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Intertek Sub-Saharan Africa promotes Management System Integration

Published: 04 September 2014

August 31, 2014 Intertek Sub-Saharan Africa promotes Management System Integration Johannesburg, South Africa

Intertek, a leading quality solutions provider to industries worldwide, hosted a Management System Solution symposium in Johannesburg  from 21-22 August 2014, addressing management system challenges and integration.  

Integrated management systems can be implemented by organizations in any sector and of any size. Organizations may consider this step to lower costs and simplify their maturing management systems by fully or partially integrating the requirements of different audit criteria with a single set of documentation, policies, procedures and processes.  Integrated audits can bring many benefits to your organization, such as lower certification costs, fewer interruptions to the organization, reduced documentation, streamlined processes, and more consistent objectives across multiple systems.  

The symposium included presentations by industry specialists, who addressed the benefits and practicalities of integrating multiple management systems, as well as individuals who had been involved in the integration of multiple management systems within their companies.  The event also featured professionals who currently serve on the international committee developing the new ISO 9001: 2015 revision, and who are actively involved in the review of the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 international standards.  

The proposed changes to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, prior to their expected release in mid-2015, as well as the impact of the High Level Structure on the ISO range of standards was of great interest to attendees. Delegates were also provided with the opportunity to engage in working group sessions which addressed generic global and local non-conformances as well as those specific to the SHEQ, CSR and Food schemes.

Intertek will continue to keep the sub-Saharan marketplace abreast of the changes affecting management systems, and to provide solutions to their clients in this area.  Changes to the standards will not only have an effect on management systems, but also on auditing services. Intertek ensures that all of their auditors are trained on the updates to these management system standards in order to provide the highest quality service to the industry.  

Intertek Services (Pty) Ltd currently provides integrated auditing solutions and certification for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000 standards as well as a variety of Corporate Social Responsibility programmes, as well as training on the implementation and auditing on these standards for industry.  

For further information and business opportunities please contact:

Charlene Holm
Key Accounts Manager,
Business Assurance
Intertek Services PTY Ltd,
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 396 1101
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

Amanda Pienaar
Key Accounts Manager,
Life Sciences (Food and Pharmaceuticals)
Intertek Services PTY Ltd,
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 396 1101
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

Adele Krogh
Key Accounts Manager,
Intertek Academy
Intertek Services PTY Ltd,
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 396 1101
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

Media Contacts
Bridget Day
Media & Marketing Manager,
Intertek Services PTY Ltd,
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 396 1101
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     

About Intertek
Intertek is a leading quality solutions provider to industries worldwide.  From auditing and inspection, to testing, training, advisory, quality assurance and certification, Intertek adds value for its customers by helping improve the quality and safety of their products, assets and processes.  With a network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices and over 36,000 people in more than 100 countries, Intertek supports companies’ success in the global marketplace, by helping customers to meet end users’ expectations for safety, sustainability, performance, integrity and desirability in virtually any market worldwide. 
Visit www.intertek.com 


Published: 11 August 2014

On the 7th August, 2014, BPW South Africa and the Department of Trade & Industry launched South Africa’s first database of “Board Potential Women” at a Business Breakfast held with over 200 CEO’s and high level government officials.  Acting Director General, Mrs Pumla Ncapayi of the Department of Small Business Development (The Department of Trade & Industry) handed over certificates to 19 senior businesswomen who have completed the intensive BPW SA “Women on Boards” director development programme and have now been profiled on the “Board Potential Women” database.  

The first 19 women on this database all fulfil stringent criteria for corporate governance and legislation and are well trained through our “Women on Boards” director development programme.  This list of "Board Potential Women" makes it clear that there are more than enough eminently qualified women to help lead South Africa’s corporations into the 21st century and that it is now time to shatter the glass ceiling that keeps these women from ascending to board positions.  Furthermore, it’s time we provide opportunities to more women than just the “high flyers” who currently occupy most board seats.  

We need to use all of our society’s talents to ensure that South Africa’s economy thrives. We often hear the argument that there are insufficient qualified women to occupy positions in the boardroom. Today BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry are shattering those myths as well as glass ceilings! The database shows that the qualified women are there – it’s just a matter of finding them and we’ve made it easy through our database.  There is no longer any excuse for recruiting unqualified non-executive female directors onto a board.  

The programme and database is administered by BPW SA in consultation with the Department of Trade & Industry. All women listed in the database are suitable to be considered for company board-level positions and meet a clear set of criteria.  Every application to be part of our “Women on Boards” programme and database is formally assessed and reviewed and only those women who meet the criteria are accepted. Notably, all women on the database have extensive formal qualifications and at least five years senior management experience.  

