Property Stokvels - Consider before investing

Published: 23 September 2021

Johannesburg, 23 September 2021 – There is a new investment scheme rolling across the South African property market and brings with it a whole host of opportunities for honest investors and potential homeowners, as well as unscrupulous scam artists. As with any investment, it calls for a thorough investigation before capital layout. This scheme is colloquially known as the “Property Stokvel”; it is very similar to the traditional stokvel we know so well, which involves a sum of money contributed by different people and invested into one account.

With the traditional stokvel, each person in the group will get a turn to receive a standardized payout dependent on the collective amount. These stokvels are easy to understand; user-friendly and are primarily based on a system of trust and familiarity. Unlike traditional stokvels, property stokvels are started by a founder who then invites members of the public to join. These members start contributing and pay administration costs through joining fees. This money is used to purchase properties collective for the group. 

With rising costs of purchasing a property, participation in a property stokvel promises to reduce the barriers of entry by assisting buyers in saving and purchasing a property. “The idea is that property stokvels will make property ownership more accessible by allowing people to pool money and invest in property which they would not normally be able to afford on their own,” explains Rademeyer, “in theory, the more members a stokvel has, the more available money there is to invest. 

This sounds great, but if you’re looking to invest in a property stokvel, you must make sure that everything is above board. In Property Stokvels that are working well, the returns for investors are incalculable. Usually, these schemes set out to achieve one of two goals: To purchase and rent out property where all members share in the monthly incomeTo purchase a home for every stokvel member based on the order in which they joined 

“One of the concerns around property stokvels is that the founder usually administers the stokvel at their sole discretion with carte blanche to run and manage the scheme as they want,” adds Rademeyer, to ensure transparency, members must be given clear direction on what recourse they have if they’re dissatisfied with the administration of the scheme. They also need to know exactly how the ownership of the purchased property will work, whose names will appear on the title deed and how the decisions are made when it comes to allocating property. 

“There are also tax implications where multiple transfers of property are involved, so it is imperative that these are unpacked in the constitution of a property stokvel, and that members understand what could happen to them if the tax laws are breached,” says Rademeyer. “

Members need to consider the legal ramifications where stokvels, no matter what they invest in, are not juristic entities. They cannot acquire or purchase anything, they are not companies with shareholders, trusts with beneficiaries, or partnerships, therefore the constitution of the property stokvel needs to clearly set out its legal duties, as well as those of the founder and the members. 

“On the plus side, a property stokvel that works well translates into cash purchases for properties and no waiting for banks to approve bonds, the money is right there waiting for transfer, and the power of ownership is transferred to the members,” says Rademeyer In the end, it doesn’t matter if a property stokvel is run by your best friend or a stranger – In order to benefit, due diligence is a must, whenever it comes to your money.

If you’re invited to join a property stokvel, Rademeyer recommends doing the following, long before you make any financial commitments:

  • Ensure it has a clear and robust constitution.
  • Know the leadership and membership structure.
  • Ensure you know everything about where your money will be invested, and how it will be used. 

According to Rademeyer, traditional stokvels are a much better way to save money for those looking to enter the property market. However, as with any financial investment, care must still be taken, especially as there has been rise in the number of scams involving stokvels. 

“Property stokvels that come with the promise of wealth creation can be very appealing. But you need to be careful when joining a stokvel that claims to be investing in property,” concludes Rademeyer adding that potential investors should be absolutely clear on what they are investing in and that the returns are what was promised to them.  

What we learnt from our “Meet The Management” investor series

Published: 13 June 2021

Author: Ane-Sonet Bresler, Problem-Solver at Decusatio 

One of the most exciting projects we have worked on in the last 12 months has been a series of investor webinars allowing retail investors the opportunity to interact with the management teams of JSE and ZAR-X listed businesses. 

For those who follow the South African listed equity market, you will know that one of the biggest challenges that the industry faces is a lack of coverage of businesses that fall outside the top 100 on the JSE while the ZAR-X is still in its infancy in terms of retail investor adoption. 

We wanted to play our part in developing the retail investor ecosystem in South Africa and set out to interview the management teams at some of the businesses that didn’t always get media or analyst coverage. 

