When it comes to online comparison, South Africans love Hippo.co.za best

Published: 04 June 2018

South African consumers love the ease of comparing insurance and financial services quotes online, which has been shown in the latest South African Customer Satisfaction Index (SAcsi) results based on the survey conducted in 2017. According to the survey, conducted by research organisation Consulta, Hippo.co.za has been ranked as a global leader in customer satisfaction.  

The 2017 survey results for the Short Term Insurance industry were released 29 May 2018. 

The SAcsi is an independent national benchmark of customer satisfaction on the quality of products and services available to household consumers in South Africa. The survey looks at perceived overall quality, complaints, value, loyalty, and expectations while calculating a brand’s overall scoring for customer satisfaction. The survey is conducted by contacting and interviewing customers of companies and users of government services randomly via telephone and email. 

“We are blown away by the positive feedback we have received from customers who have used our online quote platform, especially if you consider how detailed the SAcsi methodology is and how deep it dives into overall customer experience and satisfaction,” says Vera Nagtegaal, executive head of Hippo.co.za. 

“Consulta measured the customer satisfaction of Hippo.co.za customers, parallel to the Short Term Insurance SAcsi,” says Prof. Adré Schreuder, CEO of Consulta. “As a unique value offering in South Africa there is not really direct competitors to compare Hippo.co.za with, but the SAcsi methodology has proven itself to allow comparisons across different industries. Hippo.co.za achieved one of the highest SAcsi scores of all South African companies measured and the results show that the online platform consistently exceeds customer expectations.”

 In the insurance and financial services industry, customer experience and satisfaction is becoming a top consideration for businesses, both globally and locally. In South Africa, regulatory measures such as Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) and Twin Peaks will place further emphasis on the importance of customer satisfaction. TCF is an outcomes-based approached designed to ensure fairness to customers of financial services providers whilst Twin Peaks focuses on consumer protection and market conduct in the financial services industry. The insurance industry is also hugely impacted by digital technologies as more companies are employing online devices such as chatbots and driving behaviour apps in order to personalise the user experience. These digital technologies improve customer experience in terms of easy online quoting and purchasing, and personalised pricing methods based on individual driving behaviour. 

“We have taken both the regulatory measures and technological factors into account and have further strengthened our business through digital innovations and changes that will ensure the customer continues to come first. It is positive to see our efforts being manifested through the SAcsi results. Hippo.co.za was ranked as one of the strongest industry performers, achieving an overall score of 84.3. We also ranked higher than international brands McDonalds and Apple - reaching the 4th spot overall.” “We are proud of this achievement and will make sure we do everything we can to continuously improve our customers’ experience,” says Nagtegaal.

National Book Week: Top five personal finance books

Published: 07 September 2017

There is still a large number of South Africans who lack basic financial literacy, which is also part of the reason that many struggle to get rid of debt, become financially stable and develop a savings culture.

In celebration of National Book Week, taking place from 4 — 10 September, online insurance and financial comparison platform, Hippo.co.za, selected their top five personal finance books to help consumers save money.

  1. The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey
    This book is a great financial guide, especially for those who wish to get out of debt. The book provides practical advice on several aspects such as how to start an emergency fund, pay off debt, pay off your home early and save for your children’s education. The seven-step approach has sold close to 5 million copies and earned the book a spot on the New York Times’ Best Seller list for over two years. The book can be purchased online for under R200, a small investment for a lifetime of practical financial change.

  2. Your Money or Your Life, by Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez and Monique Tilford
    Although released in 1992, the book stays relevant today as it does not merely give the general “do this, not that” advice when it comes to personal finance, it goes into the psychology of money, provides insights into why we spend money on things and how to focus on money in terms of life instead of looking at it in terms of material possessions. This realistic approach helps with the guilt that comes with spending, as it looks at necessary and healthy spending based on your personal financial position. The e-book can be purchased for under R185 online.

  3. I Will Teach You to Be Rich, by Ramit Sethi
    This book, released in 2009, is probably one of the simpler books in terms of breaking down practical personal finance tips. It not only provides tips and tools to help manage your finances better, but also provides saving suggestions and ideas on how to make additional money with hobbies and passion projects. Some criticised the book for being a bit too simple, but most preferred it as it provided them with a simple and realistic way of handling their personal finances. You can find the e-book, paperback and summary version online for R224, R193, and R30 respectively.

