The Hollard JURA & JUMA will be Good, Clean Fun, Thanks to Johannesburg City Parks & Zoo.

Published: 24 May 2017

Johannesburg City Parks & Zoo together with the Hollard JURA & JUMA team have put in some serious work to ensure the Braamfontein Spruit is nice and clean before the race.   Taking all the feedback from previous years the Hollard JURA & Hollard JUMA team, together with Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo, have taken steps to improve the sections of the route that were a little less than fragrant.  

“Our aim is to maximize the participants experience and together with Johannesburg City Parks we came up with using Effective Microbes (EM) as a water cleaning and odour busting solution to the problem. Now riders and riders can enjoy everything the route has to offer and have fresh, clean fun along the way,” explains Event Organiser Mark Castel. 

Ben Masalesa, Senior Training Facilitator, Johannesburg City Parks & Zoo, hails the Bokashi balls as an excellent water cleaning solution. “The balls are created from a mixture that includes bran, wheat bran, molasses and a combination of various bacteria endemic to South Africa. The balls sink to the riverbed, where they slowly release effective microbes (EM) for up to a month, improving water quality as the ‘good bacteria’ eats away the ‘bad bacteria’.” 

Over 1 000 EM Bokashi Balls were released into waterways along Killarney Golf Course, Wynberg, Emmarentia, Alberts Farm and Innesfree Park. Each Bokashi Ball can clean approximately 1000 cubic metres of water over its lifespan. The naturally beneficial microbes in EM act to biologically consume odour-causing toxins and break down waste and they are 100% eco-friendly. 

Louis Gordon, General Manager: New Business Development for Johannesburg City Parks & Zoo comments: “The Johannesburg City Parks team of Region E and Region B assisted in cleaning some of the areas that the race runs through, collecting over 150 bags of litter along the way. The team were also tasked with releasing the Effective Microbe (EM) based Bokashi Balls as part of their entry fee, it was a fantastic team building exercise and we can’t wait to participate in the race this weekend. “Huge improvements have come from the partnership with Hollard JURA & Hollard JUMA events, it’s a race that raises awareness of the environmental issues we face and encourages the use of the beautiful public parks we have in Johannesburg.” concludes Gordon.    

Entries are still open! Entry fees for the Hollard JURA are R249 ex VAT for the 6km Fun Run, R299 ex VAT for the 12km Adventure and R330 for the 18km Adventure ex VAT. Visit for entries and more information. Entry fees for the Hollard JUMA are R399 (ex VAT) for the 54km and R299 (ex VAT) for the 22km. Enter now at