Fun in the Kitchen for Children at Hirsch’s

Published: 16 April 2018

Children within the community recently gathered at Hirsch’s Boksburg to enjoy one last Kiddies Cooking Class before the Hirsch store relocates.

In May, Hirsch’s will be opening a new branch in Hyde Park.With 12 youngsters ready and excited to be taught how to make sweet waffles, Hirsch’s had the opportunity to introduce them to the fun and pleasure of being in the kitchen. Said Hirsch’s PRO, Letitia Haywood, “We love hosting these events for the kids.

Since many foods will change dramatically in size, texture or color during the cooking process, the children are not only fascinated as they watch these changes take place right before their eyes, but they also develop a sense of pride and accomplishment when they create something themselves. ”

If you would like to know more about Hirsch’s Kiddies Cooking Classes, visit our website on or contact Letitia at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..z

Eggscelent Start to Easter

Published: 23 March 2018

Easter would just not be the same without an Easter Egg Hunt, so Hirsch’s Boksburg recently started off the Easter celebrations early and invited children within the area for a special Easter Hunt.

Easter Eggs and balloons containing special prizes were scattered all around the store and with only 10 minutes to collect as many Easter Eggs and balloons as possible, the children had to rely on the signs to lead them to their hidden treasures.

Commented Hirsch’s Letitia Haywood; “This is something that the children look forward to every year. From the minute they arrived their faces were lit up with smiles and you could feel the energy in the air. Having the Easter Egg Hunt also creates a bit of nostalgia not only for us working at Hirsch’s, but for the parents as well. We all grew up having Easter Egg Hunts and thinking back brings back such happy moments.”

In the end, there could only be one winner and with 36 Easter eggs accumulated in only 10 minutes- Simran Singh was crowned as the Boksburg Easter Egg Hunt winner for 2018 and received an Easter Egg Hamper. Every child that participated in the hunt also received a small gift bag with some delicious Easter treats.

Footprint in Africa

Published: 09 March 2018

Female entrepreneurs within the community recently gathered at Hirsch’s Meadowdale for the monthly Ladies Networking event hosted by Hirsch’s.

With over 30 ladies attending, they were ready to be inspired by Mrs. Africa Globe Classics- Adele Wotherspoon’s talk- “Footprint in Africa.”

Adele is the owner of JCT Events and Co-owner of Chrystal House. She is passionate about Education and believe that with early brain interventions we can make a difference to the face of education and poverty in Africa. Since 2010 Adele has been hosting her own pageant - Miss Dare2Care. Adele saw a need for our youth to be exposed to the “real world” and to work with and for the people in our society who didn’t have all the advantages that they had. The huge difference she saw in each student who took part in the projects, encouraged her to grow this programme, and she will soon launch the Dare2Care Youth Ambassador Program.

Adele started her talk by giving some statistics on the poverty levels in Africa; Over 500 million people in sub-Sahara Africa live on $1.90 a day or less- a principal factor in causing widespread hunger. “It is our duty- in a personal capacity or as an organization to leave our footprint in Africa by helping those in need. With many initiatives to reduce poverty levels in Africa and increase the educational system for the youth in Africa- it is easy to get involved and do your bit to create a big difference.”She said.

Adele ended her talk with a quote from Adam Scott; "Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end."After Adele’s talk, Hirsch’s had the pleasure of congratulating Adele for being the latest winner of the monthly Margaret Hirsch Women in Business Achiever. She was awarded with a finalist certificate and Hirsch voucher.

If you would like to join the Hirsch’s Networking Mornings, nominate yourself or someone for the Margaret Hirsch Woman in Business Achiever of the Year Competition, please contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Attitude of Contribution important in business

Published: 09 February 2018

Entrepreneurs and business women recently gathered at Hirsch’s Meadowdale for the monthly Ladies Networking event, and ready to inspire and connect the ladies with her talk- “Developing an Attitude of Contribution in 2018”- was Guest Speaker, Debbie Botha the founder of Core Business Training Solutions.

Debbie started her talk by telling the ladies that you cannot give what you do not have, however you do need to contribute to other’s lives to make them more effective, whether it be in business or in a personal capacity.

Not everything in life is about giving and receiving, but giving and sharing your knowledge, expertise and time goes a long way. Be more intentional with your actions and what you say to contribute positively to others.Debbie ended her talk by quoting Jimmy Carter: “I have one life and one chance to make it count for something . . . I'm free to choose what that something is. I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”

After Debbie’s talk, networkers were given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join the Hirsch’s Networking Mornings, nominate yourself or someone for the Margaret Hirsch Woman in Business Achiever of the Year Competition, please contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cinnamon Sugar French Toast

Published: 03 February 2018

Hirsch’s Boksburg recently whipped up some delicious Cinnamon Sugar French Toast for customers to sample on while shopping at their favourite appliance store.

With only 5 ingredients, this is a simple yet scrumptious dish to whip up for the family. Commented Hirsch’s Letitia Haywood “With Hirsch’s focus for 2018 being on Energy saving and water conservation, we used the Zwilling induction hob as almost all of the heat generated is transferred into the food. Induction Hobs use considerably less energy than other hobs and the energy requirement of an induction hob is 15-50% less than that of a conventional gas or electric hob.