  4. Get a Financial Life, by Beth Kobliner
    Whilst most people have learned the tips and tricks of managing their finances by the time they have reached their middle ages, many could have been in better financial positions had they received these tips at a younger age. This book targets the younger adult who has managed to gain some buying power and who is on their way to managing their lives on their own. The book provides tips from dealing with student loan debt, to saving for a home to considering health and other insurance. There are several paperback versions online from about R116.

  5. Personal Finance for Dummies, by Eric Tyson
    This best-seller by a renowned financial counsellor and author takes you through sound financial advice from complex topics such as investing and taxes to simpler tips on getting out of debt, budgeting and saving. This book is for anyone who wants a better understanding of how financial matters impact their lives and who wants to give their personal finances a complete overhaul. It is the pricier option of all, but nonetheless a great short-term investment that could yield long-term financial benefits.

For those who want some quick reads and tips particularly in relation to insurance, personal finance and saving, also consider reading some of the articles at http://www.hippo.co.za/blog/.

-- Ends --

Established in 2007, Hippo.co.za is South Africa’s leading comparison website that helps consumers save money by comparing a range of South African providers across financial products such as Car Insurance, Household Insurance, Life Insurance, Medical Aid and more. Hippo.co.za is free to use and saves consumers the time and hassle of shopping around for the best deal since the Hippo.co.za website instantly retrieves real-time quotes from the different providers using the latest Internet technology. You could save hundreds of Rands per month* on your Car Insurance alone by using Hippo.co.za to compare before you buy or switch to a new provider.

Hippo.co.za makes money by simply charging its partners a fee when a customer chooses to find out more about their products. The results consumers see, and the order in which they are presented, are in no way influenced by the fee Hippo.co.za charges its partners or any other factors other than the price of the product being compared. 

For more information, visit us on www.hippo.co.za, connect with Hippo.co.za on LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/company/hippo-comparative-services-pty-ltd/, like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/HippoSA, and follow us on Twitter, @Hippo_co_za and YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/user/hippocompare.

Hippo Comparative Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP number: 16357).

Terms and Conditions apply.

*Based on 2016 independent market research conducted by Kaufman Levin Associates.


  1. http://www.librarything.com/work/119639/reviews/120650346
  2. http://lifehacker.com/five-best-personal-finance-books-1682899925



How to reduce Medical Aid costs

Published: 31 August 2017

According to recent data by Stats SA, 17% or 9.5 million South Africans belonged to a Medical Aid scheme in 2016. That means over 45 million people were without Medical Aid. The report also shows that although there are various public health facilities that service those without Medical Aid, half of South Africa’s health professionals service the 17% of South Africans who have medical cover.

“There are various factors such as unemployment, economic climate and lack of affordability that impact whether someone can afford membership to a medical scheme or not”, says John October, Chief Executive of online insurance and financial comparison website, Hippo.co.za, “But in many cases, people simply have no choice but to belong to a Medical Aid scheme. Many have to take compulsory schemes through their employers or have the need for specific medical care or treatment that they cannot afford as an out-of-pocket expense.”

So what can consumers do to help minimise Medical Aid costs? Hippo.co.za provides some tips:

  • If you need Medical Aid or you are up for renewal on your existing scheme, do not simply consider going with the provider you know. Compare costs and benefits for your specific needs from at least three different providers to ensure that you are not paying too much for the same cover.
  • Consider your health requirements for the next twelve months to ensure you will be adequately covered by your Medical Aid. For example, if you are planning on starting a family, ensure that your Medical Aid includes adequate cover for gyneacologist consultations, scans and tests at the time of commencement or renewal. If not, you may be charged more to upgrade at a later stage or have to pay for these costs yourself.
  • Should you be at a stage where your children are financially independent and need to be removed from your Medical Aid, consider re-evaluating your overall cover as you may no longer need certain benefits.
  • If you have a Medical Aid plan that provides a savings account for out-of-hospital medical expenses such as doctors’ visits and medication, it could get depleted quite quickly. Manage your savings by visiting doctors with lower rates and comparing the cost of medication at the practitioner’s pharmacy with that of a local pharmacy outlet to determine the lowest cost.

