You don't really want that job, do you?

Published: 01 March 2018

BY Annelize van Rensburg director of Signium Africa (previously Talent Africa), a leading South Africa-based executive search and talent management company servicing sub-Saharan Africa.

Who needs a top job as a senior manager or executive? Why bother? It’s only an annual salary of R1,5 million or more. If they want you, they’ll see your potential. Just rock up for the interview. You’ll be fine.This attitude alone is probably enough to wreck any chance of landing a top job, but just to be sure you can always adopt some of the self-destructive behaviours known to kill a candidate’s interview prospects.You can …

1. Turn up late. Blame the traffic or bad-mouth the location, especially if it’s at the hiring company’s head office.

2. Fail to prepare. Don’t even check the corporate website. Ensure the interview panel know you have done no ‘homework’ by confusing the recruiting company with a competitor or by asking questions that display ignorance of the company and its industry.

3. Dress to fail. Jeans, scruffy shoes and an open-neck shirt should do it, or perhaps high heels, a revealing top and a micro-mini.

4. Display self-interest. At the first possible moment ask about pay and perks.

Then ask about how much paid leave you can expect.Even senior people scupper their chances through crass errors like these. They are looking for seven-figure salaries and might be experienced personnel in their 40s or 50s, but still self-destruct.If you really want the job, you avoid obvious pitfalls.The biggest key is proper preparation.Research the recruiting company (inside out). Read its financial statements and annual reports. Make sure you know the names of the CEO, executive team and board members. Prep for the interview by driving the route to the venue ahead of time. This ensures you know the way, the traffic and the time commitment.Know your CV backwards.

Memorize key dates and bring along extra hard copies to ensure all panel members have your CV. Make sure all information is correct and up to date. Tell no lies!Always display passion and a positive attitude to life in general and your career in particular. Infuse the panel with your energy. Dead fish do not get top jobs.Share with the panel concrete, well-considered examples of strategic and operational achievements. Punt team efforts and give credit to peers and teams when reviewing career highlights. Be honest.Ask questions that display an interest in the recruiting company, its industry and the position you are targeting. Strategic issues and corporate culture are favoured topics.

Leave questions about pay and perks until later.Show loyalty to current employers or at the very least display restraint and discretion. Put the focus on new opportunities rather than past disappointments.Dress appropriately. To be safe, dress up, not down.Show respect. Switch off that cell phone. This interview is more important than your dinner plans.Always indicate that you take responsibility and make yourself accountable. It might be tempting to blame others when discussing career challenges, but leaders show resilience. They have ‘broad shoulders and turn problems into opportunities.Do all this and you have a shot at that dream job.

SABC Education Career Indaba is back and it’s better than ever before

Published: 16 May 2014

Students can walk away with tangible learnings that will benefit them instantly”

SABC Education Career Indaba has attracted the support of top companies, including Anglo American, Auditor General South Africa and Allan Gray, who will be at the expo this year at the Sandton Convention Centre from 19-20 May. Career Indaba, to which entry is free, is aimed at South Africa’s youth.

International opportunities
Career Indaba’s event director Tanya Jackman explains: “there are a multitude of opportunities for learners of all academic capabilities and financial backgrounds to pursue their dream of international travel and studying abroad. Our connections in these international universities have told us that South Africa is now becoming a top priority for student acquisition and Career Indaba was identified as the perfect event to partner with to promote their bursaries and scholarships”.

She goes on to say, “Career Indaba has made huge strides this year by bringing an international element to the show. Ensuring students that studying abroad is a possible option. This is why it is important to expose South African youth to International possibilities.”

With international universities from China, Russia, Japan and America participating in Career Indaba parents are encouraged to accompany their children to meet with these connections face to face.

Encouraging local development
“We want to help learners and young people to take the next step in their education and career development. Career Indaba puts the needs of the student first by presenting them with exciting and relevant local careers and further education options in one location,” says Tanya.

Top South African universities and employers will be looking for bright young students to recruit. Tanya adds: “what better way to prepare for your academic or working future than to get advice from the experts themselves? Our Interactive Zone offers that personal engagement whereby students can speak directly with some truly inspirational individuals and walk away with tangible learnings that will benefit them instantly”.

Students have access to all the answers they might be looking for from top corporates, universities and employers.

Visitors can register online for their free ticket on:  

SABC Education partnership
SABC Education has signed a three-year agreement with Career Indaba and African EduWeek which entails pre-event promotion to its radio and television audience as well as a strong presence onsite during the events. At Career Indaba, the SABC will have a highly interactive feature area focusing on the different career opportunities in broadcasting, including two OB (outside broadcast) unit’s on the expo floor.

Dates, times and location:
Dates:  Monday and Tuesday, 19-20 May 2014
Times:  Monday 09h00-17h00; Tuesday 09h00-15h00
Location:  Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg

For more information, interviews and media accreditation:
Marketing Coordinator: Zara Eckles
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +27 21 700 3541
Fax: +27 21 700 3501 Launches!

Published: 23 September 2008
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