Hirsch Boksburg Spoils on Women's Day

Published: 11 August 2017

In celebration of Women’s Day,  Hirsch’s Boksburg spoilt all the  women that visited the store.

The first international Women’s day was celebrated back in the 1908 when a group of 15,000 women marched, demanding their rights. Since then every year on the 9th of August, South Africa joins hands together to support, raise, inspire and motivate women across all fields of work. 

Commented Hirsch’s Letitia Haywood “The Hirsch’s Boksburg Team gifted lady shoppers with an array of gifts from Revlon, these included  a Colorstay Gel Envy nail polish and a Love Her Madly scented hand cream. The Hirsch’s team also prepared some beautiful, tasty caramel cupcakes decorated in pink icing & flowers.”

“Hirsch’s loves celebrating and empowering women.  It is always wonderful to show them that we appreciate them”. Said Letitia Haywood, Hirsch’s PRO.


Are you the Fly in the Ointment?

Published: 27 July 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted a successful Business Networking Morning with dynamic entrepreneurs within the community eager to network and to listen to Neville Solomon’s talk about; The Fly in the Ointment. 

Neville has more than 15 years working experience in the HR and Finance departments of Corporate, Small Enterprises and NGO’s. In his early working experience he helped small business owners develop their HR and payroll systems and assisted these owners to successfully focus on building their businesses.After 15 years in HR, Neville decided to start his own Training company called The Training Partners which specializes in online training and development, to assist SMME’s with building interpersonal relations so that they are better equipped to do business. He is passionate about personal development and is currently studying with The University of Cape Town for his diploma in Training and Development. 

Neville’s topic related to building better relationships with  customers based on the dimensions of their personality styles. Neville taught the guests how to improve their sales techniques based on the respective personality styles in order to unlock their wealth potential. 

After Neville’s talk each of the networkers were given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch ’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join Hirsch’s Networking Mornings contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sugar - our worst enemy.

Published: 14 July 2017

Arauna Bezuidenhout was the guest speaker at the Hirsch’s Carnival Ladies networking event that was held recently. Her business Bezt Health Wellness and Fitness  studio focuses on how to improve peoples lives for the better. She said that she was addicted to sugar for many years, and after kicking the habit of sugar in coffee and soda’s decided to find out what it does to the body and how she could help others live a more productive life.

Arauna also explained how sugar intake has a direct link with high blood pressure and diabetes. The daily intake  should only 10-15g per day, which is 3 tea spoons of sugar. “Sugar is one of the most addictive substances we put in our body and when we eat it the receptors in our brain that make us feel happy are triggered. That’s why we crave sugar all the time. It takes a long time to teach your body not to crave sugar.” She explained. She encouraged the audience to eat more fruit, as that is the only healthy sugar our body needs. After her talk, she presented the  audience with a goody bag filled with skin repair cream, Magnesium for the bath and a small test to measure the pH of the body. 

Hirsch’s Carnivals ladies networking events always have a wide variety of professional woman and this was no exception.

Contact your nearest Hirsch's branch to find what events will be held.


So, How is that Working for You?

Published: 12 January 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted a  Dynamic Women in Business Networking event with local business women eager to network and to listen to Mallory Lamberts talk on: "So how is that working for you?" 

Entrepreneur Extraordinaire- Mallory has been active in community work with residents’ associations, community and policing forum for many years and she currently serves on the Board of AIM, an organisation dedicated to getting people with disabilities back into mainstream employment. She also owns a specialist service and consulting company in the music industry and is involved in various other entrepreneurial ventures. 

Commented Hirsch’s Letitia Haywood “Mallory’s topic touched on planning and those inevitable outcomes women confront in business versus family.  How does one cope when one's business deadlines cross over into one's personal life or vice versa? Despite our best endeavours we find that neither is exclusive of the other. However, it is important to achieve and maintain balance in in your life.  Decide what you want out of life and what you wish to achieve in your career, then implement a strategy in order to achieve these goals.”

