How to invest in Forex and identify Ponzi Investment Schemes

Published: 19 July 2021

Tope Ijibadejo, Nigeria Region Manager for CMTrading, Africa’s largest online broker and a leader in the international markets, gives his thoughts on how to invest in Forex and how to potentially spot Ponzi investment schemes.

“When looking for a reputable broker, there are several signs one should look out for, as forex trading can be accessed by pretty much anyone. Firstly, ensure the broker is licensed and operating under a government license or regulation that covers your country. Licensed and regulated brokers are bound to operate under set rules and standards.

“Generally speaking, this should help protect your interests. Always ensure the license that covers you is the one that is from your country of citizenship or residence. However, if your country does not regulate the operation or broker, you can still get a layer of protection by ensuring the broker is working under a known government license.

“It is also important to research the company’s track record and reviews. Reviews can be helpful but sometimes competitors pay review websites to taint the image of other companies just to look better in the public eye. For a better picture, it is more effective to find unbiased information about a broker from its existing and former clients. Find somebody who knows somebody else that has experience using the broker’s services. This might be time consuming, but it could save you a lot of time and money in the bigger picture.

“The most common scams in Nigeria are investment scams. It is rampant because there is a prevalent trend where investors try to grow their money through legitimate means online – like forex – without going through the process of understanding the basics of online trading. Unfortunately, con artists capitalise on this trend and set up scam companies that promise juicy monthly returns with guaranteed capital protection. Ignorant investors fail to investigate the validity of these bold claims and get their fingers burned.

“In most situations, to build public confidence, these companies start ponzi schemes by using part of newer investors’ capital to pay interest/ROI to the older investors. Satisfied investors are used to draft in greater participation by giving mouth-watering benefits for referral. These companies are aggressive with advertising and publicity so they can maximise and expedite exposure. Some will even go as far as securing famous social media influencers and network marketers to encourage participation. From the outside, it appears to be working and can do so for over a year, until the perpetrators either disappear with the money or start to experience a decline in new investors, which leads to the scheme crashing.

“To protect yourself against forex scams, you must understand the principles of investing in forex. Like every other business, trading forex has underlying risks. That means, no risk – no reward. Stop looking for guarantees, as you will most likely buy into lies and fall victim to unfulfilled promises.

“Investors must educate themselves as it helps them manage risk better. Profit is made only when the trader outsmarts the risk, and investors who are well informed are more likely to do so.

“It is advisable to invest your money directly with a forex broker instead of putting it in the hands of a third party. Money invested with a forex broker is accessible and withdrawable at any point in time should you no longer be confident or happy with the outcome of the investment. However, when you invest using third parties, you put yourself at their mercy. It can become frustrating, much like watching TV without a remote control to adjust volume or change stations.

"Moreover, should you decide that you have not invested wisely, you may find yourself trapped in the investment and have no choice but to await your fate. If you must utilise the service of any third party, fund your account with a broker and share your trading account login details with them so they are able to make trades on your behalf, or better still, use a copy trading solution if it is available. If you are not happy with the outcome, you can either lock out the third party by changing your password or stop copying trades. This is the type of control every investor should have.

“There are regulatory bodies that you can refer to in order to verify brokers before you trade. Check the broker’s website to confirm which license or regulations they are operating under and visit the regulator’s website to verify this claim. Every regulator has a list of the brokers they oversee on their website.

“The reason scams are so prevalent is due to a lack of regulation in some countries. Citizens will never know it all, so it is up to the government to protect them from public financial scams. Should your country not regulate forex business, it is vital that you gather enough information and eliminate ignorance before investing. This can be achieved by attending seminars, webinars, workshops or conducting comprehensive online research before making an investment. Forex scams are more common in countries without any form of licensing or regulation. Within the last decade, Nigeria has experienced several high-profile forex scams because of this.

“Trading with an offshore broker is riskier because you will not be covered in the event of bankruptcy or any other unforeseen situation. It is safer to trade with a broker that is licensed and regulated by your own government. Your government is expected to offer protection through regulation.

