Facebook Business Marketing and Advertising

Published: 04 December 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently ended its last Business Networking Morning for the year on a High, with 38 dynamic entrepreneurs gathering at Hirsch’s Meadowdale to Network with like-minded individuals and listen to Master Facilitator, Trainer, Speaker, Success Strategist, Author, Radio Host and Entrepreneur – Leon Fourie’s talk on Facebook Marketing and Advertising.

With oven 2 Billion people across the world visiting Facebook on a daily basis, businesses cannot afford to not use Facebook as an advertising medium. Leon educated the listeners on the types of Facebook pages available, how to start a business page for an organisation and how to advertise on Facebook.

Three Objectives of Facebook Business Advertising:

  1. Redirect: Provide value to your customers – give something away for free. The return on investment is far greater.
  2. Conversion: This allows for Pixels to be created. Pixels in the interim allows for a more targeted audience.
  3. Copywriting: It is important for a business when advertising to tell the audience what their problem is and how they can solve it.

At the end of Leon’s talk, he offered each of the attendees a free 90minute training program on Facebook Business Marketing and Advertising.

After Leon’s talk each of the networkers was given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch ’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.If you would like to take advantage of this amazing networking opportunity, contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Giving Back - Crucial for South African Entrepreneurs

Published: 28 November 2017

Award winning entrepreneur, COO of the Hirsch’s, the Appliance and Electronics giant retailers, Margaret Hirsch was the Guest Speaker recently at the Entrepreneurs Organisation (Durban branch) members networking event that was held in the new SMEG showroom in Umhlanga Rocks.

Margaret spoke about her journey with Hirsch’s, after founding the company thirty eight years ago with her husband Allan, with just R900 that they had saved. She said that she has found that the most rewarding part of her job has been helping to launch entrepreneurs within Hirsch’s, and finding young talent in low income areas – and helping them to flourish in business. 

In her vote of thanks, owner of PRO Appointments, and founder of the Robin Hood Foundation, Cindy Norcott, who was the first woman to join the Entrepreneurs Organisation’s Durban Chapter, said that Margaret was a great example to fellow entrepreneurs with the projects that she had got involved with over the years, and the people she has mentored.

The Entrepreneurs Organisation’s Durban Branch is the fastest growing EO chapter in the world.

For information on how to join, contact Chapter Manager, Sandi Thorpe. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ending Hirsch's Domestic Workshop for 2017 with a Bang!

Published: 24 November 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently ended their Domestic Workers Course for 2017 with a bang. Janitors within the East Rand gathered at Hirsch’s for the amazing opportunity to learn and expand their horizons.

Commented Hirsch’s Letitia Haywood “Our Brand Ambassadors provided the ladies with training on the cleaning of different appliances that one would find in the home. Hirsch’s Charm Naicker also gave them training on the best chemicals Hirsch’s has to offer when cleaning appliances and delicate objects, such as TV’S, wood and leather surfaces.

After the training, Charm Naicker taught the ladies how to prepare a delicious Chinese Chicken and Mushroom stir-fry. ”At the end of the training session, each lady was presented with a Hirsch Domestic Training Certificate. Domestic Worker of the Month was Memory Thoko Ndlovu who was nominated by her employer – Merilyn Pick.

If you would like to sign up your Domestic Worker for Hirsch’s monthly training, contact Letitia Haywood at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.


Branding Yourself

Published: 10 November 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently ended its last Ladies Networking Morning for the year with a BANG. Over 25 dynamic female entrepreneurs gathered at Hirsch’s Meadowdale to Network and listen to Speaker- Coach and NLP Practitioner - Elmarie Van Rooyen’s talk on: Personal Branding- Preparing to sell yourself.

Elmarie has over 24 years of experience in various fields of media, communications and training. Although her profile has a very wide experience set, she is qualified in the Marketing field, where her initial direction was, and landed up in training and development due to her passion for transformation and skills development in the social economical investment direction. 

Elmarie started her talk by expressing the importance of your own brand by explaining the Key Factors to Branding Yourself, including: Creating Understanding: If you don’t brand yourself, someone else will. Opportunities: Stand in front of the pack. Progressive Mindset: Generate brand awareness through Networking! Know Yourself: Define your brand, become an expert. Uniqueness: What is it that you want to be known for? Availability vs. Readiness: Be the one that is Ready and Available to take that promotion.

After Elmarie’s talk each of the networkers was given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch ’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.If you would like to take advantage of this amazing networking opportunity, contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Christmas Kiddies Cooking Class at Hirsch's Boksburg

Published: 07 November 2017

Hirsch’s Boksburg recently kicked off the Festive Season by hosting a Christmas Kiddies Cooking Class for all youngsters in the community.

Children were invited to learn how to prepare some delicious Christmas biscuits.  

With all the children very excited to get their hands dirty, they started off by mixing all the ingredients to create the dough.  Once the cookie dough was created, they had to roll their own dough and choose from a wide array of Christmas Cookie cutter shapes to create their perfect biscuits.  After the biscuits were baked and cooled off they got to decorate their Christmas biscuits with different colored icing and sprinkles. 

“I love sending my daughter for the Hirsch’s Kiddies Cooking Classes.  This is a fun and interactive way to teach her the ins and outs in the kitchen, and above that she gets to interact with so many other kids which is great way to develop social skills.” said Jenny Klopper. 