“As October is the month where you can start reviewing your Medical Aid before renewal, now is a good time to consider your options and shop around for the best possible rates from a range of South African Medical Aid providers,” concludes October.

Established in 2007, Hippo.co.za is South Africa’s leading comparison website that helps consumers save money by comparing a range of South African providers across financial products such as Car Insurance, Household Insurance, Life Insurance, Medical Aid and more. Hippo.co.za is free to use and saves consumers the time and hassle of shopping around for the best deal since the Hippo.co.za website instantly retrieves real-time quotes from the different providers using the latest Internet technology. You could save hundreds of Rands per month* on your Car Insurance alone by using Hippo.co.za to compare before you buy or switch to a new provider.

Hippo.co.za makes money by simply charging its partners a fee when a customer chooses to find out more about their products. The results consumers see, and the order in which they are presented, are in no way influenced by the fee Hippo.co.za charges its partners or any other factors other than the price of the product being compared.

For more information, visit us on www.hippo.co.za, connect with Hippo.co.za on LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/company/hippo-comparative-services-pty-ltd/, like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/HippoSA, and follow us on Twitter, @Hippo_co_za and YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/user/hippocompare.

Hippo Comparative Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP number: 16357).

Terms and Conditions apply.

*Based on 2017 independent market research conducted by Kaufman Levin Associates.

Ways to lower your Car Insurance premiums

Published: 07 June 2017

The annual Kinsey report by Malcolm Kinsey provides an overview of the South African motor vehicle industry, with a focus on the cost of parts for different vehicle models. The latest 2016 report covers 69 vehicles, compares the costs of various parts against competing models, and highlights price increases of parts such as wheel rims, car doors and lights, which are all found in the crash-parts category. 

“From the various costs presented in the report, one can see that not having Car Insurance could lead to significant costs for consumers should they be involved in an accident,” says Derek Wilson, head of online insurance and financial comparison website, Hippo.co.za.  

“If you drive an entry-level city vehicle, for example, a VW Polo Vivo, you could pay up to R14 682 if you have damages to your doors and rear fender following a collision into the right-hand side of your vehicle,” says Wilson, “It could be easier and more cost-effective to simply pay a monthly Car Insurance premium than having to replace parts out of your own pocket following a claimable event”. 

But did you know with just a few simple steps, you can also lower your monthly Car Insurance premiums and save even more? 

Hippo.co.za provides these hacks that could help you save: 

  • Insurers are often able to adjust premiums based on lower or higher excesses (the first amount payable by the insured in the event of a claim). If you have sufficient means to pay a higher excess should something happen, you can opt to increase your excess which will lower your monthly premiums.
  • Insurers encourage people to cover their goods at the replacement value it would be at the time of a claim, which can be either market or retail value depending on what cover you have. As the market value of a vehicle is lower than the retail value, you could opt to insure your vehicle at market value in order to save on monthly premium costs.
  • If you have installed better security features such as a vehicle tracker or alarm system in your car or, for example, you no longer park your car in a car port behind locked gates but in a locked garage, always inform your insurer of these updates as it could lower your premiums.
  • Even if you are not looking to change insurers, it always pays to double check that you are not paying too much. Shop around and compare quotes from at least three different Car Insurance providers to ensure you are getting the best value for your buck. 

Junk status survival tips for consumers

Published: 20 April 2017
There have been various reactions to the country’s junk status following the sovereign credit rating downgrade to BB+ by ratings agencies, Standard & Poor and Fitch, in April 2017. 

Predictions of the downgrade to junk status have been reported since the end of 2015, with a key risk factor, according to ratings agency Fitch, being the deterioration in GDP growth. Although political factors have also been identified by Fitch and have ultimately led to the downgrade, South Africa’s deteriorating GDP growth still has a big impact on ratings.  

According to the latest reports by Statistics SA, real GDP growth fell by 0,3% in the fourth quarter of 2016. A deteriorating GDP growth rate not only impacts ratings, but also impacts consumers directly as it results in increased unemployment, lower wages and added pressures to disposable income. 

“Consumers need to consider the possible effects on their pocket and take their own stand by ensuring they protect their personal finances,” says Derek Wilson, Head of South Africa’s first insurance and financial comparison website, Hippo.co.za.  