“Regarding Nigeria specifically, there should be a move by government to understand and regulate the forex industry (like South Africa did some years ago), seeing that there is significant interest in the forex business. Regulation will help eliminate high profile forex scams, increase investor confidence and participation from corporate entities which will ultimately grow the economy”.

For more information on CMTrading, visit their official website at or call +27 10 500 8026 and one of their friendly staff will assist you.

CMTrading is the brand name of Global Capital Markets Trading Ltd (A Seychelles company, company no. 104785)


Published: 06 January 2020

It seems to be standard practice that at the end of every year, financially savvy investment guru’s give us their take on what they think the investment landscape for the following year will yield.  Predicting the future direction of financial markets is fraught with left and right turns. This year is no different, and even though nobody has a crystal ball, based on what 2019 has yielded to date, Daniel Kibel, Founder of CM Trading, gives us his take on what he thinks 2020 will look like.

Looking abroad, massive events have been dominating the global investment landscape for the last few years. These events are going to substantially change the way investors approach investment. The election of Boris Johnson has cemented the fact that Brexit is definitely going to happen. What is important to consider now, is how this will fundamentally change your investment journey over 2020. The second important global event is the 2020 Presidential elections, and amidst impeachment woes, whether Trump will still be a key player? Both of these international events are sure keep the markets interesting, to say the least, for 2020. Closer to home, investors must keep in mind the Eskom issues, SAA and the future of the South African president Cyril Ramaphosa.

Moving away from the news making events that will dominate 2020, an aging worldwide population coupled with the rise of a middle class in emerging markets leads me to believe there will be a shift in consumer habits and tastes over the next 10 years. As things go generally, aged investors are more sensible, more investment savvy and they usually have more money to invest. With pension plans around the world falling short of the lifetime expectations of those who have paid them their entire lives, investors will need to be much wiser in their choices. Both locally and globally, people must ensure that they have a long-term plan for their financial stability in retirement.

Consumers are increasingly focused on the many and broad implications of what is happening in terms of sustainability. A massive shift has taken place towards meat alternatives specifically, and the investment opportunities in companies that offer these alternatives is huge. The investment stalwarts such as Coca Cola, Disney, Amazon etc. will remain solid, but an influx of new companies have raised massive awareness and people are always comfortable to invest in something that is creating ripples. Alternative energy and alternative meat sources are definitely creating ripples, so they will definitely be top of mind for new investment opportunities.

Within our borders, according to the Where to Invest in Africa 2020 report, South Africa has fallen to third place. It’s no secret that South Africa is facing a problem.  The currency is unstable and the problems faced by the leadership is not inspiring investor confidence. The impact this has had is a complete lack of funds in the country. There are many more attractive African markets that are available to investors, which has an effect on the dollar rand which rolls over to the economy, making imports a lot more expensive, in turn making life more expensive. Investment players must keep this top of mind and South African investors should be certainly be following global trends when making their 2020 investment decisions. You cannot invest if you’re not aware of and following global trends. Fact. Global trends lead the world, but South Africa is part of world. The world is a very small place these days and one thing we can all bank on is the fact that if something makes waves in England, for example, the waves will be felt in South Africa. As an investor you can’t ignore the rest of the world, especially when playing in a market as small as South Africa’s.

In terms of investment trends in 2020, I don’t see many changes on the horizon. Investors will still be interested in trading gold, trading Euro Dollar, oil, the NASDAQ etc. I do think people will still be leaning towards South African stocks, but I also think there is a growing degree of wariness. People who have traditionally invested in SA stocks are holding on and waiting to see what’s happening internationally. The interest in bitcoin and other digital currencies has definitely gone down a lot and people seem to be moving away from them.

When it comes to the South African economy, we are going to have to focus heavily on that before we can even consider investing abroad. Even if there is a huge upturn in the world’s economy, we are a long way behind. The problems with Eskom are case in point. I would suggest that SA investors should absolutely be looking for global investment opportunities. The SA market is simply not stable enough and there are so many unknowns, it would be a complete miss for investors to only keep things local.