On the JSE front, we hosted the likes of Afrimat, Renergen, Purple Group, Capital Appreciation, 4-Sight Holdings and Calgro M3 while Dale Capital Group and Orion Real Estate represented the ZAR-X.

These are some of the learnings we had from this series:

Retail investors want to engage

We often hear that there isn’t a retail investor culture in South Africa but we would beg to differ. The EasyEquities team are now reporting over 860 000 clients on their platform and we could regularly attract between 100 and 200 investors to the sessions and if management teams can work out how to engage this investor base, it represents a very real catalyst for their share prices.

Management teams need to get better at telling their story

Executives like Stefano Marani (Renergen) and Charles Savage from Purple Group have embraced social media and been open to engaging in discussions with retail investors on platforms like Twitter. In the South African context, they are more the exception than the rule.

While not every CEO is / will / or should be as charismatic as Elon Musk management teams like those behind Purple and Renergen invest a lot of time and energy inviting shareholders to see their operations, meet their people and create an engaging story behind their business. 

The competition for investor capital and attention is fierce: Retail investors can just as easily put their money in Tesla or a Section12J as they can in Purple – if your intention is to build wealth through share price appreciation, then invest some time and energy here.

Staff and suppliers want to be shareholders

While they may not carry the same perceived weight or importance as asset managers and other institutional investors, we were quite surprised by the number of staff who registered for the sessions and how often key suppliers would also enjoy engaging with the management teams. 

It might sound like a “soft” element but the events of 2020 have highlighted for many people just how dependent they are their employers or key clients for long-term sustainability. 

By creating an investor mindset amongst these key stakeholders, you make them part of the highs and lows of your business.

International investors haven’t written off South Africa

One of the surprising stats out of our analytics was that almost 20% of the delegates who registered were from outside of South Africa. Destinations included Mauritius, US, UK, Portugal, Australia, Canada and China.    

It is too simplistic to say that foreign investors are not interested in South African equities – we need to get better at marketing our value proposition.

It’s not just about the numbers

Many listed South African businesses are very one-dimensional in how they engage their shareholder base. Every 6 months they roll out their financials results and they say “we [hopefully] made some money here” and “here is your [if you’re lucky] 1% dividend yield because the operating environment is uncertain and our share price has gone nowhere”.

For us, it was fascinating to see the number of organization who were nervous about participating because they were uncertain about the questions that might come up or even asking us if they can vet the RSVP list before going ahead with their presentation.

While we are happy to acknowledge that they operate in a regulated environment, there is a concern that executives err to far on the side of caution.

Ultimately, our approach to the South African small and mid-cap equity markets need to be reimagined.

Venture capital funds, fractional investing and increased offshore allowances mean that local investors have a plethora of opportunities and the entire ecosystem needs a re-think on how it drives investor activity.

Ane Bresler is a Problem-Solver with Decusatio, a South African consulting company which assists entrepreneurs tackle the twin challenges of “Access to Finance” and “Access to Markets” and she headed up the recent investor webinar series. She can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Published: 28 October 2019

With rugby mania reaching fever pitch, there has never been a more thrilling time to announce that Springbok fly-half Elton Jantjies is the new brand ambassador, for the next six months, for online trading company CM Trading. It might seem like an unlikely pairing at first, but Jantjies’ approach on the field pretty much echoes CM Trading’s approach to investment, and there is nothing ordinary about either.

"We are very excited about this new partnership with the Elton Jantjies,” says Daniel Kibel, CM Tradings co-founder. “As Africa’s largest and best-known online broker, it’s a natural fit to be associated with one of our most enigmatic young sports stars. Elton’s lust for life, the way he instinctively plays the game and the calculated risks he takes both on and off the field are all qualities that we hold in high regard. We are truly proud to have him represent our brand, both locally and internationally.

”As a self-professed risk taker, Jantjies steers very clear of the “safe side of the street”. Always pushing boundaries, he has absolutely no desire to spend time wondering what might have been. “Life is all about taking calculated risks”, he says. “If you take a risk and it pays off you will be happy, if you don’t you will always wonder what if?”. A mindset that not only aligns perfectly with the ever-changing investment landscape, but that is also very similar to Kibels, who says, “Your funds will give you absolutely no returns sitting tucked away in your bank account, in fact, it’s safe to say that you’re losing money with each day that passes. Why not grab the opportunity to actually do something with your money, you may have an unexpected outcome, but at least you took the chance”.

