Learning About Multiple Streams of Income at Hirsch's

Published: 26 May 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted their monthly Business Networking Morning with 24 dynamic entrepreneurs within the community ready to network and talk business with likeminded people.

Guest Speaker for the morning, Michelle Mills spoke about “Why you need Multiple Streams of Income (and where to look).”Michelle has been actively involved in Direct Selling and Network Marketing for 20 years. She’s a qualified Project Manager, Bible School lecturer and MD of her husband’s company KaizenSHEQ. She was also one of the finalists in the Margaret Hirsch Woman In Business Achievers competition.

Michelle explained that relying on only one passive income is a big risk as having a job is only temporary. Due to the global economy jobs are less stable and more and more people are becoming unemployed. The most important thing you need is to have multiple streams of income. She explained that in South Africa there are over 1,000,000 people involved in some form of Direct Selling/Network Marketing, sharing in R4,400,000,000 in annual earnings.

The Various Types of Multiple streams of Income Include:

• Own effort:Cooking, Baking, Sewing, Woodworking, Beekeeping, Photography etc.Own effort means you carry your full risk (i.e. no work = no pay)

• Recurring Income:Write a book, Purchase a vending machine, Buy a franchise, Invest in (and hire out) property and Multi-level marketing.

Michelle concluded her talk by telling her audience that “Network marketing differs vastly from 1 company to the next. The real question here is: WHEN will YOU join this global MLM phenomenon?”

After Michelle’s talk each of the networkers were given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch ’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join Hirsch’s Networking Mornings contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
