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SA Teens Set To Disrupt Social Media Industry

Published: 06 July 2018

Pretoria, Gauteng - 6 July 2018 -Bounz Media (Pty) Ltd is pleased to announce its brand new social media platform. The team consisting of two 19-year-olds believe they have found a way to overcome the two biggest hurdles in social media today by allowing users to literally bounce interesting posts they have received by pulling them down and then having them sent onwards to all their followers. This process can continue indefinitely and allow the posts of people with a limited following to theoretically reach everyone on the platform.

The ability for posts to be shared is not a new concept but Bounz places emphasis on this and “gamifies” the experience through a fun, interactive bouncing motion which incentivises sharing. Furthermore Bounz has been designed for the sharing of creative graphical posts to strangers and for that purpose only. What this means is that everything on Bounz is public and should be posted with that intention. This is significant because it solves the privacy issues that current platforms are battling with by providing no privacy and making that clear to users.

Ishe Mabugu realised that most people are very creative and should not be limited to only being able to share posts with people that happen to follow them. Ishe had a brilliant idea to solve this problem with an app that allows posts to be bounced. Unfortunately Ishe is not a software developer and had to find a partner who could bring his idea to life. Ishe managed to get in contact with local coding prodigy, Gerhard de Clercq and the two have been working tirelessly for the past year to make Bounz a reality.

Gerhard has pulled off a miracle to single-handedly craft a working prototype and work on completing an engineering degree (for which he is still currently top of his class) but simply cannot find the time necessary to bring the app up to public release standards.

The team realised that they needed to find funding in order to complete their app but could not manage much success with regards to venture capital. As such, they are now looking to crowd funding in order to get their app completed. The belief here is that fans of the app should me more than willing to support it. 

Their campaign is now live on Indiegogo at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bounz-the-app-that-sets-your-posts-free-apps-iphoneand includes an interesting YouTube video showcasing their prototype and explaining how the app works. They hope that the public will support them in their mission and wish to reiterate that any contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference.

The Nuts and Bolts of Mobile Retargeting

Published: 02 December 2014

Mobile devices are more than mere communication tools today. Globally, smartphones and tablets are now contributing to roughly 25% of the user traffic on eCommerce and travel websites. Sales through smartphones and tablets contribute to around 15% of the total online sales. With the rapid adoption of smart phones and tablets across the globe, these numbers can only go north.

Online sales through mobile devices as a percentage of the total online sales globally Challenges in Mobile Web Marketing Mobile marketing is relatively new and advertisers face several challenges to run an effective mobile marketing campaign. Some of them are:
• Advertiser's and Publisher's mobile presence is fragmented between mobile web and mobile apps.
• Identification of a user across mobile web and mobile app and messaging across these two channels.
• Identification of users across multiple devices (such as mobile, desktop) and messaging across channels.
• Patchy support to cookie and other tracking mechanisms on mobile browsers and apps.

How does it work:

1. While the user is on the advertiser mobile website, products like Vizury MobiConvert, records anonymous user behaviour such as products viewed, duration of visit, drop off page etc.

2. This user behaviour data is then used to create and display customised ads for the mobile user across mobile internet.

3. However, unlike desktop, mobile uses a different technology for banners- HTML5, the one that works across mobile devices.

The need to go mobile is more imminent today more than ever. Mobile has taken centre stage in your users' purchase cycle and it's time to go mobile! More on 'Shades of Mobile Retargeting' coming soon.

Learn more about Vizury MobiConvert and other products by Vizury at their stand at the eCommerce Africa Confex. This exciting 2-day conference and exhibition takes place on the 3rd-4th February 2015 at the Cape Town International Centre.

Register as a delegate or find out more about sponsor and exhibitor opportunities by contacting Kirsten Pow Chong on 021 180 4700 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Perago (SIA Group) Signs Contract with Swish Payments to Support Launch of New M-Commerce Solution in Africa and Europe

Published: 23 July 2014

Perago, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SIA, has signed an agreement with Swish Payments Ltd., a mobile commerce provider owned by leading South African payment service provider Setcom Payment Solutions, to support its new m-commerce initiative in Africa and Europe.

