ivanzimmermann.com.


NAME: Tonya Khoury
E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
CELL: 073 874 5377
WEBSITE: www.roiafrica.com
TWITTER: @tonyaroi / @roiafrica
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/roiafrica

Relais & Châteaux welcomes 13 new members

Published: 14 January 2015

Relais & Châteaux has admitted 13 new member properties on three continents in January 2015: Asia, Europe and the Americas. Costa Rica and Hawaii join the family as new destinations. This underlines our willingness to open ourselves up to the world and share the founding values of our Association. It is another invitation to travel with the promise of savouring new tastes of the world through the Relais & Châteaux experiences.

Africa Mara Plains Camp (Kenya):

A discrete hideaway in the heart of predator country!

On the northern border of the Masai Mara, you’ll find Mara Plains Canvass Tents are tucked away amongst lush vegetation on the banks of the Ntiakatek River. This camp is one of the smallest in the region and offers the opportunity to get really close to nature and the local wildlife in the heart of a private conservancy with a very low density in vehicles and with abundant big cats. The programme is customised and very flexible – it is organised on a daily basis so that you can make the most of the unique experiences that nature constantly offers. The traditional safari styles tents, which are raised on decks and have a marquis ceiling, blend into the beautiful countryside and offer sweeping views of the savannah.   

Europe Tiara Yaktsa (France):

Between purple and indigo blue, a balcony overlooking the Mediterranean

Bathed by the Mediterranean luminosity and crowned by the Estérel massif, the Théoule-sur-Mer region is a land of contrasts, where the sea and the mountains are at close proximity. Spectacular vistas, a preserved environment, delicately perfumed by the fragrances of pines, create a favourable setting for the Tiara Yaktsa, which enjoys a perfect sunny location. www.relaischateaux.com/yaktsa          

The Greenhouse (United Kingdom):

An oasis of savours in the heart of London

Entering the world of The Greenhouse means enjoying the calm of a property in the heart of the London hustle and bustle and a unique culinary experience. Chef Arnaud Bignon, relying on his two Michelin stars, stages delicately flavoured dishes with a perfect balance of savours. He brings a new and creative dimension to classic French cuisine. The restrained and elegant décor is an ideal setting to fully benefit from the inventiveness of this cuisine. www.relaischateaux.com/greenhouse         http://www.ristoranteilpagliaccio.com/media/1381762135.jpg" >

Il Pagliaccio (Italy):

A culinary fixture of the Italian capital

Antony Genovese, born in France to Italian parents, delights our palate with new flavours. The creative Chef, who honed his talent in the Far East, continues to thrill his guests. Seared scallops served with teriyaki marinated beef and foie gras with a citrus fruit granite illustrate this in a savoury manner. www.relaischateaux.com/pagliaccio        

Asia Wasurenosato Gajoen (Japan):

A spot where time stands still in an authentic Japan

Situated in an enchanting setting, where lush vegetation blends perfectly into an authentic architecture, Wasurenosato Gajoen is surrounded by a calming atmosphere, away from the tourist ryokans. The omnipresent nature provides the place with a soul. The architecture is a sophisticated mix of thatched roof and ornamental pond. The delicately flavoured cuisine, carefully prepared with the vegetables from the garden, brings a picture to perfection, in which Japan and authenticity merge with elegance.  www.relaischateaux.com/gajoen      

Niraamaya Surya Samudra (India):

A gem facing the Arabian Sea

Surrounded by lush greenery and the Arabian Sea, Niraamaya Surya Samudra boasts 31 traditional cottages offering a perfect balance between old world charm and modern day comfort. Discovered by the hippies during the 70s, Kovalam has developed from a casual fishing village into one of the most important tourist destinations of the Southwest of the Indian peninsula. www.relaischateaux.com/surya        

Purity (India):

A romantic retreat on the shore of Lake Vambanad

Between the sea and the lake, the Purity showcases a pure and contemporary décor, where antiques and locally crafted components set the tone. Touches of turquoise blue and rose embellish the guest rooms to provide the interior design with a contemporary interpretation. In the beautifully manicured garden a sense of calm and serenity is prevailing. Cuisine highlights savours enhanced by local ingredients, whilst an always courteous and smiling service turns this moment into an unforgettable experience.   www.relaischateaux.com/purity        