Jantjies took some time off during his busy training schedule in Japan to give us his take on this new partnership, as well as his thoughts on handling his finances and how to approach investment opportunities.

How did you come to be involved with CM Trading?

I have always had a keen interest in wealth creation and creating new revenue streams, CM Trading is the top broker in Africa, so it was a natural fit.

Do you use the CM Trading platform and if so, what do you like most about it?

I am learning how to trade through CM Trading and their user-friendly approach.

Do you feel that there are any parallels between the rugby field and the financial playing field?

For sure, although completely different, both require intense dedication. You have to invest the time, continually practice and never stop learning to reach the top.

How important do you think it is to stick to your strategy?

I think it’s very important to decide on a strategy and once you have it set in your mind you need to focus, stick to it and give it time to materialise. With that being said though, it is very important that you are able to pivot if required. 

What advice would you give a friend who tells you that they’re interested in investing in the latest “get rich quick” investment idea?

Just to do their homework properly, look at all the angles, speak to people in the know. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

If you could offer some personal advice to young athletes on investing for the future what would it be?

Stick to your budgets, don’t overextend yourself, don’t go and buy vanity things. Someone once told me if you cannot afford it twice don’t buy it, which is thinking that I apply in my own life. It might not always be glamorous but look for options to save for that rainy day, because if and when it comes, you will thank yourself.

Sound investment often requires a lot of research. How important is it to you to go into a match well prepared in terms of understanding your opponent? Do you spend a lot of time researching your opponents beforehand, or do you feel that you’d rather just face them on the field and take it as it comes?

We analyse our opponents down to every last aspect until we know as much as possible about what can be expected.  When you’re playing at the highest level, you cannot afford to not be prepared for what your opponent is bringing to the game. I would say that the same applies when it comes to your money. Know and understand the playing field and what opponents are doing out there. There truly is no such thing as knowing too much about what you could be up against.

Finally, have you learnt any important life lessons on the field that you use regularly, in everyday life?

The only thing I can say is to just enjoy your time out there and do your best – this goes for life as well. 

This partnership is certainly going to be something to keep an eye on. You don’t simply score over 1 000 Super Rugby points and lead your team to a multitude of consecutive finals from the fly-half position if there isn’t something special about you. It will be interesting to see what this young maverick has up his sleeve on both the rugby front and the investment front.


Published: 20 September 2019

When stock markets plummet and the word recession starts to be bandied about, it’s only natural to start questioning your financial options. Add to this uncertainty the very unpredictable job market, and one can be left feeling like the only option is to stuff what savings you have right under the nearest mattress. But is this really the best bet when it comes to managing your money? Yes, you might know exactly where it is and exactly how much of it there is, but just like a seed that never sees the daylight, the chance of your money ever growing is pretty much zero. So, how do we go about not only protecting, but growing our very fragile wealth portfolios?

Firstly, it’s very important to remember one simple truth – every single day that your money sits in the bank, is a day that it’s actually costing you money. “Your funds will give you absolutely no returns sitting tucked away in your bank account, in fact, it’s safe to say that you’re losing money with each day that passes,” Says Daniel Kibel, Director of CM Trading, an award-winning online trading company with a reputation for their out-of-the-box approach to investment opportunities. So, whatever direction you decide to take, it’s really better than the one your money is headed in right now. Instead of letting your money slowly but surely deplete in a bank account, why not consider investing it, because although it might be risky, it could potentially be the beginning of big things for your cash flow.

You may feel that you don’t have enough funds to make a substantial investment, but this shouldn’t be something that stops you says Kibel. “Although you may only have a small amount to invest, take some time, do some research and decide on your own personal level of risk. No amount is too big or too small, the important thing is to make sure you’re armed with adequate knowledge about what you’re investing in.”