Here are some tips on how consumers could survive, even in junk status: 

Bargain with businesses. Consumers should not merely accept prices of goods as they are displayed or advertised. A lot of businesses are willing to put their money where their mouth is, especially when it comes to beating a competitor’s prices. Don’t be afraid to mention that you could probably find a cheaper deal elsewhere.

Consider switching. Loyalty is good, but money talks, especially in tough times. It’s a good idea to compare and shop around even if you have been loyal to a particular brand or company. If you can find a better deal, let them know you are considering switching and they may return the loyalty by offering a better deal. If not, at least you know you can get one elsewhere.

Compare online. When it comes to online comparison sites there are many available on the market that allow you to compare everything from groceries and clothing to electronics and tech gadgets to insurance and loans. With Hippo.co.za alone, you can compare across the board from products like insurance, life & medical, finances, and home & utilities to travel, business, and motoring — all at your fingertips. “Why not give your entire financial portfolio an overhaul? See where you can save by getting at least three quotes from different providers before.


Established in 2007, Hippo.co.za is South Africa’s leading comparison website that helps consumers save money by comparing a range of South African providers across financial products such as Car Insurance, Household Insurance, Life Insurance, Medical Aid and more. Hippo.co.za is free to use and saves consumers the time and hassle of shopping around for the best deal since the Hippo.co.za website instantly retrieves real-time quotes from the different providers using the latest Internet technology. You could save hundreds of Rands per month* on your Car Insurance alone by using Hippo.co.za to compare before you buy or switch to a new provider. Hippo.co.za makes money by simply charging its partners a fee when a customer chooses to find out more about their products. The results consumers see, and the order in which they are presented, are in no way influenced by the fee Hippo.co.za charges its partners or any other factors other than the price of the product being compared.  For more information, visit us on www.hippo.co.za, connect with Hippo.co.za on LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/company/hippo-comparative-services-pty-ltd/, like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/HippoSA, and follow us on Twitter, @Hippo_co_za and YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/user/hippocompare.

Online car searches: The new dealership window

Published: 30 March 2017

According to the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (NAAMSA), new vehicle sales have seen a year-on-year decline for fourteen months until January 2017 when an increase of 3.7% was recorded. “The rising interest in vehicle purchasing is apparent on our new Car Listings platform, where we have seen an increase of 492% from October 2016 to the end of January 2017,” says Derek Wilson, head of SA’s leading online insurance and financial services website, Hippo.co.za.  

This is not surprising considering that 94% of consumers research cars online before they make any purchases, making online platforms the new dealership window. Here are some tips on what to look out for when looking for cars online.  

Avoid private sales. The first alarm bell that should go off is that you are not protected under the Consumer Protection Act for private sales3. This means that you may have to make provision for legal back up when it comes to binding agreements and contracts between the parties. There are also other responsibilities that you might need to take on and finance in the event of a private sale such as getting an independent mechanical report to ensure the vehicle’s condition is as indicated, and going through the process of registering the vehicle in your name.  

Research online reviews. Before selecting the best vehicle for your needs, ensure that you have at least three top choices in terms of make and model. Visit motoring news sites to compare reviews and recommendations on your top vehicle choices to ensure you select the best option. This reduces the risk of you running into any future issues such as unaffordable service costs, technical malfunctions and factory faults.  

Request a mechanical report before arranging a viewing. If you have come across a good deal online, ask the dealership to email the vehicle’s mechanical report and service records to you so you are aware of the exact condition of the vehicle upfront, instead of wasting time and hassle in arranging a viewing for a vehicle that is not in a satisfactory condition.  

Compare multiple deals from a range of providers. Compare from a range of different providers as this will allow you to negotiate a better cost with the dealership of choice. When going online, ensure that you get the most value out of each session by choosing a site that is credible, secure and provides you with comparing not only cars, but also other things you may need such as Vehicle Finance, Car Insurance, Vehicle Tracking, and Motor Warranty or Service Plans.  

“Our unique responsive internet technology enables us to act as a matchmaker between a car buyer and car dealer, saving both parties time and money. You can also compare all the above-mentioned products whilst visiting Hippo.co.za,” concludes Wilson.