It’s not all doom and gloom though, a huge positive is that the SA investor is a lot more aware than they were five years ago. They are a lot savvier in global markets and that is certainly going to continue. The final thing I can say to anyone wanting to invest is ‘don’t shut your eyes’. Keep them open as to what is happening not only in SA’s economy but also keep a firm eye on what’s happening around the world. What is creating opportunity for investors? Certainly Brexit; maybe look at trading against the pound. Watch the relationship between America and China; that’s going to have a huge effect on the dollar. Just carry on learning because you literally have a smorgasbord of information right at your fingertips.


Published: 20 September 2019

When stock markets plummet and the word recession starts to be bandied about, it’s only natural to start questioning your financial options. Add to this uncertainty the very unpredictable job market, and one can be left feeling like the only option is to stuff what savings you have right under the nearest mattress. But is this really the best bet when it comes to managing your money? Yes, you might know exactly where it is and exactly how much of it there is, but just like a seed that never sees the daylight, the chance of your money ever growing is pretty much zero. So, how do we go about not only protecting, but growing our very fragile wealth portfolios?

Firstly, it’s very important to remember one simple truth – every single day that your money sits in the bank, is a day that it’s actually costing you money. “Your funds will give you absolutely no returns sitting tucked away in your bank account, in fact, it’s safe to say that you’re losing money with each day that passes,” Says Daniel Kibel, Director of CM Trading, an award-winning online trading company with a reputation for their out-of-the-box approach to investment opportunities. So, whatever direction you decide to take, it’s really better than the one your money is headed in right now. Instead of letting your money slowly but surely deplete in a bank account, why not consider investing it, because although it might be risky, it could potentially be the beginning of big things for your cash flow.

You may feel that you don’t have enough funds to make a substantial investment, but this shouldn’t be something that stops you says Kibel. “Although you may only have a small amount to invest, take some time, do some research and decide on your own personal level of risk. No amount is too big or too small, the important thing is to make sure you’re armed with adequate knowledge about what you’re investing in.”

Investing is not to be taken lightly and is often fraught with pitfalls for both professionals and part time novices. Mistakes are sometimes made, but if you are careful, and learn from them as you go, you will become better equipped for success each step of the way moving forward. The one thing that we all can agree on is that nobody has all the answers. There will always be an unexpected turn of events. From government policies, to political unrest, to war, famine, even political changes across the ocean; the only certainty is uncertainty. So why do we even try and predict the future? We can’t, but we can take responsibility for our own financial future and learn how to trade and invest our own money.

It’s really important to seek independence when it comes to managing our own wealth. Stockbrokers always predict that stocks will go up… bond brokers predict rising bonds… property experts forecast fantastic property increases, but their advice is certainly not impartial, so now is the time to start your own investment journey, to be in charge of your own money. Be wary of what people around you are saying, especially if they start telling you how much money they made in a specific fund. Just like the Vegas high rollers, people often only brag about their wins, but remember, if a “quick fix” investment sounds too good to be true then that’s exactly what it is – too good to be true.  Your financial plan is your investment blueprint that should be constructed in such a way that you’re comfortable with its strength during difficult market cycles, which are completely normal, with the agility to tap into opportunities when they present themselves.

Kibel offers two tips for potential investors. Firstly, concentrate on what you know and understand. Whether it be trading the dollar against the rand or dabbling in gold, for example, go for something that interests you. Secondly, and this is especially pertinent for those new to investing, it may be a good idea to adopt a “copycat” approach. This is the ability to copy traders from all over the world. Choose to research their trading history and follow their patterns. Many online trading companies, CM Trading being one of them, offer copycat programmes as part of their service, which could offer the perfect way for you to get your foot in the door.

Knowledge truly is power, and when it comes to investing, the power is ultimately in your knowledge. It really doesn’t matter how you do it; whether it’s investment in stocks, bonds, options or real estate. Maybe a small business or a selection of assets – the objective is always the same, to make an investment that will grow your financial nest egg. Take hold of the steering wheel firmly and drive the future you dream of, by learning, researching and taking advantage of every tool available out there that allows you to master your money. It’s an old, but extremely relevant adage that you must gain control over your money, or the lack of it will forever control you.