Investing is not to be taken lightly and is often fraught with pitfalls for both professionals and part time novices. Mistakes are sometimes made, but if you are careful, and learn from them as you go, you will become better equipped for success each step of the way moving forward. The one thing that we all can agree on is that nobody has all the answers. There will always be an unexpected turn of events. From government policies, to political unrest, to war, famine, even political changes across the ocean; the only certainty is uncertainty. So why do we even try and predict the future? We can’t, but we can take responsibility for our own financial future and learn how to trade and invest our own money.

It’s really important to seek independence when it comes to managing our own wealth. Stockbrokers always predict that stocks will go up… bond brokers predict rising bonds… property experts forecast fantastic property increases, but their advice is certainly not impartial, so now is the time to start your own investment journey, to be in charge of your own money. Be wary of what people around you are saying, especially if they start telling you how much money they made in a specific fund. Just like the Vegas high rollers, people often only brag about their wins, but remember, if a “quick fix” investment sounds too good to be true then that’s exactly what it is – too good to be true.  Your financial plan is your investment blueprint that should be constructed in such a way that you’re comfortable with its strength during difficult market cycles, which are completely normal, with the agility to tap into opportunities when they present themselves.

Kibel offers two tips for potential investors. Firstly, concentrate on what you know and understand. Whether it be trading the dollar against the rand or dabbling in gold, for example, go for something that interests you. Secondly, and this is especially pertinent for those new to investing, it may be a good idea to adopt a “copycat” approach. This is the ability to copy traders from all over the world. Choose to research their trading history and follow their patterns. Many online trading companies, CM Trading being one of them, offer copycat programmes as part of their service, which could offer the perfect way for you to get your foot in the door.

Knowledge truly is power, and when it comes to investing, the power is ultimately in your knowledge. It really doesn’t matter how you do it; whether it’s investment in stocks, bonds, options or real estate. Maybe a small business or a selection of assets – the objective is always the same, to make an investment that will grow your financial nest egg. Take hold of the steering wheel firmly and drive the future you dream of, by learning, researching and taking advantage of every tool available out there that allows you to master your money. It’s an old, but extremely relevant adage that you must gain control over your money, or the lack of it will forever control you.

Gather Online, outperforms early Snapchat growth and surges past Equity Crowdfunding target

Published: 25 April 2017

Gather Online, outperforms early Snapchat growth and surges past Equity

Crowdfunding target Gather Online is the social discovery platform that connects like-minded people and has burst onto the scene capturing a chunk of the social media market.

The company is in the middle of a very successful equity crowdfunding campaign that has already exceeded its funding goal by 169%. 

(UK) - A social discovery platform like no other. Gather Online launches its phenomenal mobile apps accelerating its growth that was already outperforming the early months of Snapchat.

Gather provides a unique platform where people can meet like-minded individuals through time-limited conversations on any topics of interest. Gather Online enables people to connect with individuals on their wavelength. The topics of discussion last only for a few days and then, they disappear, making sure that the content of the platform stays fresh and active. Quick back-and-forth interaction with people who share the same interests, leads to genuine connections and is far more satisfying than a random conversation on an ordinary platform. The executives of

Gather Online identified a problem that everyone experiences- we add connections on social media and never speak to them again. They then set about designing this state-of-the-art social discovery platform to solve that issue.

As David Price, CEO of Gather Online explains, “We wanted to offer a great solution for people to establish meaningful social or business connections, or form romantic relationships with others where they genuinely have something in common. Research shows on most other platforms we never communicate with 89% of our connections- we discovered the magic ingredient of a time limit which gives people a reason to interact now before missing the opportunity” Now, the company is running a promising equity crowdfunding campaign on Seedrs to raise funds for further tech development and global expansion.

Kevin O'Hara, Gather’s Chief Advisor and CIO of the Tulla Group, a £350M tech fund, informs “The campaign has had an excellent response attracting numerous small investors as well sophisticated high net worth individuals who have invested up to £150K. We expect to go right up to the funding cap of 300% of our target.

For further information on Gather Online and its equity crowdfunding campaign, visit AboutGather

Online, launched publicly in July 2016, by a team of South African’s based between Australia and SA. The company’s team consists of highly knowledgeable executives, experts in their field, with a combined experience of several decades. Their key product, Gather, is a social discovery platform is achieving phenomenal growth and is set to be a market disruptor.