Established in 2007, Hippo.co.za is South Africa’s leading comparison website that helps consumers save money by comparing a range of South African providers across financial products such as Car Insurance, Household Insurance, Life Insurance, Medical Aid and more. Hippo.co.za is free to use and saves consumers the time and hassle of shopping around for the best deal since the Hippo.co.za website instantly retrieves real-time quotes from the different providers using the latest Internet technology. You could save hundreds of Rands per month* on your Car Insurance alone by using Hippo.co.za to compare before you buy or switch to a new provider.   Hippo.co.za makes money by simply charging its partners a fee when a customer chooses to find out more about their products. The results consumers see, and the order in which they are presented, are in no way influenced by the fee Hippo.co.za charges its partners or any other factors other than the price of the product being compared.   

For more information, visit us on www.hippo.co.za, connect with Hippo.co.za on LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/company/hippo-comparative-services-pty-ltd/, like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/HippoSA, and follow us on Twitter, @Hippo_co_za and YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/user/hippocompare. Hippo Comparative Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP number: 16357). Terms and Conditions apply. *Based on 2016 independent market research conducted by Kaufman Levin Associates.

Getting your driver’s licence in 2017?

Published: 29 March 2017

According to the eNatis national driver’s licence population statistics, the number of Code B licensed drivers (driving motor vehicles, including minibuses, buses and goods vehicles, with a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 3 500kg) has increased by 10 631 between December 2016 and January 2017. Even with a significant increase in licensed drivers in just one month, there is still a vast number of South Africans who do not pass the driver’s licence test the first time.  

So what are the main reasons for people failing their driver’s licence test?  

“Many people do not research the driving school or instructor beforehand, are unfamiliar with important driver’s test rules and scoring, experience the test route for the first time when taking the test, or are simply too nervous on the day,” says Derek Wilson, Head of online insurance and financial services comparison website, Hippo.co.za, “These and other factors could be demotivating and costly to drivers”.  

Tips to consider if you plan on getting your licence in 2017:  

  • Pick the right teacher — Do your research and ask around to get reviews from others to ensure you have a legitimate, ethical and experienced driving school and instructor.
  • Know the rules — Avoid disappointment by familiarising yourself with the immediate fail items (on the K53 website) so that you do not fall victim to unfair failures. If, for example, the vehicle is not licensed or roadworthy, it is considered an immediate fail.
  • Don’t rush it — Ensure that you complete a sufficient number of lessons and can successfully complete all the manoeuvres before you even book your test date.
  • Practice makes perfect — Keep practising until the test day arrives and ask your driving instructor to take you for a trial on the test route and in the test yard two or three days before your test.
  • Stay relaxed and focused — Mentally reassure and remind yourself that you have done it all before and that you can do what is required. Try not to rush things and rather take your time to do it properly.  

“For those who will also be driving their own car once they are legally licensed drivers, remember that insurers factor in how long you have had your licence when calculating your monthly premium. As a newly licensed driver, you will likely be charged a higher premium than someone who has been driving for longer. Ensure you compare from a range of South African providers at Hippo.co.za,” concludes Wilson, “You could save hundreds of Rands per month* on your Car Insurance alone by using our platform”.


Established in 2007, Hippo.co.za is South Africa’s leading comparison website that helps consumers save money by comparing a range of South African providers across financial products such as Car Insurance, Household Insurance, Life Insurance, Medical Aid and more. Hippo.co.za is free to use and saves consumers the time and hassle of shopping around for the best deal since the Hippo.co.za website instantly retrieves real-time quotes from the different providers using the latest Internet technology. You could save hundreds of Rands per month* on your Car Insurance alone by using Hippo.co.za to compare before you buy or switch to a new provider.   Hippo.co.za makes money by simply charging its partners a fee when a customer chooses to find out more about their products. The results consumers see, and the order in which they are presented, are in no way influenced by the fee Hippo.co.za charges its partners or any other factors other than the price of the product being compared.   

For more information, visit us on www.hippo.co.za, connect with Hippo.co.za on LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/company/hippo-comparative-services-pty-ltd/, like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/HippoSA, and follow us on Twitter, @Hippo_co_za and YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/user/hippocompare. Hippo Comparative Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP number: 16357). Terms and Conditions apply. *Based on 2016 independent market research conducted by Kaufman Levin Associates.