Published: 10 May 2019

Online trading. A concept that has literally thrust the financial world into the fast lane. But for most armchair investors putting the pedal to the metal to get in on the action of this online infobahn can seem extremely daunting, and without some expert guidance many just get left behind in the pits. With the right tools and support everyone can become a successful trader, but it is also important to continually sustain entrepreneurial growth. With this in mind, CM Trading are running an unprecedented campaign that allows all Business Referrers who introduce new clients to the world of online trading the chance to win a stunning BMW Z4! Yes, you read that right! Just by being a business referrer you could be burning rubber in your very own, very exotic BMW Z4.

CM Trading, an award-winning online trading company is committed to providing an essential investment service to clients who prefer an out-of-the-box approach to investment opportunities. With so many vehicles for financial growth accessible to South African investors, making responsible choices that yield tangible returns requires sound expertise from a partner with a vested interest in your long-term success.

Getting your position on the grid
Knowing just where to start is key to your investment growth. “Although a vast majority of people are familiar with online trading, very few understand exactly where to begin the process”, says Daniel Kibel, Founder and Director of CM Trading. “We are here to rev up the engines in the market. To offer the guidance, tools and support that will become the driving force that not only gets average South African’s into the investment game, but could potentially change one of their lives with our awesome prize.”

Most of us believe that in order to effectively trade, one needs to be an expert with a large sum of investment capital. But this notion has been debunked with their development of new and unique software solutions;  webinars, training videos and e-books – all for free.  “It is important to understand that anyone can become a trader through our unique website and easy to use and understand portals,” says Kibel, ”You don’t have to be a trading genius or have years of experience as a stock broker – we have created the platform to allow you to do it yourself.”

Put both hands on the wheel and take control of your finances
It is important to remember that you are in the driver seat when it comes to the performance of your investments. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but there is simply no quick fix when it comes to making money. It’s up to you to ensure that you’re aware of the risks, mindful of the markets ebb and flow and ultimately make the most out of the opportunity that sound investing offers. When asked if online investing is a savvy financial move, the only advice that Kibel could provide was none. “We are not here to offer investment advice. Our role is to provide our clients with the very best education and tools possible so that each and every one of our traders fulfil their full potential and trade like a pro. It’s a fact that money in the bank provides absolutely no value yield. The return that one can make through online share trading is so much more than the interest rate that the banks will offer you (on a fixed deposit from the major South African banks, the average rate is between nine and ten percent).  Responsible and expertly guided share trading can nett you so much more.”

Providing the driving force behind entrepreneurial growth
Online investment now truly is accessible to one and all. “This is an exciting time to invest. The markets are going wild with the Rand in its current state. Add to that the uncertainty surrounding Brexit, and the stage is set - with the market in a state of flux, one can be assured that there is money to be made”, concludes Kibel.

The crux of the matter is that when it comes to savvy investing, there is no checkered flag offering the sought-after podium finish. Constant warm up laps may be required; you may be forced to slow down and do an economy run every now and then; you will probably have to go up through the gears as you chase pole position… The only certainty is that the online trading circuit, and your navigation of it, is uncertain. It is essentially up to you to choose your team wisely. As the largest Forex broker in SA, and winners of the prestigious Best Performing Broker in Africa Award for the last three years, CM Trading provides a wealth of tools and resources at your fingertips because the better prepared you are, the better your trading performance will be.