As less heat is generated, further savings are also achieved through reduced ventilation requirements.

Visit your local Hirsch’s Homestore for more Energy Saving

Team Leading talk at Hirsch’s Meadowdale.

Published: 26 January 2018

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted its first Business Networking Morning for 2018, with 36 entrepreneurs within the community eager to get the year off to a great start.

With the topic; “Leading a Team – a Manager’s Dilemma”, guest speaker; Steve Schwartz was able to give everyone some insight on whether teamwork is actually a good thing for an organization.

Steve heads up a multi-division company. He has local and international experience in developing companies, markets and industries while working in the corporate world as well as independently. On numerous occasions, Steve has boldly entered new markets and continues to shake numerous industry sectors with his no-nonsense yet innovative, fresh and dynamic approach.

Commented Steve “Mathematics tells us that 1+1 =2, Synergy tells us 1+1 =3, and psychology tells us 1+1 =1, but when is this actually true?Teamwork in some organizations is a good thing, but in others- not so much. Teamwork works when there is an Effective Market Onslaught, Fixed Cost Management, Simplified planning and reporting, Easy KPI management, Unified efforts and Production and Manufacturing. This creates synergy (1+1 =3)Ineffective teamwork leads to; Relaxed Personal Input, Running Cost Variance, Blanket Planning and Reporting, Hidden Efforts/Duplication, Hidden KPI Measurement and Discrimination Challenges. This creates 1+1 =1 So, is teamwork good or bad?

According to Steve; “Teamwork is good when it’s at the right time and place, when the preparation is right and when expectations are Realistic. Not every organization needs teamwork. Sometimes individual performances are more successful than group efforts.” Said Steve

After Steve’s talk each of the networkers were given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join the Hirsch’s Networking Mornings, please contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Flapjacks and Popcorn at Hirsch's

Published: 22 January 2018

On a cloudy day there’s nothing better than warm flapjacks with golden syrup, buttery popcorn and a great movie, as well as a great shopping experience?  That is exactly what Hirsch’s Boksburg provided for their customers this weekend, using the amazing Snappy Chef induction Hob,

Hirsch’s prepared deliciously thick flapjacks smothered in golden caramel syrup and butter popcorn.

With an amazing aroma in the air, customers gathered around the Snappy Chef stand to see what was cooking. 

“Customers instore today received the ultimate Hirsch experience from great customer service and quality appliances to good tasty treats prepared in the great products that Hirsch’s sells.” Said Hirsch’s PRO Letitia Haywood.

Visit your local Hirsch’s for great deals, delicious food and a magical experience.

Having the courage to jump!

Published: 18 January 2018

There was a lot of excitement at Hirsch’s Meadowdale branch recently with over 20 local business women and entrepreneurs within the community getting together for Hirsch’s first Ladies Networking Morning for 2018. 

Ready to inspire female entrepreneurs with her talk on “Courage” – Belinda Long, owner of Bee Concept Coaching was the speaker for the morning.

Belinda has over 17 years’ experience in the corporate world, in various departments from managing internal sales, procurement, to supply chain & national warehousing.  The passion has, to see each individual and organisation succeed led her to open her practice, Bee Concept Coaching, concentrating on organisations and their management teams move from the traditional management styles to a coaching approach.  Belinda also coaches 1 on 1 with individuals wanting to better their lives and find purpose whether it be in their personal capacity or in their careers. 

Belinda started her talk with explaining that courage is the ability to do something that frightens you.  To be a successful entrepreneur one needs to have the courage to step outside their comfort zone, take risks and overcome any fears that they might have. 10 Elements of Courage: Self Confidence Conviction Integrity Leadership Compassion Objectivity Strength in Adversity Change Masters Embrace the Unknown & Action 

Belinda ended her talk by giving the audience 5 daily habits to help them build courage; Positive Self Talk; Do one thing that scares you; Give up toxic people and surround yourself with like-minded individuals; Reflect back at the end of each day and ask for help when needed and help others where possible. 

After Belinda’s talk, each of the networkers was given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying refreshments.

If you would like to join the Hirsch’s Networking Mornings, nominate yourself or someone for the Margaret Hirsch Woman in Business Achiever of the Year Competition, please contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rye Toasties at Hirsch's

Published: 16 January 2018

Hirsch’s is bringing the heat this 2018 with bigger, bolder and tastier food for customers to sample on –all whisked up or baked in one of their great, state of the art appliances -  while shopping at their favorite Hirsch store.

Hirsch’s Boksburg recently whipped up  rye toasties with mozzarella, fresh tomato and lean beef strips.

This snack can be prepared in under 5minutes, it’s healthy and amazingly tasty at the same time. 

Visit your local Hirsch store for some great promotions and delicious food to make your shopping experience a magical one.

Spoiling Young Customers at Hirsch's

Published: 15 January 2018

Hirsch's love spoiling our loyal customers with some delicious delights to snack on while doing their shopping.

With school holidays almost over, Hirsch's Meadowdale took the opportunity to treat all our young customers visiting the store with some butter salted popcorn and cartoons to keep them busy while mom and dad shop for appliances.

At Hirsch’s we love to create memorable moments with our customers.

Visit your nearest Hirsch’s and lets make some magical moments together.

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