Shakti 360° Leti (India):

Unique in the world in the Himalaya

Marvellously isolated at more than 2,400 metres, only accessible by hiking, the Shakti 360° Leti, is a spectacular adventure in itself which must be deserved. Its 4 cabins built with age-old techniques and local materials boast a contemporary design which stages in particular large bay windows. The scenery is truly breath-taking here and a real lesson of humility. The Shakti 360° Leti, which is conducive to relaxation and meditation, without electricity, offers an extraordinary experience during which the magic of the landscape creates constantly an out-of-the-ordinary atmosphere. www.relaischateaux.com/shakti    

Cape Weligama (Sri Lanka):

A large panorama of the Indian Ocean

Situated on a large promontory overlooking the Indian Ocean, only 30 minutes east of the historical town of Galle, the hotel Cape Weligama is home to a gorgeous collection of 40 freestanding villas and suites on a 12 hectare estate. A crescent-shaped infinity pool merges with the ocean. The style and the architecture of the property reflect the rich history of Sri Lanka, whilst allowing for contemporary and design elements. The light-bathed rooms offer incredible vistas of the ocean.  www.relaischateaux.com/weligama      

Americas The Inn at Hastings Park (USA):

Charm and elegance in New England

Only some 20 kilometres from Boston, the hotel is located in the historic town of Lexington. It is the ideal starting point to discover charming New England throughout the seasons and with all its colours. With a sophisticated blend of traditional and contemporary style, open fireplaces and cosy lounges, the atmosphere that prevails in the property proves that the soul and the spirit of the innkeeper have marked this Lexington manor. www.relaischateaux.com/hastingspark        

Royal Blues Hotel (USA):

Casual elegance on Florida’s Treasure Coast

Ideally located in Deerfield Beach, on Florida’s east coast, the Royal Blues Hotel opens up to the Atlantic Ocean. In the heart of a region with a rich cultural history and benefiting from local attractions, this hotel boasts a casual elegance and a beautiful white sand beach. A wine lounge in the interior lobby as well as a gourmet restaurant adorn this hotel, in which leather, wood and marble provide a contemporary charm. www.relaischateaux.com/royalblues        

Hotel Wailea (USA):

Charm and calm in Hawaii

Nestling in the heart of 6 hectares of landscaped gardens, the Hotel Wailea overlooks from its cliff the southern seashore of Maui, the protected and wild island of the Hawaiian archipelago. Its manicured gardens feature exotic plants. Cuisine is based on the ingredients from the hotel’s vegetable garden and local producers. Spacious suites, upscale spa service and amenities turn this property into a benchmark inviting to a detour to Hawaii.  www.relaischateaux.com/wailea        

El Silencio Lodge (Costa Rica):

The soul of Costa Rica between mountains and tropical forests

Nestling in the tropical cloud forest and mountain landscapes of Costa Rica, El Silencio Lodge is an eco-luxury hotel, which focuses on the environment. Located just 90 minutes away from the international airport of San José, surrounded by a magnificent jungle, it is an ideal place for romantic moments or family vacations. The spacious and light-filled rooms are built with natural materials and showcase a particular attention to details. Local products from the vegetable garden and a trout farm on-site offer the cuisine of Silencio Lodge a wide range of flavours. www.relaischateaux.com/elsilencio          


About Relais & Châteaux  

Relais & Châteaux is an exclusive collection of more than 530 of the finest charming hotels and gourmet restaurants managed by a family of independent owners, innkeepers and chefs that has set the standard for excellence in hospitality since 1954. Together they open up new horizons for upscale hospitality by focusing on distinctive and personal experiences through which our guests are invited to experience the fine 'Art of Living' on all five continents.   From the vineyards in Napa Valley to the beaches of the Indian Ocean, from the olive trees in Provence to the lodges in South Africa and traditional Japanese hot spring Ryokan, Relais & Châteaux offers all the stops on the finest routes for discovering each region, culture and country.

Enchantment with the world and appreciating the beauty of our planet with a fresh view is the vision of Relais & Châteaux.   Through each individual property, Relais & Châteaux wishes to convey a message of preservation of nature and biodiversity, World Heritage of cuisine and customs and to share the beauty and unique offerings of the local terroirs with the world.   Our vision: “Making a better world through cuisine and hospitality.”  