After Mallory’s talk, everyone showcased their business with a 30-second pitch and this was followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join Hirsch’s Networking Mornings contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

5 Mistakes Business Owners Make

Published: 01 July 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted a very successful Business Networking Morning with over 30 dynamic entrepreneurs within the community eager to network and to listen to Elsa Groenewald’s talk about 5 Mistakes Business Owners Make in their own Businesses.  

Elsa  is a Business Coach with ActionCOACH and admits that during her 25+ years in business the constant for her was always her love for training and inspiring people to develop their skills.  She is committed to helping Business Owners achieve greater success and taking their businesses to the next level.

Elsa started her talk by giving the listeners some statistics on the failure rate.  4 out of 5 businesses fail within the first 5 years.  According to Elsa a lack of experience by owners can certainly play a major part in business’ failure. 

5 Mistakes Business Owners Make in their Business:

  1. They don’t know their numbers.“If you don’t know your numbers, what is the focus of your Business?” It is important for business owners to build a Business Dashboard.

  2. They don’t understand that saving a wage will cost them a fortune.“You may think that the day to day activities of your business are vitally important, but most of the time they are things that Business Owners can hire people to do.”

  3. They forget what Business they are really in.“When your Business is based on discounts, guess what kind of customers you’ll get? You will get discount customers.” Don’t Discount, add Value.

  4. Failing to realize the importance of cash flow, not just profit.

  5. They don’t use Targeted Marketing.“Even a marketing giant like McDonald’s has a limit to who they market to.” Not all products or services are applicable to all people.  A well-defined target market is the first element of a marketing strategy. 

After Elsa’s talk each of the networkers was given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch ’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join Hirsch’s Networking Mornings contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Internet Radio - the Future.

Published: 30 June 2017

Steve Schwartz was the guest speaker at Hirsch’s Carnival recently and his topic was internet radio. Internet radio is still a relatively new concept in South Africa, but it is slowly gaining momentum with more area’s in South Africa getting free Wi-Fi.

Most people listen to radio on their phone and with a simple application that you would be able to download, you could interact with the radio station while you are listening to it.  99% of the world listens to radio stations and the European community is one of the biggest listeners when it comes to online radio. Steve also discussed that more young entrepreneurs will be able to start their own radio stations. The only major expense will be to get ACASA accredited and the rights to play the artist songs.

One of the questions from the audience was on costing to advertise on the online radio stations.  Steve explained that the cost will be a lot less than normal FM radio. “South African radio stations are in exciting times and young aspiring DJ’s will be able to get their brand out there with the rest of the major players.” He said. Steve’s new online radio is still in the testing stages. Once the Beta testing is done, it will be available with more content. Steve also teaches courses on Radio, events and managing your own radio station. 

Hirsch’s Home Stores networking mornings are always a great way to find out what the future holds. Contact Hirsh’s Carnival to find out what events will be held in the future. 


Domestic Workshop at Hirsch's Meadowdale

Published: 22 June 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted a fun and instructive workshop for all Domestic Workers within the East Rand. 

Once a month Hirsch’s offers the unrecognized heroines in the community the opportunity to learn and grow, and this month, Hirsch’s PRO Letitia Haywood started the ladies off by demonstrating to them the preparation for a creamy butternut soup. 

Whilst the squash was cooking, Charm Naicker from Hirsch’s service department provided the ladies training on the best chemicals Hirsch’s have to offer when cleaning appliances and delicate objects, such as TV’S, wood and leather surfaces.  Ambassadors from different brands also provided training to the ladies on the use of the different appliances.

 At the end of the training session, each lady was presented with a Hirsch Domestic Training Certificate.Domestic Worker of the Month was Primrose Mbantshe who was nominated by her employer – Annette Driemeyer.  Primrose received a R300.00 Hirsch’s Voucher. 

