Why You Need a Fire Suppression System for Your Office?

Published: 25 May 2021

An increasing number of office buildings in South Africa are upgrading to clean agent suppression systems to fight fires. Because of the many computers and electronics found in office environments, clean agent suppression is often a superior fire extinguishing option. This way, you don’t have to trade fire damage for water damage.

What Is Clean Agent Fire Suppression?

Clean agents are electrically non-conductive gaseous substances used to extinguish fires. They put out flames by inhibiting the combustion process that requires heat, oxygen, and a fuel source. The systems are fundamentally designed to protect irreplaceable assets and the people around them. A clean agent fire suppression system will take either an inert gas or a chemical that is stored in a container and discharge it, when necessary, to extinguish a fire in its incipient stage. For instance clean agents are most effective when combined with an early fire detection system. This allows the agents to control a fire in its initial stage before it has a chance to spread.

Types of Clean Agent Systems

Bizzy Fire Control installs and services the following clean agent systems in South Africa office buildings:

FM-200: This is one of the most popular clean agents because its non-ozone depleting and safe to use in occupied spaces. While FM-200 does displace the oxygen around a fire, its primary extinguishing capabilities is through heat absorption. FM-200 is effective for fighting Class A, B, and C fires.

CO2: A carbon dioxide system uses a high concentration of CO2 gas to replace the oxygen in a room and smother a growing fire. It’s highly effective, but not appropriate in places where people are present.

INERGEN: This clean agent uses a combination of argon, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide gases to fight fires in an environmentally friendly way. Just like FM-200, it also won’t deplete the ozone or hurt the environment.

3M NOVEC Fire Protection Fluid: The most eco-friendly chemical clean agent available. It extinguishes fires with minimal collateral damage and cleanup, and does so with zero ozone-depleting potential and a global warming potential of just one.

Why Use Clean Agent Suppression Systems in Office Buildings?

Offices that use clean agent suppression enjoy the following advantages:

Fast response time: Clean agents smother fires quickly, often suppressing the flames in 10 seconds or less.

Limited property damage: With no water required and no particle residue left behind, a clean agent suppression system is perfect for protecting your office from fire without risking damage to your equipment.

Less downtime: The time between when a fire ignites and when you can return to business as usual is brief with a clean agent suppression system. Little to no cleanup is required, and your electronics should be unaffected by the clean agents.

Our Clean Agent Suppression System Services

When your fire suppression system requires service, turn to Bizzy Fire Control.

According to an interview with Mr Manyame the Managing Director ,"he said as a company we offer the following:

1.Clean agent suppression system installation: Interested in upgrading to a clean agent system in Johannesburg and Nelspruit office building? We can carefully design and install a solution that will work for you.

2.Clean agent suppression system maintenance: You can’t ignore your suppression system if you want it to stay up and running. We can perform all the maintenance you need, including inspections and tests required by national and local fire codes.

3.Clean agent suppression system repair: When something goes wrong with your fire suppression system, you need a reliable company to fix it quickly and efficiently. We offer 24-hour emergency repairs when you need them most.

4.Clean agent suppression system recharge: If your system discharges in response to a fire, you need to recharge the equipment without delay. Speedy services from Bizzy Fire Control ensure you aren’t left defenseless if another blaze breaks out.

Schedule Office Fire Protection Services for your office building

If your office needs a new clean agent suppression system installed, or is due for annual maintenance, Bizzy Fire Control is at the ready to assist you. Whatever questions you may have about the operation and maintenance of your clean agent system can be answered by our experienced technicians. It is important to us that you understand how the system works and that you feel protected in the event of a fire.Contact us now to schedule your office fire protection services in South Africa! Visit our website for more services https://www,bizzyfire.co.za or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Western Cape showcase readiness for Summer Fire Season

Published: 30 November 2018

Just over 200 delegates attended the official opening of the Western Cape Wildfire Season at the Lourensford Wine Estate, Somerset West, today, 28 November 2018 which was held under the auspices of the Western Cape Umbrella Fire Protection Association (Representing all five Fire Protection Associations).

Anton Bredell, the Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Western Cape, reminded the audience that wildfires this year have already led to nine fatalities. 

“Every year the fire season seems to be getting worse. Conditions across the province are hazardous following the devastating three-year drought that has seen lots of brush and veld die. If the veld catches alight and the wind takes the flames, the results can be devastating.

”To showcase some of the resources that are available in the upcoming fire season, Working on Fire (WOF) ground and aerial crews (One fixed Wing Spotter Plane, two Huey Helicopters and two Air Tractor 802 water bombers) supported by NCC and City of Cape Town firefighters participated in a firefighting demonstration. 

This fire demonstration highlighted the interaction between ground and aerial firefighting teams and clearly demonstrated how an integrated response is needed when dealing with a wildfire, especially in its initial stages.

“We have access to eight helicopters, four water bombers and eight spotter command and control aircraft that can be deployed to incidents across the province. There are 36 runways available and prepared for these aircraft to utilize in case of need”, Bredell said.

“These aerial resources will be complemented by 1550 municipal firefighters across the province, bolstered by approximately 1020 seasonal firefighters (municipal and other organisations). There are also 27 WOF teams with about 700 firefighters in the Western Cape, and an additional 500 firefighters in other provinces who can be called upon if required”.

The official opening of the fire season also coincided with the hosting of the first major Wildfire Ready Convention in the Western Cape at the same venue, from 28-29 November 2018. 

Key partners at the launch and Widfire Ready Convention included amongst other Working on Fire, Kishugu, SANParks, CapeNature, Western Cape Provincial Disaster Management Centre and City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue.

This two-day convention is focussing on the future of targeting wildfires in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) and several international (USA and Europe) speakers and local fire authorities and fire protection associations are in attendance.  

Both the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) and the Western Cape Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC) will also make contributions on how fire authorities can prevent and prepare for fire disasters.

The key focus will be on how, through Integrated Fire Management and its four operational components - reduction, readiness, response and recovery - linked to the Wildland-Urban Interface as the distinct focus, fire authorities can concentrate not only on how to fight these fires, but also share best practices for the prevention and mitigation of wildfire events.

One of the main sponsors of the #WildfireReady Convention, Santam, applauded the organisers and those attending for being proactive in making sure that everyone involved in wildfire management, including communities and landowners, are working towards the same objectives.

John Lomberg, Stakeholder Relationship Manager at Santam said, “It is becoming harder to ignore the fact that climate change has become the “new normal” and that this demands a new response from businesses – and the communities in which they operate. It is for that reason that we support initiatives like the Wildfire Convention. We have to respond with the urgency for transformative collaboration to address the challenges brought about by climate change”.

“The sustainability of our organisations and resilience of our communities is dependent on our ability to cooperate and partner with each other to achieve our respective business and societal objectives’, Lomberg said.