Unique Hypnotherapy Masterclass on Addiction a First of its Kind

Published: 31 May 2021

Pretoria, South Africa – Drug addiction in South Africa is twice the international norm and a major contributor to crime and early deaths. Hypnotherapy experts are addressing the issue of addiction with the introduction of a new masterclass to empower experienced hypnosis practitioners to become part of the solution.

Addiction takes many forms. Alcohol and cannabis are the two major addictions in South Africa, followed by cocaine, amphetamines, opioids, opiates and ecstasy. It is estimated that some 60% of all crimes committed in this country involve the use of substances. Cigarettes are another major addiction; with about 7 million South Africans over the age of 15 smoke some 27 billion cigarettes every year. Gambling and internet gaming have both been recognized as official addictions. Other compulsive habits such as shopping, sex, food, TV, and social media have not yet been peer reviewed, but are growing problems. It is expected that the Covid-19 pandemic will aggravate the problem and the United Nations is predicting a dramatic rise in addictions in the near future because of it.

Hypnotherapy has been scientifically proven as an effective method to both prevent and solve addictions, but has largely been ignored because of the many misconceptions that exist about hypnosis. This is a problem that the experienced and respected South African hypnotherapists Thomas Budge and Yvonne Munshi are determined to rectify. According to South African hypnotherapy guru Thomas Budge: “Addiction is one of the most feared aspects of the hypnotherapist’s practice, simply because they do not possess the in-depth knowledge and skills to successfully help their clients.”

Thomas has taken it upon himself to rectify this problem and share his knowledge built up over many years. Together with Yvonne Munshi, herself an expert in this field, they have written a book called Addiction: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. This work forms the basis of the masterclass that will address the neurobiology of addiction, the rules of the mind, and effective and tested methods to address this growing problem. Registrations are open for suitably qualified and experienced hypnosis practitioners, whether they are working in the clinical or non-medical fields. This is the first course of its kind that will soon be presented around the world.

The masterclass will be held at Pretoria Ranch from 2 – 6 September 2021. It is limited to a maximum of 18 participants who will benefit from the expert information that will expand their practice. Those who have completed the course will become part of an online community where they receive support and regular updates. A referral system will be implemented to ensure that clients who need these specialized services get to the right practitioner.

This masterclass is a unique opportunity for hypnotherapists to gain expert information, which includes the 450-page course book Addiction: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Bookings are now open on http://hypnosismasterclass.pro