To be a part of this incredible campaign to win a BMW Z4 visit  or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Published: 06 December 2018

Make 2019 your year to commit 

Never before has trading been so lucrative and so exciting – 2018 has been an incredible year of ups and downs and 2019 promises to be even more interesting, says Daniel Kibel, CEO of top rated online trading company CM Trading

“While trading can be complicated and daunting, it can also be exciting,” says Kibel.  “If you compare trading with a relationship (which can also be complicated and daunting), things can become a lot clearer.  I know it sounds strange but with a relationship and with trading there are three key steps, as I see it:

Step 1: Falling in love. In a relationship you meet someone, get to know them, become familiar with them, their flaws as well as the things that you love about them – one of the most important steps in the relationship – you don’t invest yourself if you don’t understand the information you receive.  It is the same with trading, you need to get to know your market, the shares or the commodities that you are looking at trading in.  If you don’t understand it, don’t invest in it.  Having said that, if you learn more about the market you’re interested in and completely immerse yourself in the ups and downs, your relationship with trading will be a successful one. 

Step 2: Getting engaged.  Once you are happy with the information you have learned, it is important to start to commit, in a relationship, the next step would be getting engaged.  In trading it is being committed to a particular commodity, market or share - it is so much easier to trade in something that you know and are committed to. 

Step 3: Getting married!  You never know what goes on inside a marriage until you are in the midst of it.  Take the plunge!  Once you know what you are doing, where you are going and where you can see yourself in 10, 20, 30 years time, then trading is for you.  Make no mistake that - like a marriage -the markets are volatile, but with high risk there comes high potential profit and trading really is a mix of different entities.  Whether it is the economy, the political situation, corruption, fake news….it could be anything, but taking that first step is the most important and I believe the key to a successful relationship, whether it be online trading or finding your wife or husband! 

“I know that the analogy is unusual but if you think about it, it is quite accurate.  I am so excited about the opportunities and trends I foresee for 2019 – market changes, political changes, social changes all play a part in the trading arena,” concludes Kibel. 

Anyone wanting to start trading can contact CM Trading on or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   

About CM TradingAn FSCA-regulated company, CM Trading offers the best trading experience both locally and internationally and is a source of information and a conduit to successful trading on any and all trading platforms including: Forex Trading, CFD Trading, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Indices Trading, Commodities Trading and Currency Trading. 

For more information on CM Trading please visit their website, or contact them on +27 10 500 80 26 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You can also follow them on Twitter @CMTrading_FX and Facebook @CapitalMarketsTrading.

What is Crypotcurrency?

Published: 16 August 2018

The digital coin has revolutionised the world of finance. Designed to be transferred digitally between counterparties, cryptocurrencies are well suited to investors who are keen on technology and the currency markets.  But what about the ‘lay person’?  Many of us don’t know what cryptocurrency is and if there is a future in it.

Daniel Kibel, Director of CM Trading gives us some insight into cryptocurrency.

“The definition of crypto is ‘something concealed’ and that is exactly what we are dealing with here, cryptocurrency is just that – it is virtual and as such it is very difficult for people to get their heads around.  We are so used to going to the bank for our money and trading in shares that have a tangible asset behind them, but crypto has turned this all on its head. 

“Cryptocurrency is not regulated as yet and everything is hidden and controlled by the users.  We are dealing with digital currency.  As this is such a foreign concept to most people, we have initiated a specific cryptocurrency trading programme to provide the correct support and guidance to the trader to ensure that they are aware of the highs and lows of investing in this exchange.

“While digital currencies - such as Bitcoin - are most certainly the future of trading and even eventually of banking, it is important that people understand the intricacies of the resource before you delve in. 

“If we look at the very basic and probably one of the first virtual currencies – the electronic wallet – it has taken years for individuals to understand the advantages of using this method of payment.  Families in South Africa no longer have to send cash to their loved ones over the border, they just use electronic money and even grandparents, with a phone, have access to funds - it is a whole new world and it is working!

‘’Investing in cryptocurrency is similar to any other investment and money can be made daily when trading correctly - once the potential investor is aware of that, the more return they will see.  The concern with investing in any cryptocurrency is the unknown; which is why it is so important to have a partner that knows the market and has access to the latest prices and the latest trends.  Most significantly, it is important that the investor themselves understands the market and what they are getting themselves in to. 