Companies should now make use of this untapped pool of talent, and businesswomen interested in potential board posts, should be joining the “Women on Boards” programme and ultimately our national database, in order to promote their profile amongst a larger audience.

For more information, give us a call on (011) 794-4991 or 083 212 9134 or visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za.

Live and in person Dr Dave Norton, Internationally acclaimed co-architect of the Balanced Scorecard - HBR rated BSC as one of the most influential management ideas for the past 75 years

Published: 07 July 2014

Business Results Group and GIBS presents The 10th Progress Conference on Balanced Scorecard Essentials, with Dr David Norton, Live and in Person. Dave Norton will present a one day programme in JHB on the 11th September 2014. In 2012, over 500 executives participated in his colleague, Professor Kaplan’s event in South Africa.

Dr Norton has most recently been honoured by Thinkers 50 in their Hall of Fame sharing this acclaim with Tom Peters, Warren Bennis, Howard Gardner, Charles Handy, Philip Kotler, Henry Mintzberg, Kenichi Omae, Ikujiro Nonaka and his colleague Professor Kaplan, for their mammoth contribution to business management and leadership. Harvard Business Review recognised the Balanced Scorecard as one of the most influential management ideas in the past 75 years.

The 2014 programme includes the latest findings and experience in Strategy measurement, leadership, human capital and cross functional priorities and solutions.  

This is what his clients have to say,

“Our BSC helped us to deliver superior performance, consistently and predictably in all facets of our organisation.” Kris Gopalakrishnan, CEO, INFOSYS

“BSC is the strongest tool I have seen in 22 years of my career, to align people in the organisation to the corporate objectives.” Sunil Wahwa, CEO, New Delhi Power

“I am convinced that implementing the Balanced Scorecard has helped us to deliver record-breaking progress over the past 5 years.” Bill Padfield, CEO, Data Dimensions

To acquire access to Dr Dave Norton’s latest thinking, findings and solutions to execute strategy in a new economy, call Angela on 011 463 9898. For further information visit www.theprogressconference.com


Published: 30 June 2014

They are in South African companies and industries right now, although they may not be part of traditional networks and are unlikely to be present at the higher levels of management in the same numbers as men.  It is for this reason that BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) have partnered in an unrivalled “Women on Boards” director development programme to create a pool of female leaders in SA who are excellently trained and are therefore highly sought after by Boards.  

Most people today have no knowledge about the makeup of corporate boards, even in the companies they work for. These people would be surprised to learn how little diversity of thought and experience exists in the corporate boardrooms and executive suites of South African businesses. Why should you care about board composition? Boards of directors make decisions that can impact you, your community, and the country.  That’s why it’s important that membership on corporate boards be representative of a company's constituents.

Boards of directors choose CEOs. They make decisions about executive compensation, whether to buy, sell, or merge with other companies, where corporate offices close and relocate, and how much priority a company gives to issues other than profits, such as social responsibility.  

Our Women on Boards programme will give you the expertise and exposure needed to be part of the right networks.  It is an eight-part program — strategically placed over the course of 8 months, due to the complexity of the material — equips women with the knowledge and tools needed to elevate themselves to the C-suite and beyond.  In a supportive and highly interactive atmosphere, an impressive roster of top government and corporate experts will guide skilled female executives through a rigorous program of intensive classroom instruction, case studies and simulations. Every element of the program is focused on strengthening and broadening the leadership talents of the participants and delivering positive results for their companies and organizations.  They will improve their understanding of the responsibilities of board membership and develop the skills and strategic insight needed to become a more effective director.     They will improve their understanding of board governance while heightening their financial literacy and increasing their understanding of relevant legislation.  Amongst others, specialist training is also provided by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) with regard to corporate governance and understanding of JSE terminology and the Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) (London) who will impart their expertise on personal and reputational risk.  The dti will convey their expectations of board members and corporate experts will present, and execute simulations, on media and presentation skills to enhance leadership effectiveness. The programme is certified by the dti.  

For more information, please visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za  .or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 011 794-4991.

International Online Recruitment Solutions Provider launches career platform in South Africa

Published: 12 February 2009
{pp}he international online recruitment solutions provider Global Talent Pools launches its newest product, the Africa Business Talent Pool, in South Africa. The Africa Business Talent Pool is a specialised job and career platform focused on the African job market. It is dedicated to business professionals from middle to senior management, students and graduates of commercial studies. They can browse through job profiles, read industry related news, upload their CVs and inform themselves about potential employers.

What's YOUR business game plan?

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{pp}Are you a professional or an enthusiastic amateur when it comes to managing and coaching your business team?

Finer Details for event management and design.

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