Through SIA’s technology infrastructure, Perago will enable the Swish solution that utilises a mobile app and card reader (both chip and magnetic stripe card) to effectively convert a merchant's smartphone or tablet into a POS terminal so businesses of all sizes can accept debit and credit card payments from virtually any location.

Perago will specifically provide Swish with the SIA gateway for payment switching to all international circuits in conjunction with a PCI-compliant Acquirer Independent solution for transaction authorisation and clearing. The SIA technology platform will be combined with the Swish solution to provide seamless integration with multiple acquirers in multiple countries, giving Swish the capability to serve varied geographic locations rapidly with its state of the art mPOS solution.

Swish Payments will be launching the new mobile POS solution in Africa and in 20 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom) starting later this year. According to its forecasts, Swish expects to reach about 400,000 merchant subscribers by the end of 2016.

“In addition to our proven experience in creating advanced systems for central banks, RTGS in particular, starting today Perago opens up its infrastructures to new services such as payment card transaction management. With this in mind, our agreement with Swish Payments represents an important milestone for SIA Group as this is the first card processing agreement in Africa, and it allows us to expand our portfolio with the integrated offer of the parent company SIA,” said Claudio Ceresani, CEO of Perago.

“The deal with SIA is a critical component of our offering as it allows us to count on an established processing infrastructure. It also allows us to focus our efforts on the business and enhance the Swish value proposition for our customers,” said Stephen Grech, CEO of Swish Payments Ltd.

About Perago

Based in South Africa, Perago is a leading provider of solutions and services for the financial system and is the SIA Group Hub in Africa. After its acquisition in 2005, Perago evolved into an innovative company delivering highly specialized, mission-critical solutions which include payment systems, securities management solutions, business intelligence solutions, card management services, enterprise application integration, and monitoring systems and tools. 

About SIA

SIA is European leader in the design, creation and management of technology infrastructures and services for Financial and Central Institutions, Corporates and Public Administration bodies, in the areas of payments, e-money, network services and capital markets. SIA provides its services in around 40 countries, and also operates through its subsidiaries in Hungary and South Africa. The company has offices in Milan and Brussels. In 2013, SIA managed 2.7 billion card payments and 2.2 billion credit transfers and collections, 28.6 billion trading and post-trading transactions and carried 293.3 terabytes of data on the network. The Group is made up of seven companies: the parent SIA, the Italian companies Emmecom (innovative network applications for banks and businesses), Pi4Pay (services for Payment Institutions), RA Computer (treasury solutions for banks, businesses and P.A.), and TSP (payment collection services for companies and P.A.), Perago in South Africa and SIA Central Europe in Hungary. The Group, which has approximately 1,500 employees, closed 2013 with revenues of €380.3 million. For more information, go to: www.sia.eu 

About Swish Payments

Swish Payments launched in Hong Kong in December 2012, and has since expanded into a number of global markets. Swish Payments offers an end-to-end mobile commerce solution platform to banks, payment service providers, telecommunication companies and others looking to deploy a fully certified, branded mobile payment platform in record time. Swish’s range of secure card readers includes EMV chip-and-PIN or chip-and-signature, both with integrated magnetic stripe reader, as well as magstripe-only devices. All card readers support Android- and iOS-powered smartphones and tablets, enabling merchants to accept card transactions from any location. The Swish mobile commerce solution platform also includes mobile applications, APIs, embedded payment modules, a full-featured payment gateway complete with fraud screening, and web portals, all of which are easily brandable and customizable for rapid market deployment. For more information, go to: www.swishme.com

WhatsApp for Windows Phone is already available

Published: 18 July 2014

Sometimes the owners of wonderful smartphones on Windows Phone are often frustrated when the developers of some popular game or application forget about them! They have either to wait for the release of WP version or just silently envy the owners of other more popular platforms, as it is often reported that versions for Windows Phone is not planned yet. 

Fortunately the client program WhatsApp for pc and Windows Phones is already developed and works without any problems. Of course, the very first versions were not stable and the opportunities were limited, but now the client is very stable!