Depending on the cryptocurrency you choose – and the public is spoilt for choice - Bitcoin, Dash, Buzzcoin, Gincoin, Criptoreal, ETH and hundreds more -  each has their own investment value.  Some offer initial investments as little as 10 cents (but then the returns are much lower), to thousands and then to hundreds of thousands, therefore one can see how important it is to understand the market, otherwise the losses can be just as big as the profit.  Don’t try and do it yourself! CM Trading provides a reliable information source for potential investors through their unique software solutions and by providing free webinars, training videos, technical analysis and e-books.

 “Cryptocurrency is the future of trading, it is the future of currency and traded responsibly and with the right guidance could result in a nice nest egg, but it’s important to do it responsibly,” concludes Kibel.

General Cryptocurrency facts:

Bitcoin (at the time of writing this article) is currently trading at R107 298,81 for one Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is illegal in seven countries including Iceland; Vietnam; Bolivia; Russia; China. 

Cryptocurrency is not issued, endorsed or regulated by any central bank.  It is created through a digital process known as mining. 

Mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger known as the block chain.  Anyone with internet access and the correct hardware can participate in mining.

For everything you ever wanted to know about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, look no further than CM Trading.  The expertise, advice and guidance that is provided by this leading local and international online trading company is unparalleled.  From the novice to the experienced investor, CM Trading is the ideal online trading solution. 

Anyone interested in more information about cryptocurrency or want to start trading can contact CM Trading on or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

South African Business Investment and Political Climate Improves

Published: 31 July 2018

The South African political situation has stabilised since President Ramaphosa took over in February 2018, according to Leon Isaacson, Managing Director of Global Migration Group (South Africa).  

The company has successfully, for the last twelve years, been providing professional Immigration services to companies and people who wish to locate to South Africa for investment, work, retirement, study and other purposes. ” While the country has many challenges, both political and economic, there is an underlying determination in the South African culture to make things work and uplift peoples’ lives from a socio-economic perspective. We have had a steady stream of international companies investing in South Africa in a range of industries. South Africa offers good local business opportunities and well as opportunities in Africa, due to its location and ease of travel to other destinations,” says Isaacson. 

Investors who wish to start up a new business or buy into an existing business will have to prove that they have, after one year, invested an amount of five million ZAR and created jobs for South Africans.  There are designated investment areas which are considered to be in the National Interest. In certain cases incentives, financing and other support may be available once the initial investment has been made.

These areas are:  

  • Agro-processing;Business process outsourcing and IT enabled services;
  • Capital/Transport equipment, metals and electrical machinery apparatus;
  • Electro Technical;Textile, clothing and leather;
  • Consumer goods;Boatbuilding;
  • Pulp, paper and furniture;Automotive and Components;
  • Green economy industries;
  • Advanced Manufacturing;Tourism infrastructure;
  • Chemicals, plastic fabrication and pharmaceuticals;
  • Creative and Design Industry;
  • Oil and Gas;
  • Mineral beneficiation;
  • Infrastructure Development;
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT). 

Retirement: For retirement purposes, the main applicant must show proof of long term income (pension, savings other funds and assets) or have a net worth of R12m (ZAR) in order to support themselves and their family members.  

Work Visa- Critical Skills: Like many other countries, South Africa has a shortage of skills in specific areas and seeks to allow foreigners to have a work visa and apply for Permanent Residence in order for them to stay in the country on a long-term basis in order to grow the economy. The skills required are divided into 12 areas of qualification (educational background) which may qualify a person for a Critical Skills visa: 

  • Agriculture, Agricultural Operations, and Related Sciences;
  • Architecture and the Built Environment;
  • Business, Economics, and Management Studies;
  • Information Communication and Technology;
  • Engineering;
  • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences;
  • Life and Earth Sciences;
  • Professionals and Associate Professionals;
  • Trades;
  • Business Process Outsourcing(BPO);
  • Academics and ResearchersPost-Graduate (PHD obtained locally or abroad).

Global Migration Group can assist with all of the visa, business registration and implementation services through our highly skilled staff and partners in all the major disciplines.

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. website