'Gap it" to success!

Published: 01 August 2018

Matriculant, not sure what you want to do with your life? Or perhaps you do know, BUT you simply don’t have enough money to pursue the career of your dreams next year? Don’t despair, Tiffiny Thomas, Owner and Founder of Blue Bird Aupairs has a solution! “A Gap Year,” says Tiffiny “is the perfect opportunity for young adults to not only find their feet in the world, but to also earn money at the same time!”

Whilst traditional trips abroad may not be an affordable Gap-Year option for most young South Africans, Tiffiny says that it doesn’t mean that they can’t ‘Gap it’ in their own backyard. “Taking a year off to discover yourself doesn’t have to cost and arm and a leg. In fact, if you do it right, you can actually make money to travel AND save towards your studies!”

Plus, the opportunity to get real-life experience is something that you simply can’t pass up “You will be updating your CV with valuable experience that will give you an edge over other young adults once you hit the job market and officially start your career,” Tiffiny explains.

From being an in-store promoter or waitressing at a restaurant to tutoring younger children after school, these are the kinds of jobs that are available to students who are reliable and willing to work hard, says Tiffiny. She adds that there has been a rise in the demand for young au pairs who are passionate and responsible. “More and more, working parents are turning to young role models to take care of their children in the afternoon instead of leaving them at the school aftercare,” Tiffiny explains.

The best part? Studies have shown that Students who take a gap year have improved academics compared to students who didn't take a gap year!

About Blue Bird
Since inception Blue Bird has matching local and international families with responsible, passionate young South Africans! At Blue Bird Aupairs our client’s children are our Number One priority! You see, our ‘Blue Birds’ aren’t just ordinary girls, they are strong, responsible young woman who are passionate about the health, wellbeing and education of our client’s precious gifts. For more information go to: https://bluebirdaupairs.co.za

Press release disseminated on behalf of:
Blue Bird Aupair Agency

By:Carmen White
Sam Watt Marketing Communications
Phone: 081 260 4011
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Practical Strategies for Stressed Matriculants

Published: 27 October 2017

The final countdown has begun! Matriculants all around the country are in the thick of the much anticipated (and most often feared) final exams! It is like climbing Kilimanjaro! The summit is clearly in sight and the anticipation of finality lies within reach on the horizon!  BUT, there is a steep, seemingly treacherous climb to navigate and that is the Matric final exam!

Cindy Glass, Co-founder and Director of afterschool remediation franchise, Step Up Education Centre says, “Fear of the final exams is deep-rooted and reinforced from generation to generation!  It is that fear of failure or of not achieving the desired outcomes that ensures that matriculants find this experience a less-than-pleasant one! Ironically, it is fear, anxiety and stress that will add unnecessary pressure to each individual and this could significantly slow or even halt their ability to effectively tackle these exams”.

It is with this in mind that Cindy share the following helpful strategies to ease the pressures of the final exams:

Know that you can do this! You can choose to make good choices today! Stamp out any thoughts of failure—do not entertain any negative beliefs about yourself. Remember, if you think you can or your think you can’t, you will be right!

Make sure you have a dedicated place of study. You need a desk and chair, good lighting and plenty of fresh air. The most effective way to study is pen-to-paper. You brain is able to remember information 7 times better if you write it down!

Use your study time effectively. That means – put off ALL distractions. No cell phones, no TV.  This is about YOU and you need to have the courage and determination to make choices that honour you!

Break up your workload into bite-size manageable pieces. Use a desk calendar or something similar and write down what you will need to cover every day. Tick off as you go. This will give you direction and it will keep you motivated as you achieve each task.

During your exam, answer all the easy-mark questions first. Go through the paper and answer all the questions you feel most confident about. This will ensure you finish the paper, it will build your confidence and it will leave you enough time to tackle the more challenging questions. Remember to number your questions clearly!

Don’t forget to make time to exercise-even if it is just for 30 mins a day. You need to take care of yourself more than ever at this time. Make sure you eat healthily-avoid sugars and refined foods. You definitely want to avoid energy drinks as they give you a false sense of security and could lead to a disastrous exam experience!

“These exams can feel overwhelming, but they are do-able!  Do not invite fear, anxiety and stress in for tea! You can do this. Pace yourself, plan your study schedule, take care of your health. The summit is in sight – head up – step by step!” Cindy concludes. 

About Step Up

Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre doors they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential…And our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!  

Press release disseminated on Behalf of
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Press release disseminated by
Carmen White
081 260 4011
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sam Watt Marketing Communications