Hippo.co.za awarded Feefo Trusted Service Award 2017

Published: 24 February 2017

Online insurance and financial services website, Hippo.co.za, has won the 2017 Feefo Trusted Service award, an independent seal of excellence that recognises businesses for delivering exceptional experiences, rated by real customers.  

Trusted Service is awarded to businesses that use Feefo to collect genuine ratings and reviews. A badge of honour, this accreditation remains unique as all the awards are based purely on the interactions with verified customers. This feedback has been collated by the Feefo review platform, with the accolades being awarded based upon performance.  

In order to win the 2017 award, a company had to maintain a rating of between 4 – 4.5 stars with a minimum of 100 reviews or more between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016. Hippo.co.za maintained a score of 4.4 and received more than 3 000 reviews in the above-mentioned period.  

“Feefo ensures that all feedback is authentic, by matching it to a legitimate transaction; we believe this is the best way to combat the rising issue of fake reviews,” says Andrew Mabbutt, CEO at Feefo.  

Derek Wilson, head of Hippo.co.za commented: “It’s a real honour to receive this award from Feefo. To be recognised for delivering exceptional experiences to our customers is a great achievement.”

Business Insurance: Grudge purchase or mandatory?

Published: 16 February 2017

Business Insurance: Grudge purchase or mandatory cost?  

In 2016, South Africa experienced deteriorating GDP growth caused by various factors including the Rand’s depreciation of R15.51 against the Dollar, severe drought, water shortages, and the rising unemployment rate. GDP growth is however expected to improve moderately in 2017. Businesses, particularly start-ups and SMEs, can expect better growth and opportunity than in 2016.  

“Now more than ever small businesses need to safeguard themselves against the perils that could be harmful to their growing business,” says Derek Wilson, Head of online insurance and financial services comparison website, Hippo.co.za.   Business Insurance is more than just protecting your business assets. Not having insurance could result in a negative impact to your bottom line, damage to your business’s reputation or even the loss of your business.

Here’s what you need to know about Business Insurance:  

Insure your nett worth   If you have business property such as commercial offices, a house or any vehicles used for business or commercial purposes, you have nett worth. Ensure that your nett worth is adequately covered and that you do not put your business under unnecessary strain by having to pay for loss or damage to business assets yourself. Insurance for business assets usually includes cover for theft, accidental damage, fire, vandalism and, most importantly, cover for business interruption or loss of earnings if you are unable to operate following a claimable event.  

Your risk profile   Understand how your business risk profile is calculated by the insurer as things such as your credit rating, type of business, area where you do business from, and where your business or commercial assets are kept, are taken into account.  

You are liable   Liability cover is probably the most important cover you need. The loss or damage to another’s property or worse, injury or loss of life to a person, could not only cost you money, but also have devastating effects on your business’s reputation and credibility. The reputational damage could result in further communication and marketing costs to repair the damage to your business’s image and could determine whether your business survives the impact or not.  

“Various insurers are able to provide you with Business Insurance according to your specific needs”, concludes Wilson, “Business owners can research costs and benefits from a range of different insurers at Hippo.co.za”.  


Established in 2007, Hippo.co.za is South Africa’s leading comparison website that helps consumers save money by comparing a range of South African providers across financial products such as Car Insurance, Household Insurance, Life Insurance, Medical Aid and more. Hippo.co.za is free to use and saves consumers the time and hassle of shopping around for the best deal since the Hippo.co.za website instantly retrieves real-time quotes from the different providers using the latest Internet technology. You could save hundreds of Rands per month* on your Car Insurance alone by using Hippo.co.za to compare before you buy or switch to a new provider.   Hippo.co.za makes money by simply charging its partners a fee when a customer chooses to find out more about their products. The results consumers see, and the order in which they are presented, are in no way influenced by the fee Hippo.co.za charges its partners or any other factors other than the price of the product being compared.   

For more information, visit us on www.hippo.co.za, connect with Hippo.co.za on LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/company/hippo-comparative-services-pty-ltd/, like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/HippoSA, and follow us on Twitter, @Hippo_co_za and YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/user/hippocompare.   Hippo Comparative Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP number: 16357). Terms and Conditions apply. *Based on 2016 independent market research conducted by Kaufman Levin Associates.  


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