International day against homophobia to be observed in Durban

Published: 08 May 2014

The Upper Room Communion – the leading sexual and gender diversity affirming church in Durban will be celebrating the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia 2014

A march for free expression will take place along the city’s beachfront on 17 May starting at 09:30, from South beach to the North beach amphitheater.

 As a church and with the LGBT community in Durban, the parade will proceed along the Golden Mile, with all invited to be dressed to the nines in celebration of the international theme “Free Expression”.   They will also walk in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe, Uganda and elsewhere in Africa where the freedoms taken for granted in South Africa could result in severe punishments and death.  

Even in progressive countries, violence and discrimination against LGBT people still exists in the form of discriminatory laws, unjust representations in the media, unfair treatment by employers, negative social attitudes, and even in everyday interactions with people we care about, and who care about us. On 17 May 2014, protesters will gather around the world to speak out against homophobia and transphobia

The ‘IDAHOT 2014 Beach Walk’ will take place on May 17, from 9.30 am starting at South Beach; and is a free event to which all invited to attend, either as colourful participants or allies walking in camaraderie.  

About IDAHOT 2014 In at least 77 countries around the world today, same sex relationships are illegal, at times involving life-time imprisonment. In 7 countries, same sex acts are even punishable by death. In almost all countries, freedom for people to live out and to express their true gender identities – and to have them rightfully recognised by the state – is harshly limited by transphobic laws and attitudes.  

For key facts on the global movement International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014, visit

A first for South Africa, the GO channel pioneers new interactive cross-platform storytelling | Sedu

Published: 30 July 2008
{pp}Seduction101 is the first South African minisoap that is distributed using a cross-platform strategy via mobile / web and the MobiGO social network. The Seduction101 campaign is officially being launched on national campuses during the week of 21st July and the ongoing communication platform includes the MXit, Facebook, YouTube and MobiGO social networking platforms. Daily 3-minute episodes will be released from Monday to Friday via web, MXit and WAP platforms