SMS message is still a popular messaging service, but compared to, for example, ICQ, Skype or Jabber, much more expensive. At the same time while messaging through these protocols you need to know the other account information (the number of ICQ, jabber ID , etc.). So, lately one of the new messaging services-WhatsApp-has become popular. While messaging with this program you only need to know the phone number. This application has long been available on AndroidMarket and now the version for Windows Phone has been released.

This application is a cross -platform Messenger and allows you to share messages, photos, location and transfer SMS between various phones: iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia, Android and Windows Phone 7. Messaging is done via 3G connection or Wi-Fi and hence the price of SMS will be less than for conventional SMS.

After the installation of the app it automatically detects the contact from your phone book and adds the contacts to "Favorites". If you start a conversation, just click on any contact. The other contacts are in the tab "All". If a contact does not have WhatsApp free download, the program will send an ordinary SMS, and you do not need to go to the main menu - Messages.

If you know a lot of owners of smartphones, this program is for you. With this application it is not necessary to spend money on SMS, as messages are delivered if the program is not running . The number of unread messages is displayed on the tile of this application.  

In conclusion we can say that Whats App is an excellent replacement of SMS, MMS and even ICQ. It is convenient because you will not forget your account and password to it. Unlimited Internet traffic is the only desirable condition.

Good news for the owners of smartphones on Lumia Windows Phone 8. Recently the popular client of instant messaging service WhatsApp has been updated. It has acquired the capabilities of the latest version of the mobile operating system and made friends with such chats as Facebook, MSN, Skype, Viber and other alternative messengers.

The developers collaborate with Nokia on a version of the program that will be properly optimized for the latest platforms of Windows Phone.

The setting of this application has two stages. You download and install the app. Then you need to confirm your phone number, enter the code that will come in the SMS sent from the server of the company. After the installation the program will automatically find other users of the service in your contacts and add them to the phonebook.

You can use the application for free during the first 12 months. Then you will need to pay one dollar. The application is available for virtually all mobile platforms including Series 40 and Symbian, not just Windows Phone. WhatsApp has a lot of fans and if your friends are using it, then you need to install this application for sure.

Dial out with your business phone number using an app on your smartphone

Published: 23 June 2014

Voys Telecom, a VoIP and Hosted PBX provider, launches the Voys app. An application that enables one to dial out with a business telephone number while using ones smartphone to make the call. The Voys app enables businessmen and women to maintain a professional image when making business calls outside the parameters of the office. The app is available for free download for iOS and Android phones.

The new app is suitable for businessmen and women on the go, or who work remotely. When you use the app to make a call on your smartphone, the person being called gets to see your company number and not your mobile (private) number. It even works when a broadband internet connection is not available as the app uses the cell phone provider’s voice network to make the call.

Because the app is integrated with the business number of the user, all calls handled via the app are visible in the app’s call log. Calls made on the desk phone are also visible on the app. In addition, the user’s personal contact list - found on the smartphone - can be imported and used. Reimbursements of cell phone calls are a thing of the past as all call costs are billed directly to the business.

Voys considers calling over a 4G connection in conjunction with a Cloud-based PBX to be the future of business telephony. Therefor the next update of the app will enable users to call via a 4G connection. The app’s source code is available under an open source license which can be accessed on Github (http://www.github.com/voipgrid). Thus making it possible for anyone to contribute towards the further development of the app.

Clients of the service provider can download the app for free in the App Store and Play Store for their iOS and Android smartphones. Those interested in either using the Voys app or Voys Telecom in general, can get in touch with the service provider by sending a request via their website www.voys.co.za.

Somerset West’s Own Indie Game Studio

Published: 17 June 2014

Indie games are fast becoming a trend in South Africa, catching on from the overseas markets. These days, children and adults alike are playing mobile games as never before. People are always hungry for something different, which is where indie games – or ‘independent’ games – come in, providing players with something other than the mass-produced mainstream products.

Now, Somerset West can boast with its very own game studio that started turning its cogs in February this year. For its first month of existence, the studio was run out of the founder’s mother’s basement – typical indie game studio protocol, if history is anything to go by. Now, running from a house close to De Hoop Primary School, the studio focuses on creating mobile games (such as their recently released Afrikaans game, Fanie de Beer) and has oodles of style, creativity, skill and initiative.

