Is the Kruger National Park still worth the visit

Published: 15 October 2019

Despite the effect commercialization has on the Kruger National Park - here are some reasons why it is still worth your while to visit the Park

The Kruger National Park covers a vast area, the size of a small country (19 485 km²). More species of large mammals are found in the Kruger National Park than any other African game reserve (147 species).

The Kruger National Park  is a Bird lover’s paradise with more than 500 bird species inhabiting the Park. The size and diversity of habitats in the Kruger Park have given sanctuary to bird species that otherwise may have disappeared altogether from Southern Africa.  

The Kruger National Park boasts a tremendous botanic diversity. To put it in simple terms – the Park can be divided into 16 macro eco zones. North of the Olifants River consists of predominantly mopane veld and south of the Olifants River the ecozones are thornveld. There are an astonishing  336 tree species in the Park. Of the 47 protected species listed in the Government Gazette No. 26752 of 10 September 2004, 17 (36 %) occur in the Kruger National Park.

There are no more than 20 camps in the Kruger National Park and no two camps are alike as the vegetation and geology changes as you drive from one end of the Kruger Park to the other. It boasts seven major rivers that cross the Park from West to East making the Kruger National Park a lush, sub-tropical paradise.

The Kruger National Park is undoubtedly one of the best destinations for nature photographers as it provides excellent landscape, wildlife & bird photo opportunities.

The diversity of the Kruger National Park is truly astounding.  When it is your first Kruger National Park safari, you will naturally want to see the widest range and diversity of wild animals. In our humble opinion there is no better National Park to visit on the entire earth. It is true that the Kruger National Park have become commercialized over the years and there are a lot of visitors driving around on safaris in the Park and at some sightings especially when it comes to the Big 5, it tends to become overcrowded. The amazing diversity of species found in the Kruger National Park is so overwhelming that visitors are seldom going away disappointed. It is not unheard of to spot all of the Big Five during a single game drive (elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, rhinoceros) and that is not where it ends. You’d be hard pressed to have as exceptional safaris experiences in other National Parks in Africa.

Guided safaris are arguably the better way to explore the Kruger, but be careful who you choose as your Kruger Park Safaris tour operator.  Guided tours of the Kruger Park have a lot more to offer visitors in terms of experiences and things to see while a booked safari package generally includes comfortable accommodation ranging from budget to luxury and tented accommodation and in some cases meals as well.

 There are many who have tried to put their finger on the one thing that makes the Kruger National Park so unique or magical, but it is is rather a combination of things.

Despite commercialization entering this magical wildlife space, the essence of the Kruger National Park, the relaxed African ambiance in extraordinary bush surroundings is still a magnet that draws visitors back to it year after year.