For more information on the next Hirsch’s Kiddies Cooking Class, contact Letitia on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Margaret Hirsch announced as a 2017 National Business Awards Finalist

Published: 16 October 2017

Against strong competition, Margaret Hirsch has been confirmed as a finalist in the 15th annual National Business Awards, in the category Top Performing Business Leader of the Year.

She will compete for the winner’s trophy on 16 November, at Emperors Palace, against Elize Joubert - Cancer Association of South Africa, Jacques Grobbelaar – Stadium Management Agency, Linda Botha – Skills Train Distribution, Suzanne Ravenall – The Effectiveness Company and Tshepo Kgobe – Gautrain Management Agency.

Commenting on the achievement (if she wins the award, it will be her 22nd Major Business award over the last 5 years) Margaret said, “I am extremely proud to hear the news, because this is an industry-respected external confirmation of the professionalism, dedication and teamwork of our people. Top Media and Communication, who runs these awards, has a rigorous research and criteria methodology, refined over the last two decades, to identity and accredit top business performance. This qualification signals to my staff, customers and our suppliers that we are indeed on the right track for even bigger things in 2018.”


Hirsch's Boksburg Celebrates World Vegetarian Day

Published: 06 October 2017

Hirsch’s Boksburg recently celebrated World Vegetarian Day to bring awareness to the environmental, health, and humanitarian benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.

According to the experts, following a vegetarian lifestyle reduces the risk for chronic progressive diseases such as obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Hirsch’s prepared delicious naan slices topped with mushrooms, green, yellow and red peppers for customers to enjoy. Even though not all customers follow a vegetarian lifestyle they more than eager to sample on this scrumptious snack while doing their shopping.

Visit the Hirsch website for some amazing vegetarian recipes for all to enjoy.

At Hirsch’s we love the simple pleasures in life.


Hirsch's Boksburg Turns 5

Published: 04 September 2017

Hirsch’s Boksburg recently celebrated its 5th Birthday Bash in true Hirsch’s style- with their customers, both young and old! 

From balloons and fun decorations, to never to be seen deals, the Boksburg community was in for an unforgettable weekend.  Candy floss, popcorn, smoothies, braai activities, coffee, and loads of giveaways – the Hirsch’s team made sure that  no one left the store empty handed. 

As the cake cutting ceremony commenced with Smeg and Big Green Egg, Hirsch’s shared this special moment with all customers in the store by handing out decedent slices of chocolate cake for them to snack on. “Hirsch’s would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal customers, respected suppliers and loyal staff members.  Our success story would not be possible without your support.  We look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you all.” Said Hirsch’s PRO Letitia Haywood.


Dealing with Unconscious Risk within your Business

Published: 01 September 2017

Entrepreneurs within the community recently gathered at Hirsch Meadowdale’s Business Networking Morning to listen to Sharon Sinclair’s talk on “Dealing with unconscious risk within your Business.” 

With over 22 years of experience within Corporate, Executive levels – HR, Recruitment & Contract Staffing, Labour Law, Financial Management, it gave Sharon the opportunity to explore & understand how people operate on an emotional, mental & physical level.  Sharon’s purpose & desire is to assist people to overcome any non-serving belief they may have about themselves & to assist them to create & live the life they were born to live.

What are the risks your business faces?  Lack of staff buy in? Lack of honesty, loyalty & integrity? Conflict? Profit? No growth? Economy? Dying brand? Your unconscious mind?

Business Alignment is a strategic transformational process, igniting passion & focus, aligning business owner & business, accessing hidden potential to enable greater long term results.

Sharon said: “As humans have a heart, so does a business and a business with a heartbeat any less than a 100% means that it’s not reaching its full productivity. Through Business Alignment you as an owner can recreate not only your heartbeat but the heartbeat of your business as well.  It is important to focus daily.  Create new positive thoughts for yourself, change the circle of your influence, prepare a vision board and set up goals for yourself and your business.” 

After Sharon’s talk each of the networkers were given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch ’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to know more about business alignment or join Hirsch’s Networking Mornings contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cleaning & Cooking Advice from Hirsch's

Published: 25 August 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted a fun and instructive workshop for all Domestic Workers within the East Rand.

 Once a month Hirsch’s offers the unrecognized heroines in the community the opportunity to learn and grow, and this month Hirsch’s ambassadors from different brands provided training to the ladies on the use of the different appliances.  Hirsch’s service department also provided the ladies training on the best chemicals Hirsch’s have to offer when cleaning appliances and delicate objects, such as TV’S, wood and leather surfaces. After the training,   Hirsch’s  Charm Naicker taught the ladies how to cook a homemade macaroni and mince.  The ladies were all eager to participate in the prep and got to enjoy the meal afterwards.

At the end of the training session, each lady was presented with a Hirsch Domestic Training Certificate.

Domestic Worker of the Month was Dudu Walaza who was nominated by her employer – Jana Botha.  Commenting on why she nominated her, Jana said “Dudu is an energetic young lady who takes pride in her work.  She uses her initiative,  and runs our household like clockwork.  She is also a fantastic cook!” Dudu received a R300.00 Hirsch’s Voucher. 

If you would like to sign up your Domestic Worker for Hirsch’s monthly trainings, contact Letitia Haywood at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.www.hirschs.co.za

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