While the Apmil Game Studio has only been up and running for a few months, the people who daily put their shoulders to its wheels have been building up relationships for the last three-and-a-half years. Even though the studio officially started up in February, the idea of an indie game studio had been brewing in the mind of Studio Head, Pierre Bezuidenhout, since 2011. Pierre started lecturing in the Animation Department of Cape Town’s City Varsity in 2011 – and this is where he met the three students who would later join him in this grand venture.

Pierre, as leader of the team, is Apmil’s Programmer and Technical Director. He has previously worked in advertising and animation for Wicked Pixels in Woodstock and held the position of lecturer at Concept Interactive as well as at City Varsity. His impressive skill set includes a sharp eye for detail as well as design flair and programming aptitude in different digital languages and platforms – he is also quite the people-person. Altus Barry is the Technical Lead, taking charge of rigs, renders and other related tasks. Mabet van Zijl did her major in 3D Narrative and, as Generalist, leads Apmil’s marketing and writing in between her usual workload. Louren Hattingh takes the roles of Lead Animator and Concept Artist. While each person has their area to lead, the workflow runs with a ‘rock-paper-scissors’-style in which one falls under the delegation of another while dealing with respective area-specific tasks. Sitting around a whiteboard, each armed with a marker, they discuss character design, story line, player motivation, level arrangement, time constraints and load division before jumping in with the actual development.

The first released game, Fanie de Beer, is a 100% physics-driven, full 3D, indie puzzle game with a distinct South African flavour. Playing as Fanie de Beer, a 12-year-old farm-boy, the player utilizes simple little rocks by tapping once on the screen to clear best friend Jaco Kriel’s fields of strategically placed, ancient landmines. Built in Unity, the game takes place in a single day – with the story starting early in the morning and ending in the evening – transporting the player through a dynamic day/night cycle and colourful, saturated farm fields as they progress through the 84 levels, meeting new mine types and increasingly difficult challenges as they go along. Written and designed in Afrikaans, then carefully translated into true farm-style English, this game is unique, fun and proudly South African. The demo is available for download from the Google Play Store, while the full game can be purchased on Samsung Apps and Amazon.

The next game in the pipeline is different from Fanie de Beer in virtually every way. Where Fanie is a very colourful 3D puzzle game with just enough back-story to set the player up for the context and flavour of the game, the current project is a heavily story-driven platform-game that takes place in a fictional world made up of parallaxing silhouettes and strange characters.

Apmil Game Studio has not only been created as a platform to build games, but also as a springboard for fellow animators, developers, designers and illustrators. It’s a breeding ground for collaboration, ideas, innovation and learning. Each person hones their skills while doing fun and challenging work through creating games and stories as well as fulfilling the creative needs of small to medium-sized businesses in the Western Cape and Gauteng.

Apmil Game Studio services include animation, app creation, game creation, rendering/stills, asset creation, video editing and UX. The creative division of Apmil, led by artist Janet Botes and writer Michelle Albinson, offers logo design, graphic design, online/web design, interactive design, writing, editing, proofreading and illustration.

Apmil prides itself on being different: Fresh ideas, innovative applications, strange and wonderful games – they are all things that receive the studio’s love and attention to detail. To find out more or to get involved, contact Pierre Bezuidenhout at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him on 082 499 3133

Studio ingredients:[A]ltus makes the bus and [P]ierre drives the bus; [M]abet takes the bus t[i]ckets and [L]ouren makes the bus move. Thus, [apmil].

Free demo: Google Play – bit.ly/fanie_demo 
Full version: Samsung Apps – bit.ly/fanie
Official Trailer: Youtube – bit.ly/fanie_trailer 
Apmil page: Apmil/Fanie – apmil.co.za/fanie-de-beer 

Skill Gaming an Internet Hit – Qeep Introduces the Concept to the South African Mobile World

Published: 29 June 2009
{pp}Simple online games with real cash prizes continue to gain popularity
Qeep becomes the first to offer worldwide skill gaming for mobile phones