If you would like to sign up your Domestic Worker for Hirsch’s monthly trainings, contact Letitia Haywood at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.


FUN WITH HIRSCH'S - on Youth day!

Published: 19 June 2017

Hirsch’s Carnival recently invited primary schools in the area to enter a two man team to win a Russell Hobs Deep Fryer for their school.

The competition took place on Youth Day at Hirsch’s Brakpan and four schools entered. Their goal?  To make the most delicious waffles!WK Du Plessis in Springs entered Andricco Potgieter and Elzarie Griffin,  Kommando Primary School entered Thuto Mthembu and Ntokozo Nhlapo,  Brakpan Primary School entered Hope Mdluli and Sharmah Kadanga, and Dalpark Private entered Ameer Sivanath and Clarence Mcwabe. 

Judges included  Jacaranda DJ Danny Painter, local health guru Arauna Bezuidenhout and Josh Rushton from Joshi Biscotti. Each team was given their dry and wet ingredients to mix and then make their waffle in the Sultan Waffle maker which takes about 6 minutes to cook to a golden brown. After the waffles were made the team was given a series of clues to find the toppings in the store.

Each team was given a point for the toppings and had 10 minutes to come up with a delicious mouth-watering waffle.

The judges judged on the presentation and the taste of the waffle. The judges had a tough job, but in the end the overall winner was Thuto Mtembu and Ntokozo Nhlapo from Kommando Primary School. Jenny-lee McDonald delivered the prize to the Principle of Kommando, Gert Jacobs. “Thank you to Hirsch’s Carnival for the wonderful inititive for the kids. That’s all they talked about and they are very proud of themselves.” Commented Gert.


Pizza Party Youth Day Celebration at Hirsch’s Boksburg

Published: 19 June 2017

Hirsch’s Boksburg recently celebrated Youth Day in true Hirsch style, by hosting a Pizza Party for all the  youth in the community.

Excited youngsters  gathered at Hirsch’s Boksburg ready to get their hands floury and prepare their own little pizzas. Every child had the opportunity to make their own pizza from scratch, starting with rolling the dough to adding a variety of their desired toppings to create a tasty pizza.Mums were the guinea pigs when it came to testing the pizza as it came out of the oven, and if Mum loved it, the little ones were sure to be in for a treat. 

Commented Hirsch PRO, Letitia Haywood “These kiddies cooking events are such a great opportunity for children to learn the ins and outs in the kitchen, how to prepare various  dishes and simply just interact with other children.  It is also great to see the interest that kids have in food at such a young age, their nutrition knowledge and health awareness.” 

“I love bringing Joshua to the Hirsch’s Kiddies Cooking classes, not only do I feel more relaxed now when he asks if he can help me cook dinner, but he is also making new friends outside of school all the time.  We have actually had playdates with some of the kids who had previously participated in some of your cooking classes”. Said one mother- Melissa Le Roux.

If you would like to know more about Hirsch’s Kiddies Cooking Classes, visit our website on www.hirschs.co.za or contact Letitia at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Hirsch's & Phillips Men South Africa #ilovedad Competition

Published: 15 June 2017

Hirsch’s together with Phillips Men South Africa recently held an #ilovedad Facebook competition.  The prize?   1 of 3 Philips Grooming Hampers for Dad’s! 

Entrants simply had to comment on the Facebook post and tell Hirsch’s why their Dad is the BEST Dad ever. One of the winners – Samantha Rix came to collect her Phillips Grooming Hamper at Hirsch’s Meadowdale and was ecstatic to have been chosen as one of the winners.

“I never thought I would win, I just wrote a small little comment, and here I am now.  My Dad will be very excited- thank you so much”. Said Samantha as Hirsch’s Meadowdale did the handover. 

Congratulations to Samantha and the two other winners Douglas Romanes and Geraldine Lokchander Soobramoney. All Keeping their Dad’s a cut above the rest!


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