For more information, visit: www.relaischateaux.com    




This press release has been distributed on behalf of our client, Relais & Châteaux.

South African Airways Announces Winners of Annual Wine Selection

Published: 14 January 2015

Cape Town, South Africa – South African flag carrier, South African Airways (SAA), announced the winners of its annual wine selection process at a prestigious banquet in Cape Town. The wine awards banquet is the culmination of SAA’s rigorous selection process which started in August.

For the 2015 SAA Wine Selection year, more than 800 wines were submitted by South African wine producers. A panel of the most distinguished, independent, local and international judges assessed the wines over a period of three days of blind tasting sessions.

“South Africa is ubiquitously known for its quality and diverse wine offering. It is not hard to imagine how challenging it was to arrive at naming the winning wines to be served to our esteemed passengers on-board SAA flights, marking the 29th anniversary of selecting the best-of-the-best wines for the airline. As SAA, we would like to congratulate and recognise the winners for their efforts and for the amazing quality of wines submitted,” says Bongi Sodladla, SAA Senior Food and Beverage Manager and Sommelier, who led the process.

The following entries received trophies for having the highest score across the board from all 11 judges:

White Wine of the Year

Winery:  Alvi's Drift Wines International
Wine Description:  Alvi's Drift Chardonnay 2013

Red Wine of the Year 

Winery:  Hartenberg Farm
Wine Description:  Hartenberg Shiraz 2010

Methode Cap Classic of the Year 

Winery:  KWV SA
Wine Description:  Laborie MCC Blanc de Blanc 2010

Port of the Year

Winery:  Boplaas Landgoed
Wine Description:  Boplaas Cape Tawny Vintner Show Reserve  N/V

Chief Executive Officer Award:  De Wetshof Estate Trust

Chairperson's Award:  Joy Wines

The judges for this year’s awards were:

Bongi Sodladla is SAA’s Group Sommelier and Global Food and Beverage Manager. She coordinates the SAA Wine Selection and Wine Awards for the airline and is a full-time member of the tasting panel. She graduated as the first black woman sommelier in 2010 through the Cape Wine Academy, and has since completed the Wine Evaluation Course run by Stellenbosch University’s Department of Viticulture and Oenology. She is also a tasting panel member for other wine competitions; for example, the Veritas Awards.   

Sandra Lotz has been the manager of Shiraz since 2008, and was previously CEO of Paarl Vintners for 12 years. She serves on the Wine and Spirit Board’s Paarl tasting panel and, in addition to SAA, also tastes for various wine competitions, such as SA Young Wines and the Veritas Awards.

Danielle le Roux graduated with a BSc in Viticulture & Oenology from the University of Stellenbosch. Thereafter, she set off to explore some of the world’s main wine regions, working vintages at Chateau de la Colline (France); Verité (California) and Terreno (Italy). She graduated as a Cape Wine Master in 2009, and serves on the tasting panels for Veritas, SA Young Wine Show and the Wine and Spirit Board. She contributes to WineLand’s tasting column, and is a qualified Pinotage judge.

Tatiana Marcetteau was born in the heart of the French wine region, Bordeaux. She is the Food and Beverages Manager and Sommelier at the Taj in Cape Town and has tasted on SAA in previous years.

Miguel Chan hails from Mauritius and is Group Sommelier for Southern Sun hotels, with overall responsibility for the group’s beverage and food standards. Miguel represented South Africa in 2007 at the Inaugural Concours International des Jeunes Sommeliers in Frankfort, where he reached the finals. He has been a taster for Platter’s South African Wine Guide, Old Mutual Wine Trophy and other competitions.

Gregory Mutambe is a sommelier at Azure Restaurant, at Twelve Apostles. His passion for food and wine is aptly demonstrated in the restaurant’s extensive wine list. He tastes for other competitions, among them the Best Value Wine guide and Platter’s South African Wine Guide.

