Avoid a Hysterectomy with Fibroid Embolisation

Published: 21 June 2018

The minimally invasive alternative for treating Fibroids

Fibroid Embolisation is a minimally invasive procedure that combats the occurrence of uterine fibroids. This treatment offers a non-surgical alternative to a Hysterectomy and treats the fibroid through a procedure that is orchestrated through the femoral artery in the groin or the radial artery in the wrist. This treatment option is relatively new in the African continent though it is gaining speed in Southern Africa. It is currently available in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia through Fibroid Care, an initiative that is headed by interventional radiologist Dr Andrew Lawson.

Uterine Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop from the smooth muscular tissue of the uterus. Fibroids vary in size and symptom severity with many women having fibroids for several years before detection. Common symptoms of fibroids include excessive and prolonged menstrual bleeding, pain and pressure in the pelvic region, frequent urination, constipation and painful intercourse. Women who experience severe symptoms find that their quality of life is impacted and require treatment to restore normality.

Traditional fibroid treatment consisted of mostly surgical methods such as a hysterectomy whereby the entire womb or part of it is removed. A hysterectomy puts an end to a woman’s child bearing years and like any surgical procedure, requires a long recovery period for the patient. Fibroid Embolisation is being opted for in place of surgery due to its effectiveness at treating fibroids without impacting fertility. It is minimally invasive and requires little down time when compared with other intensive methods. It is typically conducted as an outpatient procedure, permitting most patients to be discharged just a few hours after.

The procedure can be conducted through the femoral artery in the groin or the radial artery in the wrist. The latter is preferred due to the closeness of the radial artery to the skin which accommodates a more comfortable experience overall. A local anaesthetic is administered to the patient and a tiny 1 mm incision is made in the skin above the femoral or radial artery. A catheter is fed through this incision and under x-ray guidance is used to locate the artery that supplies nourishment to the fibroid(s). Once this has been determined, a blockage is created using inert particles to prevent the flow of blood to the fibroid. This process starves the fibroid of nutrition and in doing so causes it to shrink before disappearing entirely. In the unlikely event of a fibroid recurrence, Fibroid Embolisation may be safely conducted again.

Fibroid Embolisation is available through Fibroid Care who operate primarily at the Netcare Femina Hospital in Pretoria. Fibroid Care also practise Fibroid Embolisation at hospitals in other regions to ensure service to a greater area. They currently operate at Mediclinic Heart Hospital in Pretoria, Rondebosch Medical Centre in Cape Town, Vergelegen Mediclinic in Somerset West, Lenmend Bokamoso in Botswana and Weltwitschia in Namimibia. Demand for this groundbreaking procedure is rising and Fibroid Care are committed to expanding their services to a wider range of communities in the continent.

About Dr Andrew Lawson:

Dr Andrew Lawson is a Radiologist who has specialised in Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology. He received his medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand. He studied further in Cape Town, acquiring his accreditation in Radiology at Groote Schuur Hospital. He received training in Artery Embolisation whilst in England, and completed this specialization at the Royal Surrey Hospital. He founded Fibroid Care, a Fibroid treatment initiative that offers Fibroid embolisation in specific regions across sub-Saharan Africa.

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Tel: +27 (0)79 810 9423

Visit Fibroid Treatment Clinic for Successful UFE Treatment

Published: 01 November 2017

Uterine fibroids are the non-cancerous tumors that make women’s lives miserable. Women with these non-malignant cysts are likely to face severe pain which is unbearable. This health issue becomes common in these days, as it is known from the recent study that almost 20 to 40 percent of women, aged above 35 have fibroids. The good news is that most of the cases, the tumors appear as non-cancerous and this is why they involve less risk. Moreover, the latest treatments for this health issue are available in renowned clinics like, Fibroid Treatment Clinic.

Uterine Fibroids from the Root
Leiomyomas, also referred as uterine fibroids are the non-malignant cysts that appear in the smooth muscle layer of the reproductive organ of the women that is known as womb. These tumors can be found either in single number or in multiple numbers. Women with this health issue face some problems like, heavy and painful period, infertility or complicated pregnancy, back pain and so on.

Fortunately, latest treatment for Leiomyomas has been introduced by the doctors. Uterine fibroid embolisation (UFE) is the treatment procedure that can treat the patients on the permanent basis.

Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)
In Fibroid Treatment Clinic, the patients will get the latest treatment for treating the non-cancerous tumors. UFE is one of the most advanced treatment procedures that allow the patients to lead a fibroid-free life without the removal of the tumors affected womb. Thus UFE enables the women to become pregnant ever after the procedure. Here is how the entire procedure gets done.

  • Through the artery in the upper leg of the patients, the interventional radiologist guides a tiny tube into the arteries, supplying the womb.

  • Small particles are infused into the vessels containing blood to the tumors.

  • For the lack of the nutrient supply, the cysts become shrunk and this the patients can get rid of them.

Condition after UFE
The patient needs to be in hospital only overnight after the procedure. This is what the patients may expect after the procedure,

  1. Bleeding from the womb stops immediately after the procedure
  2. The patients may feel a dull ache in the abdomen. But the pain can be easily controlled by consuming medications.
  3. The skin incision is so small that it requires no stiches
  4. The patients may return to home the day after the procedure

Why Do the Patients Undertake UFE from Fibroid Treatment Clinic?

There are multiple reasons for which the patients consider undertaking UFE treatment from the clinic. Some of the reasons are following,

  • Overnight hospital stay and rapid recovery
  • More than 30 years of international treatment experience
  • Alternative to hysterectomy, the removal of tumors affected womb
  • The clinic has excellent track record of successfully treating more than 100000 women

So, these are the reasons for which patients like to visit the clinic for UFE.

For More Details, Visit the Official Site, http://www.fibroids.co.za/

Contact Details
Fibroids Treatment Clinic

Address: Wilderness Road, Claremont, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa
Email Id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone No: + 27214340180
Phone No: + 27 11 484 0135