Andrea Freeborough is Cellarmaster at Die Bergkelder. She is committed to ensuring that the successful winemaking team produces outstanding wines for both the premier Fleur du Cap Unfiltered and Bergkelder Selection tiers. In 2010, Andrea earned the title of South African Woman Winemaker of the Year, just one of the accolades that she has received during her tenure at Die Bergkelder.  

John Salvi is an English Master of Wine who has lived for the last 35 years in Bordeaux. The title of Master of Wine is the highest internationally recognised accolade for depth and breadth of wine knowledge. He is also an oenologist who studied under the famous Professor Peynaud at Bordeaux University.  

Petronella Salvi is South African by birth, French by residence. She is the managing director of Vino Fino Wine in Style. She has participated in a variety of prestigious wine-tasting competitions; for example, the Swiss International Wine Awards, the Michelangelo Awards and many others. She is also the member of Circle of Wine writers in the United Kingdom.  

Lyn Woodward works as a freelance food stylist, editor and wine commentator. In addition, to having worked at The Cape Wine Academy for seven years, Lyn has completed all of its wine courses—she achieved Cape Wine Master status in 2010.  

Nomonde Kubheka is Soweto-born but now a proud Capetonian who obtained her BSc Agriculture degree in Viticulture & Oenology from the University of Stellenbosch. A former winemaker at KWV, Nomonde now works as a freelance facilitator for the Pinotage Youth Development Academy, which is based in Stellenbosch. She has tasted for other wine competitions, among them Diners Club Winemaker/Young Winemaker of the Year.  

The logistical process of the tasting is coordinated by Bennie Howard, well-known Cape Wine Master.

For any questions or queries, contact SAA spokesperson Tlali Tlali +27 82 333 3880 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

About South African Airways

South African Airways is a Star Alliance member that offers flights to 38 destinations worldwide. Domestically, SAA operates 544 flights a week between Johannesburg – Cape Town, Durban, East London and Port Elizabeth. Regionally, SAA offers 24 destinations across the African continent and its international network creates links to all major continents from South Africa through 10 direct routes. In the regional category, SAA has received the Skytrax ‘Best Airline in Africa’ Award for 11 consecutive years.   

Africa.com to be FIELD Global Partner for Harvard Business School

Published: 06 January 2015

Africa.com is looking forward to welcoming a team of students from Harvard Business School this week. The team of six students will be in Johannesburg for a week as part of a required first-year course at Harvard Business School called FIELD, which stands for Field Immersion Experiences for Leadership Development. Africa.com is one of 156 FIELD Global Partners spanning 13 countries around the world. Together they will host more than 930 students in all.  

“We are pleased to be working with Harvard Business School to provide students with a real-world learning experience in South Africa.” said Teresa Clarke, Chairman and CEO.  “We feel certain that the students will gather insights here that they would never be able to glean from a classroom discussion alone.”  

FIELD has three modules that run through the entire first year of the two- year MBA program. The first module focuses on developing individual leadership skills through team feedback and self-reflection. The second focuses on developing global intelligence by immersing them in a foreign country to develop a new product or service in country for their Global Partner organization. The final module brings all the lessons together by challenging students to develop and launch their own micro-business as part of a small team back in Boston.

Africa.com executives have been working with the team remotely in the months leading up to their arrival in South Africa. While in the country, they will pitch their ideas to the leadership team, conduct field research with consumers around Johannesburg and present their final recommendations to management.

Harvard is quick to acknowledge that this important learning experience would not be possible without the Global Partners.  

“We are extremely grateful to Africa.com and all the FIELD Global Partner organizations for all they do on behalf of our students,” said Professor Tony Mayo, the faculty head of FIELD. “The students benefit immeasurably from this experience and we hope the partner organizations do as well.”

About Africa.com   Africa.com is the leading Africa-related website with more than one million views every month from people in over 200 countries & territories. Our signature product is the Africa.com Top10 - we read all the Africa news so that you don't have to.  We curate and summarize the top ten African news stories of the day and of the week. Africa.com is also a one stop shop to help Africans put their ideas onto mobile websites easily and affordably.  For companies and bloggers who want to showcase their African identity as part of their website address. With offices in South Africa, Nigeria and the United States, Africa.com is dedicated to changing the way the world sees Africa.  

Media Contact:
Debra Winter
Tel: +27 11 881 5941
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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